Finishing 3/4.

"Christopher get up early in the morning and cooks breakfast before they appear back, in reality, walking out they meet up with Najenda Trying to maintain order over the Populous well half of the previous survivors of the Empire capital already left Christopher to look at this before shaking his head."

Chris: so half already left hmm you figure they want to help establish something, after all, becoming Founder give you some bragging rights.

Najenda: Most of them have probably been hotwired to believe they are nothing more than peasants.

Chris: fair enough

Najenda; wheres's Akame?

Chris: probably sleeping she'll be out eventually

Najenda: what are you going to do after the base foundation is constructed?

Chris: vanish without a trace

Najenda: what

Chris: vanish without a trace I will no longer be in this world after the foundation are constructed let's get to work

"Christopher Looks through the Crowd of people seeing some young people who look wishful others who just look dead Gaster Appears Behind him to his left well the remaining Populous look at the skeleton with fear."

Chris: they seem to fear you gaster what you even do.

Gaster: nothing at all I just kinda existed.

Chris: so it's fear of the unknown Anyhow summon as many hands as possible we have an empire to constructed,

"Gaster shakes his head as his eye starts to glow and 2,000 Hands Appear before Going out randomly and doing things."


"The Crowds look in awe at his Present and voice they all only think of him as a king above kings something perfect to perfect they all have the innate urge to bow to him Christopher just look at this with uncaring eyes as it's 1 of his Passives he can't control it completely."


"the populous listen almost like puppets they go about and do everything Christopher said as he just pulls up the structures tabs and starts organizing a palace location as he places multiple barracks after doing so they start to act almost like an automatic machine the doorway glows and it releases a regular footman almost regular Footman but their much more like knights 7 feet tall in full plate armour with glowing blue eyes and an aura like that of a general. this footman is followed by a legion of 60 men in plate armour with a sword housing an arcane mark."

Chris: you will be protecting the populous from Danger Beast very large beast. of any shape.

legion captain: UNDERSTOOD

"the soldier Dart off to do their objective. well, Akame finally comes out of the separate dimension within Christophers' chest before walk behind him and wrap her arms around his shoulder."

Akame: morning ...Yawn...

Chris: good morning.

Akame: what going on?

Chris: just finishing up construction of the new Empire before Switching universes.


Chris: you seem worried

Akame: Just the fact I'm leaving behind my dear little sister.

Chris: do you want to merge the entire world into thurlein or something cause that is a possibility thurlein has the unique property of being seen as a galaxy because of its overwhelming size.

"Akame is clearly shocked by this statement. before she goes into deep thought of adding her planet to thurlein Galactic fields. or not adding it and allowing it to remain separate."

Chris: it doesn't affect the development of the race on the planet. Since thurlein just holds it in a galactic field or Chris can add it to the cosmos within his torso.

"Again she looks at Christopher in awe knowing how capable her lover is she hugs him tightly before letting him go and returning to his side gaster already getting exhausted so Christopher gives him a break Alucard just kinda sleeping after placing Esdeath within his wife pocket."

(yes he has a literal pocket dimension called wife pocket very fitting for pride. this is why I don't directly tell you their ability to allow a lot of variety)

Chris: alright that done "he pulls out a cigarette and light it"

Chris: Time to move a planet into thurlein. Activate Glactic placement thurlein.

Thurlein: Understood

"The sun turns black much like a breakdown phenomenon before a massive ray cover the entire planet before it just disappears like that as everybody panic nothin happened that it just seems like a dream to them they go back to whatever they're doing not knowing they've been placed into a ship where they're within an artificial created Solar system."

Chris: it's done time to Modify races and get rid of some useless 1s

"Christopher Terraforms an area into a peaceful waterfall with a rock in the centre of a pool in front of the waterfall Christopher Sits Down on the rock and opens the system sub-tab racial modifier."

(info dump starts here)

[System tab racial modifier]


[solar Ant]

[Acid Ant]


[ishlanvious ]








"he clicks on the Tyranids as they are his most powerful race right now"

[Tyranid the great devourers this race specializes in swarming and is extremely compatible with Zerg Ishlanvious acid Ant are very compatible with each other as they are. A Hive minded race the Tyranid should be used as a base unit if you choose to merge them if not you might lose useful ability from all races { merge yes/no} ]

'hmm merge

[Activated merging these races giving an editable 3D depiction as all Ships within the special sphere are currently being placed into the evolution."

[Hive ship]

[base forms]

[Advanced forms]

[mega forms]

'hmm, mega form?'

[Mega forms are forms of immense size that can completely dominate the battlefield with an iron fist only should be used on extreme offence these forms will be editable on the field allow for weapon switches much like eldritch from but these weapons are biologically more useful because the laws can actually be used with them.]

'ooh, so a titan of the sort that likes an ultimate unit or general.'

'hmm hive ship'

[hive ship the main ship of a fleet and house of the Overseers these creatures are capable of twisting genetics and flesh with EZ and are responsible for creating new forms and strategy for tactics and are only a tendril of the main hive mind these ships are extremely large around 500 astrometers in size 3 gas giants smaller then Thurlein but still very large they use drop pods for assault and tactical Stealth ships for world scanning recommend giving it an infinite source of biomass.]

(what I mean by law can be used is with his eldritch ability law will not apply unless he write the attack to have these laws so imagine having to repeatedly write something over and over again and it always erases itself after it's used annoying right?.)

'hmm alright I think I get base forms and advanced forms'

[understood would you like to name this new race?]


[are you sure you like to use this name]

'yes, I will name them after something that has no defined race of now.'

[understood Ultimate hivemind named Nasgale]

'now for the remaining races'







'open Wolfmen '

[wolfmen are compatible with humans and teno if humans are used as a base you might lose some of the ability pertaining to the other two for instant humans can only use almost 10% of their brain capacity unless pushed to the limit Teno 50% wolfmen 5% so humans are the most adaptable but also have to deal with fewer intelligent beings then the teno wolfmen would be very Tribal in nature much like the regular I personally stick with humans and edit them so that they are at least as intelligent as elves which are 36%. but if you unlock it completely they will likely Die because of the human weak psyche. if any more is unlocked.]

'hmm, so I will lose ability because the compatibility is only 40% for all of them combining humans and wolfmen just give me regular base animal demihuman races. and combining teno and human just creates a high human.'

'well then I only have a few Options so I suppose mixing them all and editing them to my liking might be a possibility but first Replicate original humans they're very useful for future races'

[understood human replicated merging Teno human and wolfmen. merge completely giving an editable base.

[Human body regular components editable]

'changes the base genetic to include a mutation trait for teno traits well regular will maintain the traits of wolfmen with human traits'

[teno trait is a possible mutation exchanged human will gain different beast part based on parents traits completely Randomized for base spawning any animal races has been added be it mythical or not humans are now recognized as a special class single mind demihuman. they house all the sin traits of regular humans well also having an unstable perception of Empathy allowing for easily twisted empathy.]

'hmm well, let's edit it again.'

[edited the eyes of the human are now capable of awakening to emotion eyes this trait will be an unknown factor of their race and will be extremely rare to awaken those who do awaken it will have the innate ability to manipulate emotions as to make them uncomfortable with telling it to everybody.]

'there we go I'm finished editing them'

[would you like to name this race?]

'temped to just name it Wukongs disciples but Nah I'll have to think of something'

'hmm, what about Aberrant Kendaar (Aberrant Knight. )

[new sub-human race has been Named Aberrant Knight.]

"he leaves his mental space only to find an Akame staring at him standing in front of him curiously his eye widen before returning to normal as he stands up he looks at Akame."

Chris: yes Akame?

Akame: What ya doing?

Chris: thinking.


Chris: that all.

Akame: but you terraformed an entire area for this.

Chris: still just thinking.

"he kisses her before thinking about what world to go to."