Domain of the Hiragi.

"Driving alone on the street on their way towards the Hiragi House they are attacked by some squads but these Squads are destroyed by Yu by breaking their swords before they get attacked again by ranged Shots getting blocked by Yu again."

Yu: So easy.

"they are surrounded Yu just stare at this debating whether to kill them all or not. within his mental space Asura just stares at this openly. Yu doesn't identify himself as an idiot instead he just stand and block everything well waiting for the colonel."

Shinoa: that not quite how he wants to enter.

"the Colonel get out of the car and try to explain only for Ferid to stop him by screaming the Vampires have come to attack."

I didn't think we are returning to Shibuya with 3 vampires.

Mika:... This doesn't look welcoming

Mika: was it good to come here.

Mitsuba: Being an Enemy to the Hiragi house is not good either.

Yoichi: by the way last time they called us they tortured me and Kimizuki.

"they continue Walking"

Mika: the Hiragi house what is that.

Shinoa: Explaining it would take a long time

Mika: I'm not interested so don't I'd like to say but I can't do it Yu

Yu: Yes

Mika: What is the Hiragi house.

Yu: in simple terms a demon's Plaything they have 1 of the strongest demons alive however it controls them instead of them controlling it I still have no idea how the First Died.

Mika: so it's a slave house.

Yu: pretty much and even they themself don't know it.

Shinoa: hey I'm not a slave to my demon.

yu: your ice cold like a heart of ice surrounded by walls devoid of all Colour. Also, cause you are Cute so the Demon spared you.

"Shinoa Shut up instantly and blush Yu look at her and straight-up terrifies the manifestation within her soul before sending a fragment of 3rd mind into her body after patting her head then he reverts back to a stern expression."

Shinoa: Mitsu hears comes your sister.

"Aoi stands at the doorway Mitsu has sweet dripping down her face."

yu: what are you worried about.

Mitsuba>Mitsu: I'm Fine.

Aoi: Mitsuba I see you're alive.

Mitsu: Ah sister

Aoi: there is no place for traitors here so how is it you're not dead.

Aoi: Have you no shame.

Mitsu: ..Ah

Yu: What are you doing?

Mitsu: Yu it's okay don't interfere,

Aoi: I don't want a traitorous sister,

Yu: Mitsuba's not a traitor you're the ones who tried to kill us.

And What you were the ones who betrayed us Because of the Hiragi house the Sangu House will give life we will sacrifice our lives for the cause.

Aoi: isn't that right Mitsuba.

Mitsu: that's right.

Yu: ya know this cause of your is because you want power, not some other race human always want power and that it the curse of power is present always when it comes to humans.

Aoi: what do you mean?

yu: you're a lap dog you have no right to know.

Aoi: excuse me.

"Aoi ignores yu."

Aoi: after disobeying the order you killed your companions and escaped the cause and survived are you worthy enough to live.

Yu: Of course you kidding me.

Aoi: Shut your mouth strang-

"Aoi pick up by the neck openly as yu eye turn grey."

Litphen: anybody move she dies.

"all the guards cease up."

Litphen: what do you know about the Taboo or even the Seraph you've probably slept with your commanding officer by now since he made the first move you are even more submissive than Esdeath after Alucard.

"Aoi can't breath and can only listen none of them can even move yu's body"

Litphen: you knew nothing outside your rules you are a terrible person who doesn't even care about her sister in the slightest why because you've been brainwashed into a loyal Lapdog who has few to no Family Connections. And the ones you do have you take advantage of or discard you are not human you are merely a monster wearing human skin.

"Aoi again can't speak but want to refuse him."

Litphen: the strongest thing a human can have is family it makes your desire to protect and survive stronger ultimately making your combat prowess stronger but no you refuse to show even empathy because you're afraid of possession.

yu: all of you are but I will tell you your fear is ultimately making the Demon stronger as it is an emotion a response you should never have to fear them just had the desire to control them in turn humans weaken themself by thinking like this.

"Yu toss Aoi like trash into a group of guards before continuing walking into the Hiragi house.

guren: what are you guys doing...

Guren: you sent Aoi flying.

Litphen: she was annoying and stupid let's go.

"Mitsu is quite depressed and the rest of the group is shocked by Yu Statement unaware Yu is now possessed by Litphen until further notice. Mika noticed the change but decided to leave it along with Yu now bashing on the glass again well Litphen projecting what he's doing on a screen in the subconscious."

Shinoa: the Hiiragi they've been like this for hundreds of years.

Mika: Are you familiar with them.

Shinoa: I was born into the Hiragi house.

Litphen: was born into that the keyword you now have yet to gain a new last name.

"Shinoa look at Yu confused as to what he means well Mika is slightly annoyed."

Litphen: Mika stops complaining and is happy I didn't devour him his seraph and Demon.

"Litphen whispers into Mika's ears causing Mika's eye to widen and him to gnash his teeth He stops but looks at Litphen only to be responded with an error Smile."

Mika: But I think it's better to know more about you.

Mika: Vampires Also say the imperial demon armies the worst of the organizations of humanity.

Shinoa: the Hiragi's also Control that organization.

Random Guard: Kureto is waiting for you behind this gate for the Experiments.

Random Guard: only these people can pass Guren Ichinose Shinya hiragi.

And Shinoa Hiragi.

Litphen: aye wait Shinoa come here for a moment.

"Shinoa look at Yu confused and comes towards him only to be kissed on the forehead as Litphen Transfers more of himself to her to fight against the first. Before backing up from a surprised Shinoa."

Litphen: your skin tastes nice to wonder how your lips taste. "Litphen/yu Lips his lips before sticking his tongue out."

"Shinoa is red tomato Red and if possible you'd think she was steaming up when she not."