Christopher: so you manage to make it this far such a feat is something to be proud of.
"all of the night raid party ...."
Christopher: not much of a talker are we.
"Bulat in his new Armour starts the Charge by rushing without think at Christopher."
"Bulat stop in his tracks almost like he didn't stop. it himself."
Bulat: what the hell is going on.
Christopher: you think I wouldn't have defensive measures when it comes to my own creation their unable to hurt me.
"Akame disappear before rushing at the extreme speed at Christopher. Christopher blocks the sword with Alucard's bladed side before the pentagram light up. Akame stops dead in her tracks with wide eyes at how she can no longer move."
Christopher: Now now a pretty lady shouldn't rush to conclusions should they now.
"akame remains cold as she can't even move her facial muscle anymore. Mine See the threat and fire pumpkin. Only to be sent flying backwards by the power behind it. Tatsumi watches mines Back like the Good beta he is. Lonnie can't even move because of the violent killing intent that radiating from Christopher Lubbock Try to fling a String Spear at Christopher: only for it to be stoped by a skeletal hand Nejenda uses Susanoo trump card, only for Susanoo to get utterly obliterated. Sheele Tryed to attack him but was just ignored as her imperial arms were removed from her care Leone was unable to move due to the killing intent Christopher is sup consciously projecting. Akame is still frozen because of the blood domination Bulat is not fast enough to stop him without his armour. Mine. Useless because Pumpkin overheated because of the shot. she took at Christopher. Lubbock is useless because his strings do not work. Chelsea is completely useless because Christopher has nobody he will notably say he cares about.."
Christopher: so mine Akame Bulat Leone Sheele and Chelsea are useless Lubbock can't arrange his string well enough to use them on me. Susanoo is down for the count. So tell me Najenda.
"Christopher dodge to the left as Tatsumi finally manages to get a hold of a useful Taigu in the form of Mursama after it realized its host is in lethal danger."
Christopher: ...
'lost dimension Pocket realm.'
"Tatsumi me is Suck into a portal and his presents completely disappears Mine Snaps as she feels Tatsumi vanish completely. She Subconsciously begins crying."
Christopher/Chris: So Najenda Shall I restart the sentence since Tatsumi interrupted me Do you think killing a few corrupt nobles and the source in the empire will get rid of it.
"Chris Straight up summon blade before they go flying at Najenda."
Lubbock: NOO!
"his Strings glow as The Trump card of Cross tail activates to Protect Najenda by its host will."
Christopher: now you know why I said A man is strongest when protecting his loved 1s
Alucard: yes indeed he is much stronger I can feel his spirit.
"Len Stright up stabs Lubbock in the back causing him to fall to the ground without even having a chance to fight back,
Len: You try to hurt my friends you think I'll let that slide
Christopher: no you aren't killing him, Len.
Len: hmph.
Christopher: back to the original context do you think you can get rid of all corruption.
Najenda: Even if it's only a little as long as it makes the civilian happy.
Christopher: What weak determination I figured you'd be more enthusiastic than Bulat at defending the Populous no wonder Susanoo was so weak in trump card form.
Najenda: why do you talk as if you know us I've never met you in my life.
Christopher: I've met mine Lubbock Bulat and briefly Leone when I was casually walking Sheele as well I stop her from dying Tatsumi I didn't interact with And Akame. let just say know a bit about her Character and past as well as future...
Alucard: did you have to tell them that much.
Chris: no but it's more fun to be mysterious. Anyhow, I've had my fun.
Chris: Come back that is an order.
"all the Races he sent out return and stop attacking."
Chris: it's done they will vanish and this world will be thrown back in time. Whether you remember or not is up to you.
'Pocket realm open.
"akame is Released from blood domination the armour he Gave to Bulat turns into a symbol on his hand and a similar thing happens to the plague sword. Tatsumi falls out of the wormhole."
Chris: cosmic world.
"space glow beautifully star shine brighter as Christopher. says bluntly with no emotion."
Christopher: Chronos reverse.
"A massive magic sigil appears in the air above everything it glows A dark Electro Teal As a large grey clock appears in the middle surrounded by 4 smaller Clocks. Gear begins to shift as the planets the Very Equator begins to reverse turning backward at a rapid speed. Everything that anybody saw was reverse everything Except Christopher: Reverse going back.
(5 years ago 1 month before cannon.)
Christopher: ... what an annoyance.
Len: pfff
"Christopher: appear back in the instant he took over the boy's body."
[system Host We are back 1 month before Cannon.]
"Christopher hears a growl."
Chris: oh hello big guy wants to become a super beast?.
Tiger: grr?
"Christopher Smiles Before pointing his hand at the tiger before activating."
'annihilation maker Genetic reforge.'
"The Tiger screams in agony As its very bones begin to change It shifts and change as a white fur with black strips form it increases in size to 45 meters in height Red eye glow with loyalty as its very origin shifts into a White Tiger."
Chris: your name shall now be SotQo.
"the tiger submits."
Chris: now let just resummon the flagship in space.
"the universal construct is now conveniently named ThurLein. to appear in space (Thurlein Kings world)
Alucard: So we are back to 1 month before cannon are you going to stop Sheele and Bulat's death.
Chris: no I have no need to do that instead I'm going to get the other half of incursio Bulet will awaken his armour himself Tatsumi will do it when people he cares about are in lethal danger.