Knocked down a peg

Christopher turns on the news Looking at it "so they paid mind to something as simple as a structure collapsing but not the trillions of Kids Starving quite hilarious. They seriously aren't Journalists"

"Actually they probably reported on it like once or twice when somebody paid them, but I guess it's just that way then again this is an American broadcasting service Japans Really do only pay attention to their problems".

Sighing he turns it off "I prefer Thurleins planetary service. It lets you see all of the planet's problems". Sighing once again he stands up "well I have to go kill 1 of them either Dorian or Yanagi those are my 2 choices".

Christopher looks out "wait isn't Alucard targeting somebody I forget who but it definitely somebody" he walks outs the door Disappearing he manifests randomly in a completely random Area.

Seeing Baki's house "Seems it really wants me to change this event" disappearing he completely erases his presence and existence walking into Baki's room he turns around facing the door 'he'll probably be here soon

Yuujirou appears facing Baki and Kozue Christopher walks behind him putting a hand on Yuujirou's Shoulder the man quickly Sends a fist only to be frozen in time "shut the fuck up You arrogant piece of shit".

Yuujirou Goes flying out the wall Christopher appears from the mist and completely walks towards the destroyed wall He uses Chronomancy Fixing the wall as he exits "You love to watch don't you" His eyes widen.

Christopher smirked "Obsessive Prick you want your ass to be kicked, yet you don't even have the patience to wait for your kid to grow up to be an adult". Yuujirou Dashes towards him Hurtling his fist at Christopher's jawline.

He catches it Crushing his hand completely "Fuck off Muscle head" Yuujirou goes flying a beam hitting him Straight on sending him flying back even further. "aren't you failing at the very thing you want Yuujirou it a wonder why your father called you a disappointment".

His hair starts to float in the air as steam siphons off his body "well aren't you easy to Tik off too bad I'm not here to play fair". multiple Drop pods hit the ground forming Craters like meteors bursting apart 5 men the size of Yuujirou walk out.

completely cover in Neuro reinforcement armour increasing their strength far beyond that of a human or even superhuman. Christopher turns around "Restrain him" the men Dash towards Yuujirou.

Working in Perfect sync they beat the fucking Shit out of Yuujirou critically injuring him before dog-piling him Christopher Looks at this. "these are the basic Footman of Avalon, not even the Elite guard be lucky I didn't call down a heavy infantry"

Yuujirou Squirms around trying to get out of the lock grinding his teeth "you're not getting out and even if you do I have plenty more of them. And far worse these men are meant to be the frontline in war you, well You are just a mercenary for hire on a random planet in an ever-expanding universe and galaxy".

Yuujirou growls "yes you have a Demon back however I know people who are Oni, and they already outmatch this planet's strength they are part of the 5th regiment of 120 regiments they're also capable of magic making them above the standard".

"So yes you sure are the strongest creature on this planet But A Leviathan dragon would easily crush you with merely its blubber they are massive creatures. There are also many more monsters in space that outmatch you with basic Scientific means. Aside from the Greys, there are hundreds of other sentient races".

"So I hope you understand my Point don't bother your son just because he is weaker than you, it is very Obvious Why he is weaker than you let him grow up without a nuisance as a father" Christopher. walks towards him lifting his hand up.

he forms a fist gesturing for The footman to let him go they comply Dashing away from Yuujirou range the Man Gets up Before Screaming in Bloody rage Sprinting toward Christopher he Throws his fist towards Him the Force Creating a torrent.

Christopher sidestepping as the wall behind him is completely obliterated Yuujirou Breath heavily steam licking the edges of his cheek as it disperses into the air "you Pansy fuck" Yuujirou Hollers Sprinting towards him again.

Christopher appears behind him Kicking him in the back to the leg Yuujirou feels a crack falling to the ground he Lands face-first "you call me a pansy when you can't even handle a Lecture on parenting"

Christopher jabs his foot underneath Yuujirou Torso Flinging it up Yuujirou flies into the air unable o find any footing whatsoever appearing above him Christopher Kicks down on him Sending him plummeting back down.

"BOOM!" the ground explodes the force fracturing it completely "I used the same method on Specks Sternum I just didn't do that this time" Yuujirou Stands up even angrier Christopher rolls his eyes.

"you really don't get it how long will you let me lead you on like this you just like a puppet" he stops anger somewhat subsiding "get out of my face you fucking hot head before I do make sure your limbs don't work".

he doesn't listen he merely Smirks "what do you mean with such humiliation you expect me to just leave" Christopher vanish Slamming his palm against Yuujirou's heart "flow reverse" Yuujirou takes a step back coughing up blood his limbs cease up stopping instantly he Falls to the ground.

"merely a single hit to the circulatory system did this to the supposed strongest Creature" Yuujirou's vocals don't work he can't speak as if he is trapped in his own body" Christopher Puts a hand on Yuujirous's back.

Sliding slightly he drags his pointer and middle down the spine before whipping it back up Yuujirou's Voice cut to a standstill "A-" Smirking he stands up "dead" Yuujirou twitches on the ground.

"not literally but long enough, so he can't physically move for around a week" Christopher Vanishes the footman being retrieved into the ship appearing inside of it "he'll be fine"