And it begins

'system spawn a hell ant queen '

[transmuting ant queen with currently available components]

'oh shit that really big' -really big indeed.-

" a large formless nebula merge in the air into a 50 foot tall red and black queen ants with mandibles so hot that light warp around them 6 legs 2 connect to the front 2 the middle 2 the back and 6 tendrils laying on the ANts gaster( the large back part of an ant that little piece in between the stinger and the petiole)large compound black emotionlessly stare at him."

'dam that a rather tall and I never expect it' -well the system is rather overkilled especially with the size degree of things- 'look like the ultimate ant figure it is at least 100 feet' -nope its only 12 feet shorter than that ancient petrified tree it measures in at 62 feet - 'how the hell do you know that'

- I read your memories - 'that a bit personally' -no it's really not the system did the same- 'huh wait I really can't have any privacy' -you expect that moron.- 'alright I get your point hmm what to name this hell ant let just leave it blank for now' "Screech" 'AW my dam ears construct your nest and remain hidden until I call on you' "scree" 'good girl system spawns a male to start her egg production,'


"a smaller nebula appear and merges into a regular black and red hell ant"

'now shall we make our way to the village of Falkirk actually I still don't know my appearance'

[host can use perseverance and match up to its reflective property to that of a mirror]

'... alright' "glint purple glow" 'aah wow I am surprisingly good looking' -you don't remember you up to your charm stupid - 'ok ok stop' "black short hair 1 Green eye with 2 white and 1 black rings 1 close to the dark grayish pupil another ring in the middle between the outer ring and the 1 closest to the pupil this ring is coloured black and his other eye a blood-red crimson with a sigil of the sort within the iris replacing his pupil.

pale skin were a rather impoverish brown medieval style shirt and regular pants" ' seem I'll always be in poverty. ' -PfFff, OF course, you will be in Akame ga kill the world, -

'fair point alright so imma need an eyepatch for my red-eye considering its rather out of place. The system,' -you really can't do it yourself- '... why not use the system it seems to have everything -.. I sadly can't argue with that.- 'system display items'

[... useless fine]

A regular eye patch is just your average eye patch bio lifeform that lives in a symbiotic relationship with the host in trade enhances eyesight and slows down by trading your ratio instead of 1 to 1 it becomes 1 to 3 able to dodge bullets simply.

it feeds off your eye colour discerning aka it messes your sense of colour biomechanical increase your reflexes by a link to your nerves system it completely defies logic and removes limiters it can change colour and pupil shape to anything you want no downsides of note aside from increased reflexes it also improves strength and all and all its effectiveness is only doubled when the host is in danger.

mechanical lense allows for trajectory viewing zoom eye colour change symbol change and any form of CQC is within the Lense due to it being connected to the nervous system it can transmit any form of CQC to the user. ]

'hmm, interesting choices ya I think something that changes the time ratio is op but being able to view the trajectory of an object and learn any type of CQC a bit more op' -why not combine the 2-

'good point let me think because I don't have the agility to use the time changing lense it slow time for you as the viewer so it is not the time for the attacker meaning its problematic unless you have the agility. To match it' -hmm alright 4 option it is rather an op to predict the income trajectory of anything. quite an op thing.' -ya lets go with the 4th option the mechanical lense'

[take material from around the user going 600 feet deep none found expanding search ore found merging materials material merge glass found on Lusniunium ore found 6000 meters underground near the core of the planet lense chips forming lense complete] 'wait you can do that.'

[when certain conditions are met yes and 1 condition was met it because you're useless]

'HEY, HEY HEY' -no the system right you're useless- {so are you ☝︎♋︎💧︎⧫︎♏︎☼︎} -no I am not useless I told him to make it himself - {still useless}- fine I'll stop arguing- {good}

[insert the lens into your red eye] 'alright' "insert lens" 'AW AW AW THIS REALLY Hurts' - it's linking to your nervous system so of course, it hurts - 'NoTeD' -we should probably stop wasting time and get to the village it's already been over 3 hours since we got here just buffing are selves- 'i was planning to go to the village after finishing buffing myself' - WELL LET'S GO we've already waited long enough and the queen ant which still has to be named is probably already producing egg underground since she dug under an hour ago see the tree it's already mutating to satiate her h

unger for solar energy- 'good point system display the Village of Falkirk'

[the village of Falkirk is primarily a mining town it's 1 of the primary source of iron production for the kingdom be it a very small source the other are guarded fiercely by a large number. Of guardsmen, there are some stores primarily you average wheat and general needs stores these structures. are mainly 2storys high the primary housing is a one-story worn down house with very little maintenance obviously. The noble lives in a low-class federal manor with a fairly large basement hence how he stores so many women primarily against their will may I remind you I recommend a host take over and use it as a base to gather minerals for the construction of the Alien from skylines.]

'know what lets trade just the alien from the skyline for the name Vulzoh ya let call the biomechanical race Vulzoh' -good so we renamed a race was that really necessary- 'yes yes it was'

[information change ALien from skylines has been changed to Vulzoh]

'alright let head to the village ' - very well then -