
Christopher continues floating in the air watching the Evac move down opening they get decontaminated before getting taken into the ship. The door, shuts taking off the decontamination within the ship activates.

before entering the atmosphere the heavy weapon carrier attaching to the side of the tank's tread it attaches 4 magnets to the top armour of it lifting it off just as the bloody liquid floods the streets arms attempt to reach up and drag it in only to stop after it goes out of range lifting higher the turbo thruster activate.

Launching it out of the Atmosphere before it returns to the ship. Christopher smirks Alucard finally finish distributing his Blood waves. Launch into the air. Flinging over the structure he lands on a building Christopher.

Changing forms shifts to an Abomination, the tentacles launch forward as a razor mouth manifests spinning rapidly. Christopher slowly Drags the Creature into it, it screams and howls putting all its strength into it eventually breaking away from the tentacles.

as more launch breathing acid poison out it starts to melt it, the blood wave scratching ups its body as it attempt to invade it Alucard Launches through 1 of the heads slicing it off before landing in the blood waves. the headlands in the water getting absorbed it's added to his collection.

Christopher changes strategy. The tentacles twist into gun barrels, launching out harpoons. It reels them back in, dragging the monster with it. Alucard looks up at the head. He just cut. It's regrowing, hyperventilating out acid poison. Again, it interacts with the water.

corroding it Noticing this, it breathes out a heavy monoxide based gas coating the ground. The blood is eroded to nothing mixing with the poison Alucard sighs "Now, now how's that fair" Alucard Launches into the head.

Smashing a fist into it the head knocked to the ground. Whirling in the air, he slices off the other. eventually changing strategy again, Christopher Launches Swarms of tentacles. Towards it grasping onto it, Jack Screams.

using his ultimate liquid Acid Poison Spurts out of his body covering it in a corrosive mucus sprinting through the blood flooded grounds. It rushes towards another location, Christopher giving chase.

'hmm how about slash tendrils?' the tentacles twist into blades whipping out they slice through its flesh. lacerating it all over it screams as its mucus seeps into its bloodstream, damaging it inside regenerating it scales. The blades lacerate into it again.

its heads twist backwards swallowing in its throat it liquifies the acid poison applying pressure. It opens its mouth. The Acid poison spurts through the air, hitting Christopher's body as it starts to melt and degrades it.

his many eyes look at this effect "seems to have gotten smarter" Alucard stop running pressuring his hand it starts to rapidly twitch pulling back the blood wave height retreating from the entire area it progressively comes back forming into massive waves that will clash with it from all sides.

Christopher stops chasing, shedding the corroded flesh. He rapidly begins regenerations as a mass of more tendrils appear, multiple spheres appear. around him, circling the fly ahead. Rapidly spinning, they start to leave after images before forming a solid gate.

A portal opens "Void gate". The portal expands before a massive sphere comes out "true body" it flies upwards in the air. Thousands of eyes appearing all over it all locking onto Jack looking at the blood waves Trillions Of Tendrils extend from it the orbs. Establishing portals around the edges the mass of flesh is partially consumed by it expanding in the area more orbs appear establishing an exit gate shooting out.

It explodes on Jack, engulfing him before solidifying the ground. Jack Squirms trying to escape Roaring as it pours out more poison. The blood waves from all sides releasing murderous aura. its muscle bulges.

Still unable to escape, the waves crash into its body, cumulating around it in a sphere. "are you sure you want me to devour the whole thing?". Alucard nods. "I needed to reset my blood, anyway. This seems like a fair way to do it".

He nods. The spheres form a cube around it, spinning rapidly. They glow, black opening into a void, a mass of flesh emerges, shifting into a razor jaw, spinning rapidly. It slowly engulfs the sphere, from all sides eventually devouring. The whole thing,

The mouth tooth shifts to a grinder, compressing in on the being before smashing into it. Jack screams in agony as his body is grinder up and absorbed by Christopher absorbing all of his abilities and form.

the system speaks to having been useless for extreme periods of time [You've unlocked your Alpha king strain of the Zeraphim.] his eldritch eyes wide in shock "huh what is this" finishing the devouring.

A large spherical gate appears, his body shifting into a sphere before returning to the gate exiting. He looks normal "huh interesting I haven't unlocked any other strains". turning his head, he looks at Alucard the man back to normal. "I see what you mean by purify. It was full of shit".

Alucard nods. "downside of being an all devouring vampire your blood is slowly filled with garbage" he yawns. "let's go" they leave the restricted zone. "Activate purification. " The ark crystals placed prior start to shift the arms, releasing them it spread up into the air.

Spinning rapidly, "activate Warp conversion" the Crystal glow before a gill like surface split through the middle, sucking in the arcane like a vortex. It's taken into the conversion system, transforming the Warp energy into Atmospheric mana.

Saturating the atmosphere in it before it suck into the beacon and transported up into Thurlein's mana container, cleansing the zone. The thick fog disperses the creature living in. It starts to die slowly after losing their transfer once the areas completely purified. Of all traces of warp energy.

The arms Fling up slamming into the crystal before pulling it down lifting the crystal in the air. they disperse appearing in a storage facility in Thurlein. "Retrieve the wall segments. " Thurlein activates its system, the teleporter spinning and twisting like a conduit.

The segments are engulfed in light dispersing contacting the Japanese government "there go retrieve the area that belongs to you "I'll be leaving". the tent and field base teleport away Christopher doing the same.