Looking up the mountain the rest nod as they begin to walk up it the suits Providing defence up the way of the Goblin Slayer. chatting to Christopher "so tell me more about these kids you have since I've never seen them.
Christopher thinks for a moment "well one's name is Arkacious he's my son he quite cute until you realize he can teleport it's quite a pain to find him during hide and seek. Unless you trick him to teleport directly to an area you're looking in".
"He likes to teleport out of the room before running down the hallways, so I more often than not use my teleportation to catch up to him, he's quite fast for his age". Goblin slayer nods "hmm My sister usually Just nits I sadly don't live with her anymore since I move closer to a city to get more goblin slaying quests".
Christopher nods "you'd get quite a bit more by hunting goblins and a bit of the other since they get you a lot but only a few out a time. I would tell you to focus on Goblins, but I have Robots doing that now".
Goblin slayer looks at him surprised "what kind of robots' Christopher shrugs "goblin elimination programming". goblin slayer looks at him confused the dwarf speaks up "wait you made an automated system of mobile assault platforms for goblin Slaying". Christopher turns and looks at him.
"I did, but I equipped them with quite a few countermeasures specifically a self-destruct of Nuclear degree I mean they're a walking bomb, so I put a lot of precautions since Goblin are crafty little shits". the dwarf and goblin slayer nod listening attentively.
"I specifically equipped most of them with lures and Gatling guns along with maybe 5k rounds of incendiary rounds they also have incendiary grenades a more sophisticated version of Molotov's I also equipped them with shield projectors and a familiar".
the elf talk "Familiar?" Christopher nods "a Fireproof disk it projects an anti-incendiary shield over any victims within the cave so all the women they capture hence why I can send them in with incendiary weapons.
"Shield projection," The dwarf asks the priestess just listen as well as the lizard shaman Christopher talks Aria smirking with pride for her boyfriend. "It projects a form of barrier that prevents physical things from attacking them since fire has a core".
goblin slayer looks at him "Fire has a core?" Christopher nods "yep in fact it is the hottest region of flame containing the most gas molecules it is blue, but you'd never see it since only the outer regions are viewable with the naked eye. Though it is stupid and dangerous,
"can it be weaponized against Goblins" Christopher nods. "actual 1 of the most effective methods is to directly insert the fire into a dry region of the body preferably something that lacks the moisture required so the surface of the skin".
"Anyhow we're here" he points up at the grand building in front of them "An abandoned fortress probably made by dwarfs as a choke point during the great war in case the demons got past the first lines of defence".
"its architecture fits most of are structures style though a bit weather". The elf simply looks at it "oh ya do you have a limited Duration on the bone soldiers or can recall them since they'd be more efficient than my robots".
"huh how so" Goblin slayer ask looking at him "I'd say this was done by a Goblin King, not lord, so it possibly has some rather advanced by Goblin standards technologies". they all nod "I do have a limited duration On my bone guards, so I apologize"
"that's fine" the Gauntlet appears on his hand his eye lighting up black "hunter" black flaming puddles appear changing shape into a doll having a single eye and duel tails the body muscular with claws at every end of the foot".
no defining details on the dolls standing up hey quickly cloak returning to all fours "hunt your prey" they vanish kicking up snow only at the initial burst moving completely hidden the rest of the way.
"cloaking" the core on his chest glows purple "light diffraction" a nauseating field appears around them having a ring on the bottom of the ground having a purple ring that vanishes shortly after "done".
they continue to walk forwards getting directly beside the wall "sound elimination Field" he places his hand on the wall it turns to an orange colour before being drawn out into molten form creating a hole in the wall.
large enough for them to fit through entering the base they see a goblin corpse on the top level from the hunters. "get ready". he draws the guided rocket system dispersing into the mist he appears on the wall the field remains.
Aria flying away cloaked the exhaust from her mech completely hidden landing on a tower her mech changes rapidly. The 6 drones Christopher launches syncing with her cameras allow for the weapon platform to operate.
"smart bullets guided rockets and neuro electric pulse waves" the system activates allowing the bullets to work even in the building as they change their trajectory directly The goblin Rush out yelling angrily.
Christopher's visor locks onto them immediately firing his explosion at compressed groups of them aria fires off her rounds delivering immediate death to the goblin's thin Fleshy bodies. "BOOM!" the explosions shaking the underground portion of the structure.
The Vibrations alert the rest of them "I NEVER SAID IT BE QUIET!" Goblin slayer nods "Finish up the remaining!" he charges with the rest of the hunters returning to Christopher and dispersing into the wind.
The goblins Charge Out being met by steel them unable to flank due to Christopher and Aria the goblin King sprints out jumping in the air towards the centre only to be blasted by 3 rockets coming out unscathed.
"oh it's immune to explosive combustion and must get resistance against fire" it shakes its head to straighten out "but not concussion" Aria Fires off the smart bullets hitting the goblin Lord's Torso indenting the flesh reaching the Muscle and stopping. "[Aria switch to Ignition bullets use the surrounding dust]".
She nods