Arrival initiation Admiral rank

(following the manga it is a lot less disorderly, so I have to rewrite like 4 chapters. I am back now after an intermediate break.)

Christopher glances over "open Focal point Targeted Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio" Thurlein split a hole through the universe entering the Focal point he enters travelling through it the universe cracks on the other side breaking like glass.

The massive ship Thurlein emerges within space, disappearing shortly afterwards, "judging from the current state, this is volume 1". Thurlein operates on standby "[detected anomaly]" Christopher glance "patch it through".

It shows him a platinum haired girl standing on the moon looking at its position "Admiralty code to bad connect me to the nexus core". Thurlein connects it "requesting Rank designation Admiral" as the nexus complies.

a symbol is place on his hand, "I see you want me to activate all their module within Yamato, however you also want me to completely re-composite her Faction." he grins, "seems I will get her even if I don't want her".

He sighs, "how far along is the construction of the weapons platform Alcron?" Thurlein shows the status "around 60% I suppose I'll make my entrance." He disappears, manifesting above the world he Dives.

Speeding up massively he directly Shatters the atmospheres a hole forming in them before closing behind the mass meteor Plummet down he crashes into the ocean dispersing it in a massive cube *Boom* the tectonic plate shift from the impact Thurlein stabilizing the planets' axis the Fog in the territory immediately mobilizing.

They enter the range of the meteor. The water boiling. Christopher glances up, having been flooded over. He smirks, crouch he jumps, splitting the sea again. He flies up into the river, spinning. Around his wings uncoil.

Glancing down at it, his hand glows white. Small projectile shots at the boot hitting the kelvin field *BOOM,* it presses the ship down in the water, saturating the field rapidly before it shatters, flying through its deck and hull.

It creates a large hole at the bottom, teleporting in. He grabs the union core. "I'm surprised it survived. Then again, it can't have much done but critical". he glances at it. "Admiral command" the core changes colour from its regular patterns, a golden hue taking over the circuits. He lets it go.

The core floating in the air "nanite drop" trillions of nanite powder form around it, increasing the ship's processing and programming. A massive battleship forms around it, "Heavy medium navy Weapons platform established". he lands on the deck.

the mental model forming instantly "hello Admiral" he sighs, placing a hand on her shoulder "enable all modules transferring emotion comprehension her eyes glass over with code processing all the information regarding emotion.

"my they're already targeting my ship well the more, the merrier. Oh yes, don't even try me, Admiralty. ." he bluntly glances towards the union core. "Admirals authority. This ship is now a part of Fleet Iris blossom".

He looks at the metal model. "travel towards the Canada. It seems I'll have to go there, anyway. I'll establish a base of operations there for Thurlein to offload". enters the bridge of the large Craft not taking after the world war style. Its modern, almost alien design turns, speeding up to 150 knots of cruise.

"I'm not sure if it's still called Canada anymore, but I'll be damned if I don't visit at least 1s,". Travelling towards it, he Contacts Thurlein "what is it," the ship responds "[Akame and Aria have left to deal with affairs in cosmos 3 and 1 respectively, they told me to warp Arkacious and Roselyn to you once Alcron is done]".

"any attempts at damaging you in atmosphere' Thurlein shakes his head "[nobody but Admiralty seems to know I'm here, Alcron is 80% done]". he closes his eyes. "what a relief! This ship is exactly suited to be a flagship considering it not affirmed as 1". passing through fog territory, a ship moves towards them.

"activate weapon systems, hold fire". the ship splits, appear to be the previously incomplete yet modern Mikasa stylized ship. All the cannon's face towards its location "halt" the ship stops, aiming the rest of its weapons and readying.

the ship comes within sonar range before entering View, "battleship aye no mental models must develop one Christopher stare at it *CRACKLE* a photon shot fires towards the ship hitting the capital shield.

Completely blocking it, "disperse the force energy, then uses it to strengthen the shield". It spreads throughout it, enhancing the shield. The battleship fires off another shot. "fire at will" the nuclear fission cannons split apart, opening up.

They charge slightly, *BOOM* a green shot fires off at 278kph. Smashing into the kelvin field, it deteriorates rapidly, dispersing from reaching critical; the shot pierces through the hall, *Crackle* the rest follows.

The expansive neon green beam coming after the initial shot, creating 2 massive holes within the ship. The hull fills with water. warnings blare off on the battleship. "approach it. " The ship changes course, approaching broadside to the sinking battleship.

Christopher jumps off, diving. He finds the union core grabbing it. He pulls at it, 'still attached'. Christopher exerts more strength, ripping it out of the ship "Admiral authority". The same process occurs on it, changing its Faction.

he burst up back onto the ship it's returning to normal "now what to turn you into I have a Super battleship and a heavy weapons platform incoming "hmm Submarine may be a nuclear Sub with vibration force dispersion plates and a sea field shield a lot weaker than a capital, but the capital has a huge radius when activate in field mode instead of single".

He looks out, approaching the Canadian port, or what remains. "it really did collapse without outside help. I suppose that makes some sense. It didn't have a particular op army and was right next to 1 of the world's military superpowers.

Moving towards it, the model parks broadside to it, looking around at the much smaller land mass. "this area is quite good for a fortress establishment".