(warning language and Throwing up a bunch of shit.)
"Christopher and a Masked Orge look at a dead-eyed Seryu"
Orge: how do we explain to her she looks like she about to die
Christopher: how The fuck am I supposed to know I'm no good with girls at all especially teenagers
Orge: let just show this dead-eyed Seryu how corrupt the Empire is then.
Christopher: good idea but how do we get from place to place.
Orge: Got another mask.
Chrstopher: Atlas show me a livefeed of Kuro.
Atlas: Affirmative
"the live feed of a restrained Kuro who bites at anything that gets into range."
Orge: that 1 wild dog
"Seryu eye regain a sparkle"
Seryu: Kuro...
Christopher: yes I didn't kill him because I'm gonna revive his real body and soul bind him to his current host.
Seryu: you mean
Christopher: my only objective was to capture you and show you how corrupted the Empire is and who we need to kill and who gets to live. Orge: take off your mask.
Orge: are you sure
Christopher: yes
"Orge proceeds to take off his Mask as Seryu's eye widens at him.
Orge: Aaah happy birthday?
Christopher:PFF HAHAAHAH
"Seryu still processing that her mentor is alive."
Seryu: Ma...ster "tear stream down her face."
Orge: HAHAHA you can thank this man next to me for that.
"Seryu hug Christopher With tears streaming down her face repeating Thank you."
Christopher: I'm not good with women. Help me
Christopher: women are terrifying when they wanna be don't even get me. Start they can go from calm to angry at any moment. "shivers"
Orge: PFFF. Alright let's get back on topic
Christopher: ok Stop hugging me already.
"Seryu slightly blush finally noticing how long she hugged him for."
Christopher: Atlas play a live feed of all the nobles households
Atlas: affirmative.
"a live feed of what all the nobles are doing appears behind him showing them mercilessly torture random screaming innocents. Seryu almost throws up at the sight Orge Shakes his head."
Christopher: the only 1 I have any respect for is Dr. Stylish at least he's using criminals instead of innocents. Even though most of those criminals are probably innocents at least he respects the populous to an extent.
"Seryu can't hold it and start throwing up her entire stomach contents."
Christopher: Atlas teleport Kuro into the building.
Seryu: Stop it Kuro.
Kuro: whimpers "before change into a small dog and walk over to Seryu's side."
Christopher Are you on board with Night Raid's ideal cause I am partly their certain people. Need to die others can be reformed to an extent. The only reason Orge work with me is because I resurrect him. And pay him
"Orge nods."
Seryu: wait Ressurection.
Christopher: how the hell else do you think he's standing right in front of what you think he survived by some miracle.
Seryu: you can bring back anything right
Christopher: if they wish to be brought back yes if not a reaper will take their souls even if they come to life.
Seryu: my parents...
Christopher: if you have their body yes.
Seryu: ... I don't have their bodies.
Christopher: then I can't revive them sorry Speaking of reviving I think it's Time to buff Kuro.
Seryu: buff?.
Christopher: we are heading out of town to resurrect Kuro in his real form.
Seryu: Real form?
Christopher: you remember how the imperial arms are made from S class danger beasts.
Seryu: of course how could I forget.
Christopher: that what I mean by resurrect him.
"Christopher with a slightly sadistic expression laughs freighting Kuro."
Kuro: Wimpers.
Christopher: no need to be afraid. It's just a bit of an UpGrAdE hehehehe.
Seryu: PFFFF hahaha poor Kuro
Orge: dam he can be terrifying
Christopher: yep let's go
"they walk out Both Seryu and Orge have masks and cloaks on."
'Atlas make sure nobody follows us.'
Atlas: yes god-king.
"they get in the carriage and drive out of the city going to an empty area with no humans for kilometres."
Christopher: Alright this should be far enough.
Seryu: Oh so we get to Buff Kuro now.
Orge: I am curious how you plan to revive Kuro in his true body when we don't even know his real name.
Christopher: Who said I couldn't make up a name I only need the body.
Seryu: eeeh
Christopher: Alright let me begin.
"Christopher begins drawing sigils in blood on the ground it from a pentagram with a smaller more complicated magic circle around it he finishes and sets Kuro in the centre Kuro Shivers a little but Seryu. Calms him down Christopher finish drawing the Sigils and Sighs lets see he asks Seryu to let him cut her hand and add her blood to each sigil before adding his own. (imagine overlord tier 10 -12 magic if that exists I don't. Remember.0
Christopher: ko Faal Nomen Do, Se Oblaan Zu'u call Nau Messor.(translation In the Name of Death I call The grim reaper. He only needed to do that as. The grim-reaper can read minds as to pick a form that the soul they guide is comfortable around.)
"all the circles begin to light up with complicated runes appearing in the air as a large amount of life force is drawn from the surroundings as a nebula begin to form the true body of Kuro appear a kitsune with immense size and strength muscle bulging all over as his fur turns a dark Brownish black and his eye turn Pure yellow And he gains a bit of white on his coat his heights. Around the same size as Kurama just way. Thicker cause of all the muscles. no image just image a kitsune mix with Cerberus with only 1 head and tons of muscles. And Dark brownish-black fur."(the rune looks like Skyrim runes alright it's basically a mashup of every single rune-type world that exists.)
Kuro: I'm ALIVE AGAIN AHAHAHHHAHAHAHA But what this odd feeling in my soul.
Christopher: soulbond your. Directly soul bonded to Seryu you probably have kuro memories so you know his feeling towards his master as family correct Felnorokmir
Felnorokmir: so that what you name me Fel for feral Norok for ferocious And mir for loyal. I like it.
Christopher: imma just stick with Kuro that name is way too long.
Seryu: agreed.
Kuro: mmm.
Christopher: ALSO For the LOVE OF GOD SHRINK your AN S CLASS you'll attract unnecessary attention with that size also you can turn into a weapon for Seryu depending on her preferred Hide your aura as well. Dammit, your aura is like a ferocious demon.
"kuro shrinks to the size of a chibi fox and proceeds to sit on Seryu's shoulder."
Christopher: Seryu do you feel the Soulbond with him.
Seryu: yes I do it feel almost like an overprotective brother.
Christopher: PERFECT. That means it worked.
(information dump on his stats here)
[Christopher Tragoediam Blacklight Cultellus Ccxxii
St 24 > 36 ( can fight for 3 days. Or more)
AG 26 > 38(around the ability to avoid beam cannon going at Mach 6.5.)
Mana 2,800/2,800 >1,000/6,870(resurrect 1 of the most terrifying thing alive along with 1 other person with a domain up take a lot of mana.)
Vitality 10,000/10,000(let's be real those argonaut Bones and diamond skin aren't for nothing this is everything to do with lifeforce and constitution.)
STR 14 > 45(strength is linked to vitality 45 is around the amount to lift 2 trucks. Full of weights a lot of weight am I right I'll let you use your imagination for the weight but it's around 800 kilograms.)
[Soul traits Integrity justice Bravery Kindness Perseverance Patience Determination Hate Angry Fear Mercy{locked Persistence Purity Vanity Revolt Despair Honesty generosity duty} {Sacrificaial Traits Insanity Death: partial]
[Active hands of W.D ☝︎♋︎💧︎⧫︎☜︎❒︎ Murderous intent projection Liquid. Manipulator. Solid. Manipulator. Gas. Manipulator. Ressurection. Soulbond. 0/2 Hellfire. Authority. Spatial. Control. Gate of hell code.]
[passive Intuitive cautious Sadistic W.D assistance Argonaut bones Dimond skin. Torture intermediate expert]