
"The group descends into the depth through the elevator to the dismay of Bondrewd as he wanted to study it after disappearing to the next level they immediately go on guard taking their weapons out before vanishing and heading to the biosphere."

"Reaching it they go in and let out a sigh of relief. Before turning their attention to the parasite water having been Near annihilated but still resisting. Obliteration"

Adala: The Pseudo water is rather annoying it adapts quite Quickly only being unable to adapt to void last I checked.

Taichi: hmm never thought of using air units that Launch Blobs of Nano parasites.

Adala: not really I figured it wouldn't work considering Pseudo water can adapt to the situation. Quickly.

Ako: I say we just smash them to smithereens.

Chihiro: it's a Liquid how do you smash something that flows, to begin with.

Ako: Void hammer.

Kota: Meh I'll go kill everything else after all Microorganisms are quite difficult to kill even for me.

Taichi: So now that we've met up has anybody been in contact with the Nasgale since they landed.

Kota: I've seen a few of their lifeform but nothing too threatening I'm sure they've completely engulfed everything on the layer particularly taking a liking to the sea of corpses.

Chihiro: so nobody has been keeping contact with the hive mind.

Taichi: I did a little for a time before it disconnects itself says a major threat has appeared.

"The Sky is hollow with a blue hue as creatures of unimaginable adaptation are fighting against massive creature on the 7th layer being the gate keeper the hive mind ship has started to reconnect its psychic. Appearance having adapted to the odd Field of the abyss and its phenomenon and mental static."

NHM: hmm this field took longer than I expect to adapt to I figured absolute power wouldn't be how I adapt but it appears the stronger you are the weaker this field is.

"it talks to itself in the center of the ship being a slim inhumane creature with tendrils and claw-like hands being everywhere as this creature connect to a massive heart as the Brain of the swarm it is 1 of the most important thing within the hive."

NHM: Quite the field though I didn't expect gills to work the best it seems that the supposed live blood of the abyss is a gas with liquid-like properties quite the interesting thing...

"it has organic Creature in front of it which has been adapted to the properties of the abyss noticing some interesting Parasite on the 6th layer it sent a vacuum squad gathering an entire pond before disgusting them absorbing their water like properties."

NHM: hmm that quite the genetic code their possibly the most evolved lifeform their being able to evolve into such an annoying thing.

"The Parasite was dissected torn apart and devoured before being forced to reproduce everything possible was done to them their genetic absorbed and detailed. Before being incurred into the hivemind database before editing the creature on the surface to produce a gate so it's easier to send the creature down without being noticeable."

NHM: ... It seems the other need some assistance with those parasites considering how annoying they are.

NHM: Send a messenger to relink the communication to his children

"a Creature looking much like a Zergling only having mantis-like legs and a scorpion-like tail and fleshy tendrils, as well as some swarm missile and the size of a lion, just bow its head before running off to somewhere."

NHM: hmm Time to experiment even more on the genetic material see if I can make a more weaponized version of it

"he Studies the Genetic compatibility with each other before formulating a Termite design negating the weakness of the light he makes a terminate looking parasite only it can dig into steel and much more as its jaw rotates like an octopus beak. to pierce the skin before it sucks the victim into a state of agony user their own flesh and blood as a prison to send them into a paralyzed form before a larger lifeform finish them off with their sharp claws and jaws"

NHM: hmm that will be due for now considering the delivery often go in small groups 4 of these should be enough. I seem I'll be getting more code.

"The Creature opens its mouth full of razor teeth as its tongue lips each of the sharpened teeth without injuring itself. Before ceasing this rather perverse activity and thinking about its actions and become disgusted with itself for enjoying something undetermined."

NHM: To think I'd be influenced this much by it is really something else.

"it continues its work expressionlessly forming multiple genetic creatures before upgrade previous to be adapted to the current world having finished most of its work it rests in an organic seat within the heart thurlein floating silently beside it not being currently active."

NHM: hmm to think that it wouldn't have activated for anything other than sending things through the teleporter it is quite confusing but his majesty must have a plan for why it's like that.

"after deciding it sends the new counter lifeform to the surface of the world of the abyss The creature warp to the surface and immediately begin establishing themselves killing any and everything that mak its' presence known brutally and ferociously.

NHM: hmm it seems the robot has taken note of the disturbance and we will be fighting each other Well that common places after all they've already started,

"the Robots on the surface engage the Nasgale uncaring of their relationship as servants after all 2 opposing race will fight either way the clones of each child know this and allow it. before transmitting their information to the lower floor where their true body is."

Ako: it seems it has started.

"In order each child agree Ako first Taichi Second Chihiro 3rd and Adala 4th being on the lowest level."

"The Values seem to have collapsed due to the availability of water being rejuvenating water Value Shifts as the village would've changed either way due to this the Puddles of Pseudo water start becoming more ferocious and aggressive the machine require multiple to suppress them having adapted."