Christopher looks at the Order coming in fairly quickly "I might Get overwhelmed even with the golems working this fast I should max it." He codes in binary Upgrading the Speed at which production takes place to as fast as their Mechanical Bodies can take. Hamming away at more weapons. at a pace that still gives out high quality,
"done now to make more assistants to up the rate of golem production I might also need to start a Familia sooner than I thought I would have thought." He sighs to himself holding the Papers of Customized Golems Being quite a few Low numbers of Tesla though "hmm seems something they can understand is more popular than something broken welp Let's Get this done."
entering the golem Production facility he pulls up a Default model before shifting it into a Factory type unit a swarm style Golem an ant queen model appearing in front of him The large Golem having aye built-in ark factory the unit requiring Reasoruce or mind to construct Puppet golems the weapons Equipped on it being Simple Compound Crossbow These 2 Limbs extending off it Mesonotum the Tendril Shifting in the air as they wave around.
lightly Editing the legs of the creature to have an extraction input on the bottom of its leg this digging into the ground becoming stationary but producing swarms at a much higher rate adding a device on the Abdomen hidden under a seal that allows customizing the production Methods as if they pay for said blueprints being smaller Ant types Mainly being defensive Offensive and Economic.
Editing a few more things and reinforcing the ant Before attaching serrated Blade Components to the outside of its Limb The serrated blades start to rotated Speeding up until a lethal level toggling the system of the Rotating blade ceasing the blade Shift Opening up as a Dull metallic covering Spreads over all the blade before they merge back with the Leg. Finishing the Base Outline he Looks at all the Stuff Noting it works fine before Inputting a fairly Large ark crystal he made into the spatial holding The outline Activating before moving "well the ark crystal Should be large enough."
A Simulation plays out on how it will work within the dungeon it's Size matches up well with the lower floors. it stops moving the blade Coming out to protect its limbs a Golbin Running at the blade think it's a spinny thing Before Its Weapon Shatters the crossbow Shifting before Firing off a bolt Splitting the goblins Ghead into 5 pieces they fall apart held together by Strings of Flesh.
Puffing into Smoke before vanishing the crossbow shifted itself to fire at other targets before Sucking up a blueish Liquid into it the Liquid Shifts into through Tubes before it constructs 3 Ant Golems when they finish they take off immediately Rushing towards the target their razor Teeth cut through the flesh like paper as the adventure continue guarding the primary System.
being the Ant queen model. "looks fine though very few Offensive Weapons" he Sends the Swarm style through the data banks The Machine shifting to match its design the parts beginning to be formed before being sent through the Production Line assembling them.
The head is attached last to the body before the Ark crystal is Inserted a Massive voltage output Zapping the ground scorching it like before the Ark crystal sealed in its compartment as the eyes Turn on scanning through the surroundings the binary code forming a terrain around it before changing into the regular ground.
"well Let's Transfer this to the Familia that requested it." is a fairly large Familia Who likes to Clear dungeons a lot much like Loki's "I have to make 1 myself." Leaving the workshop he walks outside the garage opening as a Large carrier Transport pulls out Having the Golem in the Bay chained down.
The vehicle Shifts before Christopher get in shutting the door he drives off slowly Moving towards the city Before Driving into it Getting looks from all sides He reaches the agreed location.
"Why hello, I got the Golem you ask for." The Man Nods The Back bay opening In the truck A large Insect leg steps onto the ground It Collapses In the ground beneath it slight leaving Triangular in the ground as it walks the rest of its 6 legs move out its huge body Finally being Seen.
"payment" Chris Reaches Out his hand with a give me Expression the Man At the front Passes over the money Chris Rolls Up the window The Golem moves out of the way as he turns it around and drives off leaving them the instruction for the Golem.
Driving off he looks at his Rearview mirror Sighing before Speeding up a Small squad of Puppet Golems behind him "die a Machine gun Comes ut of the roof Firing at them all The Golems Breaking apart completely After doing this He Just shakes his Head
Driving off He Exit the main city Reaching the Structure he enters the Garage. "he escaped" The guys look at each other. Before 1 speaks "I mean He the guy who makes them how would he not know his own Golems Weaknesses." The Leader "Dam" BEFORE growling lowly Walking away the Golem Follows him.
Chris Sighs Looking at Thurlein half a day out "Seem I will have to establish a Familia Very well Let us begin by Posting After all my divinity not difficult to release then reseal. he sighs the heart of everything in Orario their eyes abruptly open wide grabbing their Torso.
a low Growning. The Gods and Goddess's Feel a disruption in the very fabric of what they represent. Another pulse Goes through Orario the wave hitting everything Slowly Even affecting Citizens the Dungeon Grows and eye on its front looking around frantically Before disappearing this surprising Shift as the dungeon Start to grow even larger.
Christopher seals his Divinity trait the Wave of energy dissipating. The Gods and Goddesses both fear and are curious about a Divine symbol Appearing in the sky reflective of the flag of Avalon waving as tornados form around it before vanishing Post vanishing and appearing in every guild.
"What is this symbol it's not a known God"
"Christoper Velduroth Blacklight Cultellus Ccxxii God of [?????] Recruiting for Familia. Name Eclipsis. requirement Experience in combat no limit." Skimming through it they All look at the description