Christopher watches the pathetic fight between the delinquents and Baki rolling his eyes "A gun can do something don't get me wrong, but you're just going to piss him off more". He mumbles on the roof waiting for something.
"come on spec get your huge ego out here" the 1 of the 3 guys pushes the gun off to the side "there is no need for a gun" drawing the Machete from his pants he put 1o f his hands in his pocket walking towards Baki.
'this guy serious well then' a projection of his body motion of disarming appears dashing towards him, Baki kicks up knocking the machete back before kneeling and slamming the fist into his face 'this should do'. The Guy freezes sweating beads a mental image of his face being smashed in pocking out.
Baki smirks "it would seem that even though you have the balls to cut someone you don't have the balls to get your face smashed in". He freezes his arm up "hrm" the Weight attach to a rope Zips through the sky past the dead-eyed Machete guy. Baki lifts his arm up catching it.
"Argh," the man sweats beads having his weight caught. "This is a rare weight did you get it on eBay or something." Baki lets it go the weight flying back to him, he grabs the rope as it flies back. "Come on I'll play with ya"
Christopher smirks laughing under his breath "wow such a pitiful group of mobs". Christopher sighs "I'm bored want to beat the shit out of somebody" he jumps off the building catching air he hits the ground.
Cracking it under him standing up he walks towards them "you're all boring". yawning he blinks slowly walking past Baki he looks at the weight guy merely projecting intent onto the guy he collapses to the ground.
Pissing himself "oh god that's nasty" he waves his hand in front of him "a dog's sense of smell sucks". he looks at him kicking off the ground. He roundhouses kicking the collapsed 1 sending him flying head first into a building.
"I think I Crack his skull well whatever" he looks at the other 2 "whose next before I kick the fucker walking up behind you into a fucking building. Baki merely looks at him irritated and confused at who he is.
his hand gleams slightly. pulling out a sword from his pant leg "this is a great sword who wants to die" he dashes through the air slashing it horizontally lightly lacerating the first target hit having a perfect conception of his weapon's length.
"my daughters have more stamina than your pathetic asses". Their masculinity collapses from the sheer strength difference between them and him losing half their will to fight "Alright to the billboard with you.
he turns his blade to the flat side holding it like a bat he nails 1 in the torso sending him flying half a mile before dashing to the other slamming his leg out before kicking him away the fat 1 backs up.
attempting to fire his gun "you should probably turn off the safety first but even then you're not going to live long". he flicks the switch aiming it at him completely ignorant to the man behind him "What ya Going to DO NOW!".
"you want to deal with this or want me to Baki" He looks at him "how do you know my name" He laughs "Are you stupid your father fucking Yuujirou who wouldn't know you Baki Hanma" he goes silent.
"though I don't want to be that guy I'm going to be that guy". he yawns again "so boring hello Spec being tall really not much of a buff unless it's this world I'm just a guy with violet eyes you", Spec looks at him for a minute "and I was going to send you flying through like 10 buildings, but I'll let you do your little handshake your dirty fuck".
he walks past Baki Spec merely smiling Christopher crouch jumping up to his grab into a building climbing up the entire thing Spec looks at the fairly small-looking guy climbing up an entire building like it is an everyday activity.
"you're the first of the escaped convicts". The fat guy turns around. seeing the ugly ass face of spec he Straight up and bolts backwards his eyes wide "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!" he opens his palm" ..... " sweating bullets he sighs "you know that won't hurt me" the Fat 1 hands him the gun. 'I couldn't take him with a machine gun'.
Spec holds the gun up to his mouth with his eyes closed Baki looks at him expressionlessly Shooting the gun repeatedly into his jaw he smiles Smoke leaving his mouth from the bullets Both of them Surprised Christopher simply watching. "you know that a dumb idea well changes of plans his 97-year-old fuck is dumber than a rock".
he jumps down Directly in front of Spec kicking the guy's legs out he Smashes his fist against Spec head sending him flying like a cartwheeling rag doll "I said I'd fling you through multiple buildings It wasn't a joke"
"reverse blood flow through kinetic force it quite efficient here for some reason" spec crawls out smiling before sprinting at him Christopher turns his head "ok then" thousands of floating hands appear in the air.
Glowing Pure black "so you want to die and take everything in that general direction with you" Spec stops sprinting pointlessly "huh" taking a single step back "don't worry that would be boring" he teleports above spec.
2 hands following him. Kicking straight down he slams spec head into the ground the 2 hands release a drill point spinning a Dark blue bullet piercing his flesh both bones are critically damaged.
"oh don't test me I can move faster than you can think that's not permanent in fact it only might hold ya for like 3 days anyway I hope you don't underestimate me from my size next time" he yawns projecting all his murderous intent onto the surrounding.
"I have killed more than you could kill in 6 lifetimes" he remains on the ground knowing he just gets kicked down next time". Christopher turns around all the hands circling behind him green Spec gets up kicking toward his back.
"dirty giant" the hands glow red blasting him through a building before dispersing.