Grabbing another 1

Christoper and Ako fly towards the next location the closest being Taichi. Dropping Christopher tells Ako to wait here as he drops through the plantation glass. Shattering it as loud breaking notices are Heard moving towards the Plantation a black veil covers his face his wings folded behind him as he moves towards Taichi.

Taichi has no Issues blending in getting due to the lack of common sense and basic information that the kids lack he fit in just right. Hearing the glass shattering he gets up quickly ready to defend himself he walks out the front door full alert sees a veiled and cloak individual walking towards him he goes on guard the individual sops before the cameras and Voice Monitors Shatter as well as anything else that can view him. Christopher veil disappears as Taichi Looks at his face letting his guard down immediately. "Huh Old man?" Christopher eye Twitchs at this. "old man really that the best you can come up with I'm disappointed." Taichi laughs before walking towards him the rest of his group members finally coming out half awake. "Anyhow Taichi we kinda gotta go Destroying all the Cameras and voice monitors they have can cause some problems" Taichi Nods before his Actually clothing appears out of nowhere the tentacles emerging under it before wrapping around his Limbs to strengthen them more come out his back forming wings. "well let's go Old man." " I'M NOT OLD YOU BRAT." "YOU'RE A COUPLE OF EXISTENCES OLD." "OH I'M SO GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS." the Due takes off leaving confused members before the guards come in and see the glass pane fix themself at a rate visible to the naked eye they look out seeing small outlines of 3 people.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE TAICHI." "NO!" Taichi keeps running well flying in the air before Christopher gets annoyed and Speeds up catching him he grabs him by the back of the Collar. smiling Taichi shivers knowing he's about to be thrown across an entire planet again and again. before Christopher just lets him go and sighs. "this planet is too weak for me to throw you across it or into it your thick skull will make you like a seismic Missile. "HEY, I DON'T HAVE A THICK SKULL, OLD MAN." "And I don't give a fuck I will say about you what I want to your Still a Kid by mine nad Alucards Standards speaking of him here he comes. Ako Looks off in the distance seeing gleaming red eyes heading there Way Christopher just faces Alucard. "Ya know you need to stop turning into a bat!" Christopher yells at him Alucard changes back to human form before vanishing into a swarm of crows and appears to join the group the Plantation Guns having activated to shoot at them failing miserably not even managing to Scratch Christopher Aura "these guns are getting annoying."

///Tansition to battle mode short battle.///

"Christopher looks at the guns his T.G.S appearing on his right arm glowing the Lost dimension Activates before appearing in front of the fire hitting the shield sucking it up it opens behind Christopher."

Christopher: Die.

"the bullets and shells fly back at the plantation with twice the forces blowing the guns up instantly Christopher looks at this expressionlessly before the lost dimension close making its existence known to Ape."

"The Guns gradually start to blow up not having sensors for when the barrel is blocked they blow up 1 out of time creating Lord booms through the plantation 1 side of the plantation charred and fractured. waking up the Mayer."

Christopher: don't even try me.

///Battle mode off/// (that what it looks like however will only be used for Large scale fight like Armada vs armada or large army vs large army.)

Christopher turns around before calling the group to move they all fly off leaving a Crippled Plantation and a Pissed-off Mayor. "[WHAT THE HELL GOING ON GENERAL.]" "I'm sorry an unknown enemy hit the plantation and took 1 of the children. before disappearing." "[HOW THE HELL DID HE GET PAST THE DEFENSE TO GRAB THE KID, YOU IDIOT.]" "I do not know sir this will not happen again." "[ IT BETTER NOT.]" The mayor Cuts out before the silent cursing of the general can be heard."fucking Scum I protect this Plantation and he treats me like garbage my fuck I will never like that Crippled bastard." "Sir" "what is it now" The soldier on the console looks nervously at the general "multiple Mohorovičić-class Kalaxosaur" the general put a hand on his face look like he's about to explode." "send in the Franxx"The soldier looks surprised. "but they just lost a member." I'll DO IT MYSELF THEN FUCKING HELL." The general Walks towards the hanger his mech being hidden from the eye before he finds his pistil. "hello Long time no see." The Researcher laughs. "and what would the general want with little old me." "I require you to be a Pistil." She smiles at him "again are the Children that bad." the general switch from easy-going to strict. "they just lost a member due to an unknown Variable." Angela SMile freeze-shattering like ice under an ice pick. "let's go, General."

The duo walks towards the hanger not being stopped by anybody. Entering it a hidden switch is pushed before a large Franxx very different from a regular Comes out the Skintight suits on both being present they enter it, it activates. before they Fly out to deal with the Mohorovičić-class.

"[Let's go then]" they Go flying at the Mohorovičić-class All of a sudden Greenery Raises from the ground before Impaling the Kalaxosaurs and extracting their Core the Franxx locks in on its source 2 glazed eyes looking at them activating night vision they see a very tall individual standing in at 22 feet tall very well built having horns on his head wings on his back and a floating object above his head Black hair wearing a Trench coat with a hood over his body before noticing the others Taichi and Ako. the being smile not being visible but their to them the White Teeth grinning at them before the cores Rise out of the ground the Kalaxosaur that Christopher got before emerging from the cosmos before absorbing the cores into its body. Increasing in size it became even larger having grown 2 more heads growling or supposedly. thew Franxxx Pick them up before they up and vanish