Appearing on Thurlein Roselyn Looks around confused seeing the very mysterious technology around she stops hugging his chest instead of looking around the main room the 3 thrones catching her attention before she looks at the front.
The Station's System responds to her as she moves about looking at the dark steel platforms on the walls and Pillars of the reinforced version through the floor she finds her attention once again drawn to the thrones.
"why is their Thrones" Christopher looks at them before vanishing appearing on the throne "it's Mine and those regarded as my queens of choice sit in those 3 thrones Why is it an odd number and that because of the first Zeraphim".
"he had 3 wives Aria the Void mistress. Gaia The mistress of Life And Endorsi The Fate Mistress Those 3 alone had the power to Topple most Of The existence ark if you add their husband in it basically annihilation"
Roselyn Looks at him confused "you'll learn when you're older" He gets up She Looks around more running off as the door automatically slide open scaring her. She jumps back before look at it curiously.
Christopher snaps his finger the system opens showing a simple track on either side Pulling it into the wall. "it's a Very simple Track based system with an automatic pull hydraulic Gears Pulling it. Holding it in place".
(meh Anime logic)
her eyes glow up like a star at the simple explanation "So this opens every time I walk towards it?" Christopher shakes his head "not quite It moves because of the ship Connection to all onboard members".
"basically It has an I'd assign to each be a code name or there actually is up to them this traces their face opening the door as soon as it confirms they're a member of the ship" Roselyn eyes widen "Wow"
"why it let you through is because I registered you as a Daughter giving you access to some Rather restricted areas." She nods her head "you can access the armoury but not the weapons well not until you reach a More ethically welcome age."
she tilts her head blinding rapidly "you're only a child I may be teaching you magic, but that is because of the inbuilt system in the brain which will stop you from overloading the magic spells allowing for you to cast them more freely"
"what" Christopher sighs "your magic is restricted like your physical prowess to stop you from damaging your own body Massively. At least until you figure out the Energy impulse overload spell which bypasses this subconscious Restriction or Levels up your prowess".
"but then how come you're so strong?" Christopher scratches his head "I think I forgot to tell you that when the spell is within direct Contact to the physical body if there is a device between them that conducts electrical pathways you can totally ignore this restriction.
"is that why you always use a metal Glove thingy?" Christopher shakes his head "It's called a gauntlet. But to explain it I am immune to all forms of damage as such no restriction applies to me however I still restrict myself to not destroy the whole planet so yes I wear gauntlet to prevent direct contact".
"I can teach you more after the tour". She continues walking looking at the Walls and roofing of the floors outside the command centre being dark metal plates with reinforced osmium mixed with many other metals forming its own metal type Oshyx Roclurium alloy.
she looks at the somewhat exposed piping in the wall having a shiny yet durable feel to it Christopher answers her what it is "Vecrahine A type of durable nanomachine that acts like mercury with the ability to solidify itself or liquify allowing for large adaptability".
she presses her face against the glass-like material the material rippling out like water Christopher laughs "Akane did the same thing it is a Super solid Possessing both liquid and Solid properties It makes for a good stainless material"
Roselyn stops pressing her face against it looking at the roof "what's that made of?" Christopher looks up at the lighting "it's a sun in a bulb the bulb imitates the complete properties of a habitual planet to prevent radiation from damaging anything they have to be replaced every billion or so years".
"What happens if It breaks" Christopher smirks "well a large crater will be left where it broke meaning the haul will need repairs the person who broke it will be dead, probably. So I don't worry much about them even accidentally breaking.
"huh?" Christopher laughs "of course, it doesn't explode it's converted into a cube the moment the outer bulb shell shatters. Before being placed in a central fuse Reactor with 4 other active cubes usually, we keep both of them charged with 5 so no need to worry".
"the rest are typically stored" she nods before continuing walking looking around the hallway with similar materials to the haul before coming across another door said door opening. They enter the large room.
"This is the first solar deposit circuit we already have 3 planets in here I think". She looks at him confused "why do you require 3 planets' he shakes his head "most destroyed themselves, so we just repurposed them as Storage facilities".
"now the actually 1s with life are held in the main circuit which Is under the primary A. I core not the primary sentience system". She shakes her head rapidly blinking "STOP CONFUSING ME!" Christopher stops info-dumping "fine basically it is under the central storage unit of data".
they walk along the side of the sphere being covered in the same material glass and Nanomachines of the pipes entering another hallway they move through Christopher opening a door off to the side.
Entering the room She sees a massive Sphere it turns around revealing A large Mechanical eye with the lens extending "hello Thurlein". 2 hands move out Having 3 hooks on them