peace treaty.

After handing the paper to the shoulder, he pats his head. "Now leave before I decide to wipe you out. "The man shivers, taking off. "GO, GO, GO. "They take off full speed. Christopher blinking, yawning, he rolls his eyes.

Biscuit walks out, "so you beat the Kaku and Yuujirou, both of them are out cold. "Biscuit grin arrogantly. "Let me guess, Mr. Unchained. You want to fight me" biscuit laughs. "Me fight you, are you insane. My main combat style is taking hits, but with you, I can't even take 1 hit from you".

Christopher laughs. "Learn Xiao-lee and Hyposthenia, then you can use your body's insane durability to increase your offensive power. However, this is coming from a guy purely based on logic, so I suppose there is a reason you never learned it".

1 Single Humvee drives at it faster speed towards Christopher Screeching to a halt, the soldier jumps out again running towards Christopher exhausted. He hands the papers to him, "So did they even read it".

The Man nods "Yes, yes give are countrymen human rights" Christopher Smirks "they sigh it fast guess they didn't read the fine print Thank you for transferring all your citizen's freedoms to me, I can now legally enslave them".

He laughs. "I'm joking, I expect China to keep it end of the bargain if it wants to survive that is," the soldier rapidly nods Christopher glancing back at the Arena "I suppose it's time to get going then," he teleports to Thurlein.

"Since everything I requested you to pick up has been picked up, mind showing me the result of the examinations". A table drops, grabbing it he presses the first result "comparing Yuujirou DNA. To basic. Human. It only matches up to 80% the 20% is what gives him his ungodly strength and muscle formation. "Seems he's an experiment. His father also seems. Like that, probably a human experiment to create a super soldier.

"Pickle DNA isn't Human or Neanderthal. He Likely the only 1 of his species, presumably the result of a transmigrator" he looks at Biscuits. "He evidently 93% human, the other 7% is probably the brute species they were widely known for being nigh Invincible in this world.

He looks over the other result, comparing them. "Most of them are human, with 1 or 3 percentages of other races." He smirks. "Baki a 50/50 split interesting between human and hmm." he sighs "Great, he is a fucking monster literally".

Thurlein probes Christopher "[What do you Mean sire]" Christopher scratches his head "I don't know how but he half titan, and I mean origin titan not the offspring or anything just the Origin his mother definitely human and Yuujirou has no titan blood".

Thurlein robotic eye widens "[they choose him in this world but why him, he has no interest in strength]" Christopher grins "titans are some of the most mysterious with their selections I'm not surprised their traces of them here what I'm more concerned about is why the Gods haven't acted against it".

"They do not want another bloody war with them to break out with a half-breed that can actually slay them because of his humanity, as it addressed because of that God slaying is possible and that titan blood removes his limiters the problem is his body human".

Thurlein listens intently, "[He can not reach his full potential because of his human body. However, if he was to be exposed to a titan, he would break past these limiters imposed by the human psyche]" Christopher claps his hands.

"Let us leave now, considering I'm done here, though. I think I'll go recover first" he stands up, releasing all his inhibitor constraints. His body glows growing to 21, feet his, wings, horns, tails and halos emerge.

"Damn, I hate concealing these sometimes time to Stretch." entering the room he previously showed Baki he shuts the door yawning before sitting down meditating the tree hue slowly forms thick ropes around him entering his body he exhales,

His body visibly rejuvenation, he sighs again. "Realign the world within the artificial solar systems" Thurlein's beams shot into the star, shifting its disposition the star move with it entering the beam it stops moving realigning with its star the beam disappears.

"[the calendar been reset]" he nods closing his eyes again he thinks clearly about everything for the first time since he starts this journey "now it is just stupid, I hope the next worlds can provide some entertainment".

He meditates yet again. "The start of this didn't make any logical sense, anyway. Why select a totally Random human to become the Zeraphim? There have to be conditions. My first life was nothing special, I did nothing to fulfil any conditions".

He thinks about it more, "so why" he goes over his memories again "maybe this is merely a dream of the afterlife". Closing his eyes, he meditates again, the energy filling him up. Standing, he glances out into the metal walls.

"Time to get back to work, I suppose" walking out of the room he greeted by Aria, "man you always look better after the meditation, he grins. "Don't I always look good," placing a sarcastic emphasis on it. He walks past her,

"So what do you think, is this a dream or not?" Aria grins "Pfff if that was the case, how would you be so good in bed?" he grins. Entering the throne room, he sits down. "So have any issues popped up," Akame yawns "aside from Arkacious growing nothing particularly popped out though Chihiro Called"

Christopher glanced at her, "oh" he snickers, "I'm genuinely curious why she called. Akame frowns worriedly "she sounded horrified when we were in a call, constantly looking behind her paranoid Nanachi and Mitty were fine,

Christopher's eyes narrowed. A screen manifest in front of him, connecting directly To Chihiro POV. "CLASH!" a blade grinds against Chihiro's rapier. "Oh my, you blocked that," the Girl jumps back.

Smiling crazily, her hair half white, half black as a chaotic checkered skirt hangs down a plain shirt. 4 buttons on her right run down an odd gauntlet on her right arm. Christopher's eyes narrow to mere slits, "how the hell did she get involved with the theocracy? Even Ainz is a better option, and he's basically death.

"Seem I'll have to make a move on the world also I thought she went to Warhammer 40K "he sighs

(might have a few grammatical mistake i was quite tired writing this hence the rough transitions)