Your not absolute

Christopher picks up Takeo, sinking he's. snickering, he glances directly at her location. "I'll let this slide, for now, considering it has a valid purpose."

Shift his attention back "so far we've taken about a quarter of land from the supposed enemy, it back by china or Russia 1 of the 2".

"Though the invasion is simple, a secondary intention, that doesn't mean I won't dedicate my forces to it, Alcron, pull back. We're heading to Aether".

He nods. Returning to the ship, Yamato is teleported back to her original plot position. Musashi is still baffled. By it.

A moment later, "wait a minute, Aether" she glances at his back. Alcron teleporting without the fleet to another location.

Appearing off the shore of the almost nonexistent Howe, he jumps off, walking towards the middle, placing his hand on the ground.

"Admiral Clearance" the elevator ships down Alcron's engaging stealth mode. Lowing into the complex facility, an A.I. Greets him.

"[you have an uninvited guest]" he sighs walking into the lobby, he glances at her "I see you got rid of that suit after seeing the Fireteams".

She nods. "I have to admit I fell much more comfortable in this 1 compared to the Apollo spacesuit. I don't really understand the feeling of discomfort".

He nods. "Understandable. It's quite interesting the broad term but most commonly used for fairly recent injuries, a slight irritating from surface contact or a long duration of time when the spin is compressed".

"Ah, I see," sipping the nanite tea. "I still don't get how this works." he snickers. "I just do it to make the guests more comfortable. A few rather important people visit me often."

She rolls her eyes. "Yamato the battleship you're trying to teach human emotion to and claim her as your Musashi the 1 Roselyn took interest in and myself"

Sipping the tea, she peers around; he nods. "Yes, this device is, in fact, meant to stabilize the atmosphere. It 1 of the few that isn't very active".

She narrows her eyes. "Why though?" "Shaking his head." "You wouldn't get it, but I'll explain it, anyway Aether's entire purpose is to activate in tandem with the other functions of the array system, Gaia. It stabilizes the atmosphere of pollution and restore atmospheric material."

"The water recession device is to lower the water levels and return Antarctica to it former size, resorting the actually native habitat"

"There's also Hephaestus, but I don't really want to activate the world Terminus system Cauldrons for mass production".

Opening the can of pop, he takes a long gulp. "It would be detrimental to the planet itself".

She nods. " How many of these systems are there?" He sighs, "far too many for me to count. I have 9 places so far. However, the primary system needs a large central spot."

Which would place it between china Russia and a few others since that is the centre of the equator, though it is not the centre of the planet. If I place Gaia, it would vastly enhance her functionality.

"Though, I just need a land mass large enough to put her on a capability increase could be very useful." Taking another gulp of it.

Gretel glances at him, trying to read his thought process in this. "But why save the world when you can conquer it weakened".

He smiles. "Gretel, I've taken interest in the Fleet of fog in its entirety. Why do you think I am attempting to make Yamato mine without resetting her systems?"

Sipping the pop, he waits for a response. Her eyes widen. " It's because resetting her can cause turmoil amongst fog at the disappearance of an entire personality".

He shakes his head. "You're half right" she glances at him, awaiting an answer. "What do you think would happen amongst the fog if a super battleship was completely reset?"

Glancing at the walling around her thinking "panic" she states Christopher nodding "immense panic" finally getting it she nods.

"If you reset Yamato, it will destabilize Musashi's immature mind and trigger unstable emotional outbreaks for the others if they get wind of it. "

They will be petrified and scared at the fact somebody can simply reset them completely without their consent. He nods. " You hit it right on the nail".

"It already terrified them. When a new super battleship fleet appears out of thin air, it makes no sense unless the Union core was completely reprogrammed for a ship".

Gretel falls back into her seat. "Haha, you're telling me a simple word from you can decide the fate of fog." He grins.

"Maybe," finishing the can of pop, he crushes it, throwing it into the recycling Gretel shivers. "Maybe, Just Maybe, that all you have to say at such a broad threat".

His grin changes to a wide smiles tilting his head, he stares at her, the aura completely overwhelming her. " It's not a joke when I say a 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 can define the fate of fog.".

Shivering violently. "Fog is a type of collective with individualism. The tactical network is an example, everything 1 upload is available to others".

She nods. "Yet they're all reigned in under you," he points at her. "The Admiralty code" She nods again, Christopher grunting.

"But what gives you the authority to reign them all to begin with" her eyes widen. "I never thought of that," he nods. "Of course you didn't. It would ruin the somewhat collective conscious of fog."

"But what lies above your authority?" she remains silent, deep in thought. "You hold absolute authority over fog yet require the input of 2 capital ships to change the ruling".

She nods again "but that doesn't explain why your authority seems absolute yet has restrictions" simply listening at this point

"So what holds an authority higher than you to apply those restrictions? " He glares at him, shaking his head. He denies it, "I don't have that capability active".

"I am the Admiral of the Gold fleet. I have no superiors yet still follow a set ruling employed. It is distinct from Fog's but still part of it".

Narrowing her eyes to mere slits. "So who holds the authority to enforce these Restriction? " Christopher grins, pointing down at the planet.

"The Nexus heart" her eyes widen "BUT IT WAS DESTROYED I WITNESSED ITS DESTRUCTION!" he nods "of course you'd think that with your calculations, however".

"That thing can not be destroyed by it own creation. The Nexus's responsibility is to ascend ships, but what if they're nowhere's for it to ascend them to?"

Shining in fear. "They cease to exist then," he shakes his head, "not anymore". Her head whips up, glancing towards him, hopeful.

"How do they ascend now?" he points up. "I probably should've mentioned Thurlein's a technological super structure. Any mechanical construct with sentience would ascend through him. Because of proximity"

"since it's the case, me adding the Fleet of fog to Avalon's arsenal with the many other races would be equal to ascending, correct?"

Gretel joyously smiles, her white teeth glistening as small tears of nanite stream from her eyes, sparkling "so it's not pointless" She laughs insistently, her beautiful platinum hair shifting with her closed eyes