
Dorian recovers his injury's grinding his teeth slightly. "Once would've been fine, but twice to think we haven't even seen the full magnitude of Christopher's power and this friend Alucard. He's more ruthless, leaving Speck in that condition".

"The man had 5 seconds and the last 5 seconds were just staring at his murderer. It wasn't even a defeat Doyle Died honorarily it as if he's selecting Favourites so whose his next target Yanagi or Sikorsky.

Sitting down, he pulls out his beer, drinking it. 'Whose going to die properly next time? I highly doubt it's me. He's humiliated me twice first when we meet and second just recently that charring wasn't delightful at all'.

Christopher wakes up in the morning. 'I suppose it times to meet Yuujirou with Baki. That man probably been looking into information regarding me, though he won't find much as if I just popped out of nowhere's'.

Sitting up on the edge, his feet press against the ground, stretching slightly. He Yawns standing up. Akame groans, cutely getting up stretching "seems it my turn to do breakfast. She giggles sleepily. "I'll get the kids up then".

Walking out after changing clothing, he heads to the kitchen. Entering it, he sees the dishes. "I suppose there are several of them" snapping his finger 2 Skeletal hands turn the water to hot scolding to the human touch filling the sink with soapy water they grab a sponge soaking it they clean the dishes. Rinsing them off before putting them in a sanitation sink.

Christopher pulls out a large pan "oven bacon". Putting parchment paper on the pan, he heats the oven to 400 degrees. Putting Slices of bacon on it, he fills the pan before opening the oven a heatwave blasting out.

"ho" putting them in he sets a timer for 10 minutes before grabbing a frying pan plopping it down "scrambled or sunny side ups hmm Scrambled" decided on it, he pulls out a measuring cup cracking 4 eggs into it, he adds a small amount of milk whisking it up into a mixture.

Looking at the time left on the bacon before checking the heat on the frying pan. Nodding, he adds enough Margarine to coat the pan's bottom, watching it melt as the oven beeps, waiting for the last minute to be up.

He nods, opening the Oven before getting blasted with a heat wave. Yet again, not even flinching, he grabs the bacon out with a glove putting it onto one of the stove. He shuts the oven door, grabbing tongs from the drawer.

He flips the slices of bacon before opening the oven again. Putting them in, he sets the timer for 10. Minutes. Looking at the frying pan, he picks up it, handle angling it, so the Margarine spreads evenly along the bottom.

Before setting it down, pouring the egg mixture in, he looks up the hallway. "YOU THREE GET UP!" shouting up the hallway. He's multiple groans from the rooms Arkacious begins crying from the abrupt shouting.

Christopher sighs "I keep forgetting about children's sensitivity man I'm dumb" walking up the hallway he enters Arkacious room picking up the boy. He pats his back gentle shifting him up and down in his arms.

Arkacious, hugging him as 2 tendrils emerge forming googly eyes over Christopher "It Jimmy Gibby" Akame walks in tiered only to burst out laughing. "You look like a fool," Christopher looks at her. The googly eyes vanishing as antlers appear instead. "how about I'm a deer instead".

he pass Arkacious off to Akame "I have to go cook" walking back to the kitchen he pulls out a plastic spatula pressing it into the pan he moves the eggs about to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan checking the time left "hmm 5 minutes" he continues moving the eggs around the pan.

(ye this made me hungry enough to make toast too poor to afford bacon)

The hands finishing the Dishes they disperse. "Those will air dry" Roselyn walks out rubbing her Eyes her stomach grumbling as her nose picks up the scent of food cooking. "Hmm" she runs towards the kitchen, her arms out like a plane. Making the sounds of a motor.

Reaching it, she sees her father. "PAPA!" Christopher looks at her before stroking her head. The girl hugging him. "good morning Roselyn," patting her head, he keeps shifting the eggs, breaking them apart into small pieces before checking the time on the bacon "hmm" 58 seconds The clock continues counting down.

Before beeping loudly, "why don't you go to your mother in the dining room". taking out the pan, he sets it on the stovetop. Using his eye, he checks the temperature regulation "74 degrees throughout the meat."

Smiling, he grabs a glass plate, putting a paper towel on it. He grabs another pieces Putting the Bacon on it; he covers over the top with the other pieces of bacon. Looking at the pan "I'll wait for the grease to turn solid then move it".

Finishing up the eggs, he moves the frying pan off the stove. spawning more hands, he takes out 4 plates before spreading an even the amount of egg on all the plates. Getting 1 to grab the bacon, he puts even pieces of that.

finishing with his plate he picks them all up carrying them in he looks at them "if you want a piece of bread or toast to go with it, you'll have to get those yourselves" they nod Only Akame getting up and goes to make some.

Christopher put the plates with a fork in front of them all. "Use the fork, not your hands, as for you, Arkacious, I'll feed you". sitting at the head of the table, he picks up Arkacious and his food putting it beside him.

he breaks it into even smaller pieces before putting 1 in Arkacious mouth "let your instincts do the job" the boy chews the pieces into a fine paste before swallowing it Christopher smiles Akame walking back in before sitting on the right Aria the left "huh so you 2 prefer those seats".

He mumbles to himself before looking at Roselyn. "What about you, dear? Why haven't you started eating" Roselyn fidgets her fingers "let me. Guess you don't know how or just don't want to eat?" Roselyn scratches her palms.

Christopher stands up handing Arkacious to Aria he walks towards Roselyn before picking up a piece of bacon with a fork. "open wide" Roselyn nods. Opening her mouth, she chews it down before swallowing it.

"you're a good girl". Roselyn Smiles before continuing to eat Christopher, shifting back to the head of the table. He continues eating. Well, aria feeds Arkacious, Akame eating slower than the rest".