Dominating the planet.

"after the gateway where established Conquests army of monsters exited. his gate as plague beasts left pestilence war and death didn't send an army only 5 generals from each the conquests monsters are humanoid to some degree 4 legged 2 armed 1 tailed humanoid they all wield weapons ranging from a sword to chains."

"they are extremely skilled in the use of these weapons. The generals have 6 legs 4 arms and 2 tails instead of 1 their skin is pale for all of them their eyes black with red veins going towards the uvea and a yellow pupil. The general has 4 weapons of either the same type 2 types or 4 different types. As a massive Maw is present on their torso."

"pestilence sent 4 legions of 1,000 2 of this legion are plague mages well the other 2 are plague soldier the soldier have an aura of decay constantly around them not attacking them but just existing well the mages plague spells are not affecting the physical or mental. The general mix into both legions is warrior mages they are in a dark green full plate mail armour with 1 long sword of 150 centimetres of a blade and a handle undecorated with a regular guard well the other hand has a floating skull in it."

"war 5 generals all in similar attire to a barbarian chief 1 has an axe and sword with a long red beard and a braided ponytail his skin is healthy-looking and he looks like he can explode half a province with a single fist. his axe is a double-bladed battle axe that looks like a two-handed weapon. Well, his sword is a regular-looking sword only difference is all 4 sides of the blade are sharpened it comes in at the same size as the plate general's blade the handle is decorated in animal furs. Well, the second 1 had a similar appearance to the first but he's bald and has a long beard and wields a large wooden club he's pure muscle with regular barbarian armour. The 3rd general's only notable difference is a single two-handed 600-centimetre sword and blonde hair and a mustache. The other two are completely covered in plate and wield a massive mace and Warhammer,"

"Deaths general all look the same mist-like appearance a skull with flaming eyes and a scythe in their hands the only notable 1 is 2 whose scythe has pentagrams and cracks going through the blade not weakening it at all it seem to be used to absorb blood or something else."

"after appearing they're immediately given the order tey head towards the courtyard after reaching it their apply into difference legions as squad type they follow the commander of the legion the generals are placed as legion commander and other may of the robot has to increase including some of the X lower x rank units some scorpion types with stealth are in the group and some extremely heavy assault bots equipped with area shielding a laser core and tons of kinetic and energy base weapons they also possess a tesla overdrive field that overdrives the group of the unit around them. 1 of the air legion possesses a Nebula. An extinction class battleship. it hovers in the air under aircraft level but above land, it holds a massive tesla shield for its top half well it possesses an anti kinetic shield for its lower class. the top of the crafty hold lots laser mainly medium to heavy and 30 by 30 missile rack of heavy annihilation missiles.

Chris: Alright you have all been called or produced you know your purposes NOW CHARGE KILL EVERYTHING THAT RESISTS!

"all the units start moving out separating into legions some head towards the naval area to be transported to Europe Africa and other separated areas 2 of the now 300 legions start moving in separate directions leaving the dominated land of Shinjuku>Cyberarva After leaving Cyberarva they start to attack anything that resists the medium and high-class x units remain within Cyberarva. to act as guards as the council organized their own military development regiments not going unnoticed by thurlein he decides to watch it with a drone which has gone invisible since he can't be letting them know he's watching or they'll feel Pressured and might make even worse decisions."

Thurlein: so you've all agreed to match separate military it reminds me of the imperium but whatever.

"thurlein allows them to do this but establish a rule to prevent pointless confrontations in the future as they will be leaving eventually. so it sighs before allowing them to prepare to create 2 separate A. I link simply to the humans or Vampires. before attaching them to the vampire and Humans"

"After leaving Cyberarva they spread out even further and start attacking anything that resists. Attack vampire blood bags production source and even the capitals and underground fortresses the humans try to resist only to be crushed by the nigh endless robots."

"the innocents are so terrified they show no resistance and are spared before being transferred to the outposts that are build-up for easier expansion after being transferred their test for any sort of diseases. Before continuing along until they reach 1 of the main city randomly scatter about. after landing they have taught culture well the children everything from basic math to advanced engineering this last 12 years before stopping those who left were able to think far more clearly about their situation and how dumb they really where to think the vampire care about them after all these worlds are not base of fictional god but simple physical rules like gravity and many more principals. God does not exist for they are an imagination given form"

"the robotic army continues unhindered invading and completely controlling Japan by the end of the week in Europe the armies are meet some resistance that can't be crushed too easily as it is very well rooted there ask for some heavy assistance result in 1 of the leviathans being activated and sent to crush the resistance."

"The moment it enters the scene the resistance is almost instantly crushed it fires its flamethrowers and rockets destroy the resistance-owned city almost completely Leading to heavy losses for both humans and vampires the resistance was completely broken after that and the leviathan pulled back as the army no longer required assistance."