A boy with glowing horns can be seen looking off into the distance, an Old man with his hands behind his back looking at him. "Okan" the old man looks at him, a distance glance was thrown at him.
His horns possessing Small cracks of Lava through them as his tail grew able to hold a weapon with its strength now he looks at the old man. "Seem the overwork finally Caught up with you Look"
He points out the window, a bright light can be seen in the distance, glowing as brightly as the night sky. The old man adjusts his lens looking at it, "hmm, it's Mira Favourite time." Okan Smiles.
"Indeed, it Is Mum's favourite time, the shining star Alignment forged by the hammering of a God weapon. The boys' hair, possessing a dark red, fade from a deep midnight black. Wearing a simple plaid shirt, with a simple square pattern across it.
"Your wings grew larger Okan" he looks at the stone-like wings on Okan's Back, the veins of red running through them as well his Crimson eyes moving against his abnormally pale skin.
Okan eyes Sharply Widen as he abruptly looks out the window, the light getting brighter and brighter. "I don't think that's the same thing, GET DOWN!" he sprints through the entire town.
Slamming his hands on the ground, a massive wall of bricks appears as the bright light forms a mushroom cloud, a blast wave hitting the entire front of the Town. Walls and structures are heavily damaged, as some collapse in on themselves.
A Mass wave of wind form around it as if a polar Vortex formed over it. The glass of all the windows has to shattered from the sound wave. The wave presses Against the Wall As cracks start to form.
Okan's eyes widen before he braces the barricade shattering as thousands of fragments fly at him, hitting him as the remaining wind flings him backwards. Hitting the ground, he tumbles across It, scratches and bruises forming along his body as he growns.
Hugging himself as the blast wave vanishes, he gets up nearly falling again "I think I fractured-" he attempts to walk, his leg giving out as he faces plants to the ground he screams. Ridwan finally reaches him to look at what remains after the blast wave.
The house around Partially Collapsed in the wall he formed, surprising him as he looks at the ground. "You Ripped up the bricks and reformed them into the wall." He nods Lightly, Giving As he clenches his teeth.
"You broke more than just an ankle with that 1 you're not a kid any Okan let's get you home, so Mira can patch you up. The old man helps him up Okan Growning in pain. As He Slowly Moves towards the chef's house.
A small force of Units can be seen coming over the hill, finding the heavily damaged walling, they look at it in case of guards see nothing. "I swear I felt a demon presence" the man looking in his late 40s looks around.
"But there are no traces of demon activity aside from that residue from a cast used by 1" he moves In "Also what was the explosion and why did it fly directly over us". The man looks at his assistant with the mark of a tree on their torso.
"It was a blast way possible from a 3-ton bomb or maybe a 40 ton, it reached quite far anyway it originates from the current ongoing battle between the Avalonians and the other factions."
"It seems the Zeraphim as it was called when we caught that blue girl controlling the monster tides is beginning to Wake up. The combat got fiercer after that was discovered, even the seraphim Getting involved in some fight towards the floating Kingdom.
"Well, this godforsaken war has been going on for well over 6 years now" The Man sighs, the large-scale war having taken a toll o the land more so than the hollows having discovered multiple Means to counter said Hollowfication.
The Dark sign not affecting Most now due to the influences of Aether Element of Shadow, proving useful for killing things as it erodes their soul faster than Hollowfication can take places. Ultimately Kill them.
The Church Duo Move towards scanning for demon treads, finding them leading to the chef's house. An aura coming off it from the long residence of a demon does not impact anything, though.
"What in damnation is this Demon planning" the church Beings Immediately Kicking the door in, seeing Mira treating the Demon. Whose eyes widen in surprise, the bandages covering the many injuries he took from getting hit by the blast wave.
"What the MY DOOR!" Ridwan Screams looking at the door slammed into the wall, "what the hell are you 2 supposed to be A Fucking policeman." Mira Frowns at them. "That sigil is far more corrupt than you fucking know," she says light before returning. To bandaging."
The duo looks at him "DEMON SCUM" a blade flies past his head. Terrifying the assistant. The senior eyes shift down towards the cut appearing on his cheek. "My friend, you have no idea What an actual demon is if you call him that because he has an aura."
The Old man says anger stretch across his face as he grumpily walks towards them before grabbing his collar and lifting him up. "I might be old, but I'm anything but weak" Okan looks at them, the symbol forcing him to look again.
"Holy energy aw" the man Zealously Attempt to escape the grip of the Man "demon" he swings wildly in the air, Eventually escaping as he dashes towards Okan who blinks. "BOOM" Mira smacks him, sending him flying Into a cupboard.
He coughs up saliva, impacting it hard as a crack move through his spine. "You shouldn't touch another families' child in front of them." Mira says bluntly. Again, steaming in anger. Okan looks somewhat worried.
The badge blinds him again, "Argh" he looks at the assistant, "Stay for dinner?"