I look towards the voice and see a holy knight I don't recognise. "Look dude I had the worst camping trip just for it to be interrupted by you guys and now I'm locked up. What do you want from me?"
"I have no time for your nonsense now tell me which sin do you bear."
"Oh is that all, I'm the sin of deceit but I prefer not to use labels.
"A new sin now ain't that something. Now that we know what you are, we need to keep you locked up to lure out the other sins."
"You're just going to tell me your plan?"
"Well yes it's not like you will be escaping anytime soon."
I try to control my needles and bring them to attack the knight in front of me but they were trapped in a steel box.
"Now you will be staying here for a long time so get comfortable." The knight leaves the room, shutting the steel reinforced wooden door with little bars to give me just the tiniest bit of light. and leaving me with a small bowl of water with now soggy bread.
I send out Ino and tell him to bring the food to my mouth. He does so slowly as not to spill anything and pours the water into my mouth, the bread quickly following.
I give Ino the little amount left and they easily eat all the scraps. I sit down to think. 'What could I do to escape this. None of the sins would come to get me seeing as they don't even know I exist and Meliodas would probably just put it off as a trap to capture him which is kinda true so my best option would be for Ino to help release me at night and then find my needles. Sounds like a plan then.'
*4 years later*
My plan went as bad as possible. A bunch of holy knights happened to be passing my sell as Ino broke down the door, I was able to return Ino before any of them saw him but one of them caught a glimpse and now they guard my door every single day not to mention I am now in even tighter restraints with an extra twenty chains for good measure. The only things I can do is talk to Ino, eat and practise with my needles in their compact casing.
I did get another gacha but all I got was the ability to create infinite sprite cranberry out of my hands. It was a waterline source but it didn't help my food problem.
But day by day I've slowly gotten thinner and weaker. And combined with the little food that I split with Ino, no real conversations and the lack of muscle movement I start to drastically lose hope.
The only thing that kept me sane was Ino and the fact that I knew that I could possibly get something from the gacha that could help me.