Researching the Rotted root.

The Microbes stop attacking the Necron being completely disintegrated when within a certain radius to them Christopher sighs. "I never really understood what they were or how they could be so corrosive".

a Ball forms in his hand sucking in the microbes the white cube in taking them before sending them to Thurlein for further research a call comes through Akame appearing with Arkacious "hello dear" Christopher looks at the screen with his eyes.

"Hello, my beautiful rose". he looks at Arkacious after saying that to Akame "and hello to you my little Hare is he as hyper as I was expecting even for his age" Akame shakes her head "no, in fact, he is more interested in learning than anything".

Christopher nods "he'd love to take a look at the Necron it's too bad they look scary." She laughs slightly "I think he's fine looking at the shifting plates of thurlein anyhow the infinity Generator is done deleting plausibility and ready to go for another few years It just shifted back into its ship form".

Akame looks around his surroundings "where even are you Aria's lost you and wants to find you" Christopher looks at her "doesn't she know the soul link allows her to locate me". Akame nods "but that couldn't find you".

His eyes curiously widen "you mean something's capable of jamming the soul Link" akame shakes her head "I can't even track you I think it's overfilled" Christopher nods his head "I see very well I'll clear it".

he pulls up The Soulbonds.

[Soulbonds 9/∞ Akame Sister Tyrant C.G.S Alucard Len Sotqo Aria]

[Information processing requires sync]

"hmm so I need to clear it up I'm surprised there are only 9 of them I expected it to be at least 15, but I guess I Never particularly Soulbond anybody". He presses the option of getting a clear-out or cleanup take 'hmm cleanup'

The system auto-response kicks up wiping out most of the Unnecessary data dumps clearing it out Aria and Akame can finally track him "I should summon Tyrant Sometime" he looks around the Rotted Roots.

"alright move out we need to find and catalogue all creatures here for Thurlein's sake, not mine killing them is fine just don't disintegrate them completely" the Necron soldiers move out looking at all the plant life.

"So is Arkacious enjoying himself" Akame smiles before stopping "he seems to miss you a decent bit considering you seemed to have neglected him". Christopher nods "That's a good point I suppose I have".

Dodging to the sit he punches another wolf in the face kicking it into the wall away from him before a sword blade pierces out skewering it to the wall. he looks at Akame "I mean it's to be expected I'm not perfect as perfection is accepting all imperfection and perfection so ya I will try to get to Thurlein and spend more time with him, I'm not required for the progression of this story too much".

"what's going on in the Warhammer verse". Akame sighs "Well Len manages to absorb quite a number of Nurgle's beings and territory the Stagnation shifting steadily". Christopher nods "and Alucard".

"he hasn't contacted us since his signature disappeared he seems to either be hiding out or just ignoring us probably ignoring us as for the kids they're still the way they are the A.I. is defending them quite well.

"And the elves that Taichi brought with him are flourishing". Christopher nods "what about the Chaos God's reaction to merely a quarter of my Aura. "they attempt to dig into it after it vanished trying to find the source of this grandiose power".

"Aah I see makes sense I did Put a decent bit of power on everything". Akame Smiles "you also drove a Tyranid hive insane before it exploded the Nasgale haven't really moved from the previous world since you never called them.

"hmm they have an infinite biomass generator anyway I'll send a Pulse out to send them to the Warhammer world considering how much Damage the Tyranid will do an opposing force to them will damage both parties.

"I see you really are always prepared to send them. the Yokai Floating city also remains stationary so I'd recall them". He sighs " I figured as much very well" his torso glows as the Yokai and dwarfed fortress are recalled changing into particles as they enter his internal Cosmos.

"and The first world actually flourish quite well they figured out how to use the gates and have gone to the other worlds you dragged into the central solar system chamber, "and Roselyn?" Akame smiles.

"she seems oddly interested in Cosmology and astronomy hanging around the Solar system chamber quite a bit or talking to Thurlein She seems to be learning from him". Christopher smiles continuing his exploration of the Rotted roots.

the Necrons discovery another 1 sending a laser towards its limb the creature falls dropping to the ground as it Howls in Anguish moving towards it the skeleton grabs it before encapsulating it and sending it up.

the Pyramid opens up dragging it in as the Data is saved before it Reproduced the Moose creature dying quickly its antler's large coned mushrooms with a hard Shell. It stands at a fairly large size compared to the more threatening creatures.

being bigger than the Wolves but much too small to be an Apex. Its Large body is supported by muscled legs. hoofs as Sharp a razor it tails point and spiked for Implement and injection having a poison gland within it for an attack against ambushes.

A mechanical version exit the Pyramid possessing the same symbol as the Necrons on either side of its reinforced body 2 large tendril-like cannons protrude out either side ready to launch something.

its head is replaced by a mechanical atomizer flamethrower as it antlers are changed to elastic tentacles with spiked tips possessing venom similar to its biological form its tail is replaced by a large Area damage cannon.

The Frame like body a skeletal frame. The massive ribs covering over the core for its communications as layer of hexagonal Shielding covers it an anti matters shield over its body to defend against the aggressive Microbes