Abrupt intrusion

Yoshimura stares at him. "Open a coffee shop chain right after a coffee shop was discovered to be filled with ghouls."

Christopher nods "my son is very good at paying off governments" he snickers. Yoshimura narrows his eyes. "If you're so sure."

He nods. "I just need to keep the shareholders a secret. To some extent, well, I get a puppet to play CEO" he smiles. "That not too hard."

He mumbles before a table appears out of thin air. He plans out a design and writes it down on the sheet. Glancing through it.

He nods. "Should work" his eye flickers "seems he's lost it" he mumbles glancing at the sky "Ken Kaneki no Haise Sasaki is up"

He glitches just slightly. "It's not a surprise. I just wonder what will change," he snickers Yoshimura, slightly annoyed by it.

before finishing it "what will we name this coffee chain?" he carefully thinking "Iohannes" Yoshimura glance at him lightly nodding his head.

"I'd say it works. We should set them up away from the 20th, ward probably the 15th first as I now have complete control over it or at least the most influence"

Mai nods. "it's a bit hard to get land now because of the immense lack of ghouls and investigators their" Christopher nods.

"but we should focus more effort their since they will try to take it over and classify it as a closeout zone" Mai nods "we have done as much as we could without shredding their blood but it seems death eyes is looking for you"

Christopher snickers "unsurprising though it quickly going to get annoying". He passes the worksheets over to yoshimura.

"hows this look" the old man glances at mai a pair of glasses flying through the air. He catches them off-putting the force with his hand.

Before putting them on, glancing over at the sheet . The paper and style of the simplistic building easy to build and run "seems about right"

He comments. Light on it before nodding, folding the pair of glasses. And placing it in the centre of his shirt, ready for use.

"Alright then, you guys won't see me for a bit. I'm going to deal with an auction. He smiles, placing a hat on his head before his plague doctor mask.

vanishing, he stands atop a building, thumping resounds behind him as a terrifying screech resounds Eto landing behind him.

madly giggling "stop it Owl" She giggles distortedly before emerging from it staring at him "I heard you be popping up here "Entity X"

A quinque pierces the ground, a white hair a landing opposite to him. "So both of you decided to show yourself"

The girl snickers "is it such a surprise with such a big fish in front of me" Christopher laughs. an aura weighting down on them.

"but can you really handle that big fish" he glitches and distorts. "Don't lock us in an illusion," he nods. "I locked everybody else in an illusion."

"so how can I help you White Reaper And One-eyed Owl?" they both stare at him. "When did you" Christopher laughs at them.

"what did you expect me not to know every little detail?" he snickers at them. "I never let information about myself or location leak."

"unless on purpose, of course" He turns towards the sky. "I am just waiting. I have a few things to do here. What about you 2 possible watching the supposed true 1 eyed king?"

They narrow their eyes. "Don't worry, I don't need to do anything to him really," he laughs it off. Jumping off the building, he plummets down.

The 2 look down, 2 wings bursting from his back before he glides up to the other building. "Interesting Very Interesting," Eto says her human eye narrowed mercilessly.

Arima standing emotionless. "But how come he was so calm" he mumbles to himself Christoper stares at nothing.

manipulating time, he stops at the night of the auction, flying in the air above everything Invisible to the common eye.

He burst into muttering random phrases, the ghastly sentences wavering out as if calling on something before stopping, "oh yes, I have to wait for the main attraction"

He appears inside the auction still floating, nobody capable of sensing, seeing or smelling him. He stares down at it.

his eye petrifying the already Terrified Tooru as she senses a Presence the other are seemingly unaware of she glance around at the roof in specific those up their confused

"200 MILLION SOLD!" the clown shouts as the presence disappears, Juuzou coming out next "a Price won't be needed"

Blades fly out, stabbing ghouls through the head. Christopher, grins under the mask, Juuzou throws a dagger directly towards him.

A barrier shield appearing. "Ah damn my invisibility" the barrier breaks down. Christopher appearing with his plague doctor mask and such on.

"AH what was it called oh ya ENTITY X!" he nods "well yes that very obvious" Juuzou throwing multiple more the knifes stopping mid air.

"you see that won't really work" Juuzou smiles at the challenge "and who decided That" Christopher coughs a little "Me"

remaining still "but I think you should pay more attention to those ghouls Juuzou tilts his head, throwing Knife without even looking.

"and why is that? " Christopher smiles under the mask. "well I think they're out of shock now," he vanishes. "Damn" Juuzou focuses on the other ghouls.

Unaware of the location of Entity X Christopher appears in the control room, Triggering the traps. before they phase through him.

To the shock of Nutcracker "such lovely balls. She drools he rolls his eyes. "personally my wives prefer me over my balls."

She dashes towards him cautiously. Drawing her Kagune the Tendril lashing through the air the plague doctor rolls his eyes again.

His hand dashing out and grabbing her head. She stopped in here. tracks his eyes gleam before the orange aura envelopes him.

She screams into his hand, agony overtaking her mind as her semblance of independence shatters, twisting even further down as her personality of being the dominant 1 devolving into utter submission.

He lets her go. Mayu Dropping to the ground. "well that 1 down. Who else's mind do I take away? He mumbles to himself, Mayu tongue dropping out.

As she pants like a dog. He pats her head. "I'm surprised it twisted her this far, though I might need to downplay it a bit.

He sighs, closing 1 eye. His blue flame flares up, teleporting Mayu into a bedroom before sighing, turning his attention to the door.

He stares at Shirazu. "So I do wonder how you got here so fast." the man smiles at him "and who might-" Christopher cut him off.

"nutcracker is gone. I already dealt with her for you weak ass. " He turns towards the windows before phasing out a missile hammering into him.

Disruption it. "oh a missile, so you're an Ukaku" Christopher rolls his shoulder, having shrug off the direct hit.

Multiple icy blades form around him, his mask shifting into a simple plain white mask. Well, his cloak shifts into armour.

"such a weird design. He waves his hand, the blade launching towards him. He barely dodges the attack, a large 1 lurching out of the ground.

"how the hell I didn't even hear it" he rolls off the spire skewering the ceiling above him he's stares at it "be lucky I didn't Crush your family jewels that what she would've done"