Gretel narrows her eyes. "That still doesn't explain your aura or your Admirals' authority, or what you meant by Yamato being his favourite first and last creation." He sighs, "I thought I get you off that topic"
Rolling his eyes. "Yamato was his favourite. In fact, if I was to call her anything, it would be his second. Wife, that man wasn't very shameful and really didn't mind an open relationship. Then again, I am the same. I have 2 wives already, so ya".
"wouldn't that make you my uncle if you're my father's successor?" he shakes his head, "A Zeraphim is not chosen by blood or anything by what I can recall it the only requirement is a mind that can think long-term another thing I failed in I never thought to far ahead I honestly don't know what makes a Zeraphim".
"accept being a transmigrator but even that not the case since your father never reincarnated or transmigrate I've look through the records but most of the first Zeraphim's archives myself but their all just his life story every detail after he become 1 I suppose Existence just picks 1 at random but even that not the case because there was a specific reason for each 1 to be chosen at least for all but me".
Gretel looks at him questionable. "what if it was because you were the best out of a bunch of trash for it to pick? ". he shakes his head. "then even my brother was a better choice. He was innocent and kind, though there was a mention of a weird name just simply addressed as Cadet I tried to find more about it, but all I found was.
"author this author that and nothing else, but that name never comes up once as the author it always Ferasight" she glances at him confused "what did you just say" he finally comes to "oh ya I forgot nobody can decipher the language used when I mention anything to breaking the fourth wall.
"I understood everything until you said, but that name never comes up" he sighs "it is not important if even you can't understand it that makes it very clear only a few beings other than myself can understand it my Wives never understood it either".
"anyhow, what will you do after this since nanomaterials are low for fog? I'd put more out there, enjoy refilling the islands that were abandoned after running out, since only you can produce it infinitely?".
She places a hand on her chin. "since I've learned a lot, I might make a union core that restocks it after a set duration of time, her always narrowed eyes having relaxed. "I see well, then see ya later. I have to start actually doing stuff".
Gretel glares at him. "what is that aura that surrounds you? " He stops moving. "that a brilliant question but" he glances back at her "do you really want to know" the terrifying aura plummets down on her, genuinely scaring her half to death.
"yes" he sighs "well it really just my bloodlust intent projection and fatherly dominance that sort of stuff that just kinda comes to you with time I got the Fatherly dominance from having so many bloody children already I haven't even knocked up Aria, so I don't got a kid from her, but I did knock up Akame and got my cute little boy Arkacious".
As if his name is some kind of summoning ritual, Arkacious appears giggling, running towards him, jumping into his father's arms. He hugs him, giggling as he tightens his grip around his Paps. "oh, are you trying to break your old man's back".
He pokes Arkacious in the cheek, the boy pouting in. annoyance another poke jabs at his side bursting out laughing, Christopher stops him from falling. "as you can see, My Cute little boy, Arkacious. there is also my just lovely daughter, Roselyn. Those are the only 2 with me right now".
"as for the other, they're not blood related, and I'm only their guardian in name. I love them dearly, but I wouldn't question them if they just left" Gretel's eyes squinting completely.
"Dotting father, you're practically sparkling well, seeping fatherly pride. " He scratches his chin. "oh, is it that surprising? " She shakes her head. "I don't think I've ever seen this dynamic anywhere else".
he tilts his head hmm" curiously glancing at her "Gretel, you lived amongst human's right you've had to have a love interest at 1 point since you would've been a teenager" she embarrassingly scratches her neck.
"Let me guess, you fuck it up by revealing something about yourself." She nods, "I did reveal some things, but nothing that could've really messed it up bad just an occasional slip up" he nods "so he just left you plain seems completely natural I hate remember how stupid men are to lose out on some great women for their own dick brain".
Sipping the somehow infinitely warm tea again. "Akame and I basically started out like an awkward couple until I finally took a massive step forward with mine. I only manage that because I got rather daring. She kinda just submitted".
"since it was her first go, as she went, fuck it, let try it. She didn't regret it, but now she is really far away in the technology galaxy, dealing with a galactic war because 1 of the others decided to take a vacation. Usually she is my secretary who handles the paperwork for Avalon emergency requests".
"as for Aria, she just doesn't enjoy doing anything to begin with aside from constantly trying to seduce me to feel what pregnancy like from what Akame told me it far worse than hell especially with my kids feeling like her mana getting drained every second doesn't seem healthy since most of my time is spent in space or at least the kids I can't emulate a mana rich environment completely though I can get it 96% correct".
"since you have something to handle, and I have some as well, I'd say we wrap this up Gretel," she nods "understandable. " Vanishing, she completely disappears. "I wonder what will change when Haruna loses it over the concept of death." he mumbles