Ignorance is Bliss

He sighs. "This universe isn't capable of sustaining an extended visit from me even with the warp's assistance to it," he sighs, shifting his hand. "Vocal point. " The massive gate opens.

"are we leaving so soon? " Akane says. He looks over. "yes we are it too unstable for my complete presence. I can exert pressure in another universe, anyway."

Ako nods. "We felt it when you were aggravated. The warp seems deeply connected to you. " He rolls his eyes. "it's something I got a long time ago. Heart of the warp."

He sighs. "To Tokyo ghoul, we go. I have an idiot to knock into shape," he mumbles. "I think this is the right Planet ID." he enters the currents.

The focal point shooting open in front, dashing through it close quickly. "oh ya, I forgot to deal with Slaaneesh Well whatever" the Focal point Shatters Reality.

Like glass bursting apart, the ship passes through, going invisible. Immediately, the technology beeps rapidly. Spurting out his coffee, he punches keys.

The data is slowly converted into a viewable image. "Is that something emerging from it can't make it out" he squints his eyes. Unable to determine anything with the blurry image.

he sighs, the disruption vanishing Thurlein stealth as every form of tracing phase through it "modern worlds are annoying Taichi says yawning"

"I'm going to sleep," he walks out. Akane and Ako just snickering. Kota grumbles, "can I kill anything here" Christopher stares at him. "Ya know what? I'm just going to send you to a war world. "

His hand glows Kota being sucked in. "Where did you send him?" Christopher smirks. "To Alucard. "Ako's eyes widen. "He has time for Kota".

Christopher, hands shift around designating things before vanishing a distance away. "Hmm" he looks towards Ryouko Position with her daughter.

Just as the investigators question her pulling out her husband's mask "you wouldn't happen to recognize this" he pulls out the half mask.

The nose elongated, Ryouko stares at it silently. Christopher rolls his eye teleporting to the roof. He stares down at their interaction, those around questioning it.

"what's going on their" the investigators' shout. "IT'S DANGEROUS HERE PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY" they try to encircle them "mom" Hinami worriedly looks up at her.

She turns around. "Hinami run". Her cornea shifts to black as red veins sift off from her pupil. Her Kagune Bursting out of her back, shocking Hinami.

It Flares forwards slashing the cheek of 1. "PLEASE GO!" Hinami Hesitates for seconds scrunching up she bites her lips Sprinting back "Don't Let Her pass Amon".

Christopher Sighs seeing Kaneki grab her and hide her, he looks at the Dove. "WHOOPS" Her head flies off hitting the ground brutally.

Hinami Cries whimpering in Kaneki's arms. He stares wide eye at the corpse before clenching his teeth Sprinting away with Hinami Covering her mouth

The Investigator staring at it. "It disgusts me when they act human" Christopher lands back towards them staring at her body.

The Investigator shocked as he swings His Quinque. Christopher vanishing taking her head and body with him appearing outside its reach.

"first you take her father, then her mother," he burst into laughter. "This woman didn't even hunt. She got her food from suicide victims."

Mado Swings his Quinque Christopher sighs, catching it unharmed. "this is her father Kagune, right? You Corpse defilers Disgust me."

"none of you even thought to make a synthetic meat, so the ghouls didn't have to hunt humans when you're the most intelligent race on the planet"

Mado Laughs "Synthetic meat for man eaters" Christopher rolls his eyes. "how much do you actually know about ghouls brains?

He reattaches her head, chains emerging from his hand as her neck is stuck back onto her torso, the spine fixed completely. Ryouko remains unconscious.

"obviously not much," he sighs. "Well, then" The Quinque Cracks under his grip Flicking it up Mado flies into the air.

He waves it before smashing it to the ground. Mado Slamming against it. He coughs up blood. Christopher throws the quinque

His eye gleams the 2 other investigators vaporizing into blood mist. "dead" he puts Ryouko down. Amon glance at his coworkers' previous location.

Seeing nothing. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" Christopher emotionlessly responds "erased them" Mado mad eyes widen.

Christopher turning around to tend to Ryouko. "THEY HAD A FAMILY!" Amon shouts. Christopher flinches. "SO DID SHE," his petrifying voice freezing Amon.

Christopher stands up faking his anger. Turning around "THINK FOR A BLOODY MOMENT YOU COLD BLOODED SERIAL KILLER" Amon stares at him at a loss for words.



"THEY ARE FORCED TO EAT YOUR DISGUSTING KIND YOU THINK THEY WANT TO EAT THEM!" he shakes his head. "No, most ordinary ghouls wish they never had to take their first meal."

Turning back, he picks up Ryouko walking away. "Mado, Keep you mouth shut if you know what good for your daughter"

He turns his head back, his eyes glowing a cold white. "It very easy to take everything from you" an image of his daughter play through his head.

An Abrupt sense of worry arising in his heart. He draws his phone, entering her Number. "[The Number you have dialed is unavailable. Please leave a message after the Ding]"

He snickers, having cut the service within the area. He walks away, finally noticing it after paying attention. "Seems I got Recorded"

Unaware of it about to be posted and go viral before being deleted. "My words won't affect the world. It was only a halfhearted speech," he mutters.

Reaching a desolate location, a black box appears. Increasing its size, he walks into it, the box closing before shrinking.

Mado Turns the corner. Aggravated seeing nothing but a black box, he looks at it. "Only big enough t hold a dog" he Curiously Opens it, seeing it purely white.

He enters it, falling into the massive space. Christopher sitting at a workbench ignoring the annoying pest that fell down Ryouko laying on the back wall.

He bursts into Manic Laughter "SO THIS IS WHERE YOU WHERE HIDING" Christopher snaps his finger the box shifting restraining him.

"Shut up your loud and somebody sleeping, "he murmurs, unable to speak, his mouth covered over. "I'll have to move my Box"

He grabs him, throwing him out the exit of the box, shrinking before he walks away. "Don't test me" He grinds his teeth. "MY DAUGHTER WHAT DID YOU DO!"

Christopher snickers. "She fine. I just cut the service temporarily. I wouldn't approach her that way. any way's" laughing again. He sighs.

"She an exquisite woman from your memories. However, she seems like a workaholic." he nods unconsciously agreeing with his foe.

Christopher Vanishes to his shock. "He can teleport. I Must report this" he stops himself '๐‘ฒ๐’†๐’†๐’‘ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’๐’–๐’•๐’‰ ๐’”๐’‰๐’–๐’• ๐’Š๐’‡ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’˜๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’ˆ๐’๐’๐’… ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’…๐’‚๐’–๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’•๐’†๐’“'