"After stealing Akame Murasame and straight-up vanish he appears a few kilometres from them still hearing Akame Pissed off voice he decides to go further just for safety Going further he appear on top of a mountain before he begins Drawing Sigils and symbols far different from the usual"(Women are terrifying especially in anime this is for comedic purposes as all defensive measures are countered or eliminated as such he will be injurable.)
Chris: hopeful she doesn't hold a grudge after this.
"He continues drawing Sigils finishing up a few hours later a massive 1000 metre Sigil Space is on the Mountain He looks Exhausted as Tyrant Gaster and his Sister Appear behind him he bluntly look back at them before returning to the sigils"
Chris: did you need something
Adala/sister: Attention you left me in that cosmos and didn't even bother to say hi.
Chris: I was occupied.
"She jumps on his back hold on like a snake constricting its prey"
Adala: Bro I WANT to help too.
"She knocks on his head gently but firmly."
Chris: ok ok Let me finish my work. (workaholic much)
"She angrily Walks to the edge of the mountain and looks down. Only to be shocked when she See a girl climbing the Mountain with Anger and only anger."
Adala: bro Theirs a cute girl climbing the mountain with anger on her face.
Chris: hmm oh what does she looks like
Adala: Black hair Red Eyes and odd clothing
Chris: Shit "he whispers under his breath."
Chris: How the hell did she find me so quick
(this goes to women's intuition and anime logic they always seem to know where the MC is at all times.)
"Christopher Speed up Drawing the sigil and finishing Placing Murasame and Yatsufusa in the middle before lightly moving out of the sigil and placing his hands on the outside before placing a barrier to slow down Akame."
Adala: Bro she's almost here.
Chris: OK THANK YOU ADALA PLease run.
"Adala Obediently listens and try to run only to be Caught by an angry Akame only to look eye with wide eyes before she looks angrily at Christopher whose Magic circle has just begun Lighting up completely Chris Panickly Look behind him before continuing the Magic it finishes lighting up as the Swords Spin slowly speeding up before going at light speeds as the atom are splitting they are slowly Attracted back towards each other."
"Akame is surprised and drops his sister to the ground before a 30-meter Tyrant appears in front of her blocking her from reaching Christopher well Adala runs behind tyrant and stops before having slight fear in her eyes."
"The Blades are completely done fusing and are spinning at light speed before transforming in a long yet still. One-handed Katana before Christopher Cast resurrects it. The Sword begins to admit a large quantity of a misty black substance that covers the entire environment for a few miles shielding Adala Akame and Tyrant the mist kill everything within the radius before A skull and cloak Begin to form After the skull is completely Formed its eye both Light up bluish-grey before its cloak which is pure black absorbing 100% of the light around it and is tore in Extended Triangle like shapes with Some Tear in the main cloak showing its metallic skeleton. It's 35 meters in height and is fairly skinny due to its being a skeleton the Sickle in the left hand and a Dagger in the right. after it formed it immediately stab its Sickle forwards a spatial tear Appears as it comes out at Christopher before he bluntly dodges with his eye closed before Forcibly Sealing it in Sword form."
Chris: What a pain Liunenrah Reapers are such a pain in the ass they always seem to want to kill everything Now how am I gonna deal with this Crazy Girlfriend of mine.
"Akame is still in shock from the mist that now gone well Adala got Stars in her Eyes well Tyrant looks at it dully. Chris tosses the sword he's holding at Akame before she catches bluntly sensing the drastic CHange in Murasame."
Akame: what happened to my Sword.
Chris: nothing much just upgraded it a bit "he pulls out a cigarette and Lights it before taking an inhale before puffing out."
Chris: so Akame are you ready to switch worlds after all everything is done here.
Akame: what will Happen When we switch World.
Chris: you will gain a split mind and a copy 1 will stay here well your original goes with me as for me there can only be 1 Zeraph at any time as such there can not be any permanent Clones however I will leave a sleeping Race that can be awakened at a time when the worlds very Life is at risk."
Akame: Confusing.
Chris: Nvm you will find out when we shifted.
Adala: ooh oooh can I come Can I come.
Chris: you think I'd ever leave my cute little sister behind your mind going haywire
"he bonks her on the head Firmly."
Adal: Aw aw aw. mmmm BIG MEANIE.
"Chris throws the Cigarette to the ground before stomps' it out before his Face morphs into a mix of irritation and disgust."
Chris: hUh I'm ThE MeAn 1
Adala: Aaah DIO FACE.
Chris: pff it's not a Dio Face it's an irritation face.
Adala: the Hahaha I know that.
Chris: this is a Dio's face
Akame: pfff.
"Christopher face bluntly Change back to a Regular one."
Chris: I will never understand how Dio does that it really hurts the eyes and jaw.
"Christopher goes back to talk to Akame before bluntly appearing in front of her. With a teasing Playful smile."
Chris: why don't we have a little fun
Akame: ...
"Akame Face is blushing Madly Well Adala has a cheeky smile on her face."
Adala: do I get a niece Out of this.
Chris: I don't Know why not Find out.
"he smiles at Akame with a very Lustful glare."
Akame: ha?
"Christopher Licks his lips before vanishing after placing Adala in the Cosmos with sotqo and Tyrant."
(welp he's gotta fuck her sometime before they switch realms you'll figure out when it comes I will be leaving a vote at the end of finishing up 3.)