the Plantations lose contact with plantation 17 as it is devoured by the earth its precious minerals are redistributed as the planet try to heal itself unlike the last 1 Christopher unaware of this being Within thurlein with his wife Akame. Getting His hang Crushed all to hell with no actually Care. The birthing of the firstborn Causing a Stir in existence. On the surface yet again Tiachi Continues ordering the Elf's.
producing hefty Numbers of them as they rush to the battlefield using carriers supported by 1 heavy Exo suit Hitting the Frontline as they attack a now Alert Plantation The Cannons on it Firing off the shots Dealing heavy damage to the lines.
Leaving lines hit before the large explosive balls hitting the entrenchment and exploding casting heavy Casualties in the sprinting infantry the Exo managing to block some of the explosions other failing and exploding themselves.
walking steadily forward. "[start on the construction of artillery to assist with the cannons.]" "understood" The engineer pull back instead of placing sentry focusing on the artillery 4 per artillery they start to go up.
Before firing on the plantation causing Damage to the structure "[UNDERSIEGE, UNDER SIEGE!]" The plantation Radios out to the others for assistance finally getting assistance from 15 after countering the Kalxosaur assault.
They head towards Plantation 18 moving along the plantation line nothing stopping it really It manages to get halfway without resistance before meeting resistances from the far more organized Kalaxosaurs attacking in waves Now forming up. 1 of the Kalxosaur's mouths open before a massive beam charges firing it off the plantation is heavily damaged but after releasing the Franxx manages to kill them for the most part most being Conrad Class.
The plantation successfully reaches the plantation they see a mech or a massive mechanical construct firing PLasma lines At the units. "what the hell" "[Unidentified, Unidentified Kalxosaur]" [Make a new branch these aren't Kalaxosaur's to Humanoid and those mechanical Constructs are definitely too powerful to be a Kalaxosaur they would've beaten us if they where They specifically target plantation and that entrenchment, not a Kalosaur.]" plantation defending the siege case everything stops suddenly Thurlein Activates Completely and a Shield forms around it the circuit lights up as the stealth is disengaged [Zeraphims Kin Detected Adding Thurlein database.]
A sudden Explosion occurs through all of the Existences From an undetermined host fly out in every direction. Christopher Smiles takes the boy and slaps him on the back gently he Coughs Out some liquid before crying.
Christopher places it Against his chest the baby Crying stopping slightly before he Looks at Akame. He smiles "wh-what will you name him Christopher." She Looks Exhausted before Christopher Snaps his Fingers
Akame clean up before she gets sent to a bedroom. To rest, He looks at his son Having a mix of Ruby and grey eyes tiny Bumps on his bald head having naturally perfect Baby skin his Mutation not manifesting Right now as he is too young
The aura Radiating off him Scream princes as he unconsciously requires attention. "why hello" Cristopher says with a gentle yet low voice His Son Staring at him blankly. Christopher's Eye shifts Colour as if a Rainbow the little boy Giggles Before Christopher vanishes appearing in the room with a sleeping Akame before placing the Boy down in a cradle he Reaches his Little hand out Christopher responds by letting him Grab his finger
. The Boy Smiles Before Star Twinkle above him Christopher Vanishing appearing on the throne of Thurlein his Face returning from fatherly to A cold Icy demeanour lookout he Speaks. "pull up an image of the world I would like to see what happened." The Image of the world shows Trenchs with elves within them with heavy assault walk being
4 legged and heavily Armoured having 2 Tail-like extensions on its back with Plasma cannons on its sides heavy Kinetic weapons and the bottom of its Stomach having a beam cannon. The Oval like creature robotic eyes gleaming red before locking onto the target the Legs attached to the lower half of its Oval Shaped body the Plasma firing off and hitting attack forces
well the kinetics focus on fortification the beam cannon not activating the hexagonally Shield Unmistakable for 1 of the robotics having combat-oriented Engineers supporting it holding a fab weapon on top of the duel Kinetic Cannons turret the sides of its tread having a burst laser attacking anything that pops their head out.
Christopher Appears back in the room taking the baby out before it burst out Crying having pissed himself Christopher give it to gentle robotic hands they Change the Baby before handing it back to Christopher as he bounces it up and down on his leg the Baby giggling the people manning the Command centre smiling at this father before Returning to duty Christopher watches the battle smiling.
"it seems I can leave this to them Very well I'll take care of him until Akame can name him with me." having cut off it's hearing as to not hear anything but white Noise the baby still bouncing up and down giggling. After 2 hours he passes out in Christopher's hands he takes the baby Again to the room before putting him in the crib Covering him with a blanket he personally Made he leaves Teleporting to the command room.
"[Start Production on Nuclear -]" A voice cut him off. "[cut that the planet doesn't need any more problems when it's recovering]" Taichi Realises this Flawed idea so he requests goliath production being massive Humans Muscled with a huge hammer the massive ark Crystals Technological components Starting to spin madly around it before forming a massive Spawn gate the Blackhole like gate Opening over top of a Specialized teleportation Particles rise up in the air speeding up before a small expulsion Of dust appears before fracturing and vanishing the massive goliath appearing Out matching the 6 meters around 12 meters tall mechanic machine By 3.5 being a goliath it Walks out Silently out its pointed ears and red eye-stopping as armour Is placed on it the helmet Showing its orders and the path to take to reach them It being fairly primitive just follows them having an innate loyalty to them and perceiving them as normal