
[February 17 attack on the wall incident.]

Shu eyes glow, as he drops after his arm is sliced off, the king's mark going to Gai. "A king Did you forget you just stole that power?"

Shu finally says the parting words of Christopher, gritting his teeth. He completely loses emotion. "Christopher Tempestra Veldourth blacklight Cultellus ccxxii. I exchange my origin of existence."

Under those words, a massive aura erupts. "Did you really just say that Gai?" Christopher appears 6 massive wings erupt from his back 8 metre height. Shadows over Gai 7 halos above his head as 6 horns rest on his forehead.

"honestly I was considering sparing the world." he sighs "well I suppose I can at least declare a judgement day. I won't take your origin Shu simple because it is of no value that chant is merely to summon me forcible."

the lack of all emotion Eerie to even Gai, "you stole his arm for what to gain a power that was supposedly stolen from you aren't you just as pathetic as the GHQ."

Gai Eye narrow Christopher vanish *WHAM* Gai sent flying away as he smashes into the wall. All of his ribs fractured. Yuu Appear "Ah I can't really let you do that-"

*Whoosh* Yuu is grabbed by the throat and held up choking "I don't care."Christopher respond Throwing him away, Yuu reappears Grab once more "do I seriously have to throw you through then entire fucking Concept of plausibility

He squirms in Christopher's arm as he stares at Yuu, the boy unable to escape. "You and Da'ath can fuck off and wait. You're not even supposed to act and beside I Can't particularly kill gai, disappear."

Yuu is Teleport to a space that will keep him until March 15, forcing them to re-evaluate again, this being Christopher far outside the spectrum

The stealth bomber drops down multiple bomb Christopher snaps his finger. Every one of them erased as a massive lightning Bolt Obliterates the base they were deployed from.

not even 1 remaining as the plane is destroy his voice booms across the world "The next attempt at the annihilation of Japan will cause the entire Continent of Eurasia to be Eradicated with all residence on it."

A massive circle appears above it. "That is my insurance." the Chilling voice cause every member of the UN government to flinch. "You morons let GHQ become Authoritarian and take over japan so you caused this stupidity."

He sighs Gai getting out terrified of a second death, nearly already dying once from just Christopher's hand. he Flickers into the sky.

Both hands in his pockets as he looks down at everybody else. "Get up Shu, you know calling me was only temporary in this form."

He Pushes down Gai, Nearly Crushing him before the world protects him. "Fuck off before I obliterate you completely." the world will back up the threat considerably since he'd erase it from existence and not just destroy it."

His aura sinks. "Don't worry, I'll come back. I have a bit of cleanup to do in a few other Universes recently got out of hand for my Seraphim. said an Eldritch got in."

Shu Grinds his teeth as the monster truly wakes up. His eyes shift to red. "I never knew my father was like this." the memories given to him by Christopher Valuable.

He sprints off Gai, unable to trace him. "What the hell?" Shu Vanishing beyond the wall without an arm, Akame and Aria fully aware of what Christopher Plan is. "For once, he's letting something run its course. Well, almost."

They look back at Hare, and the students who were killed behind them, trembling. "Now I get why he keeps saying something else is the catalyst I thought I had it last time."

Aria nods. "Christopher is rather insightful in this scenario. He left this world to its Protagonist," Akame moves and acts the role of a mother calming the children down, Hare asks her "how am I alive? I swear I died." The other nods.

Akame Smiles "Christopher brought you back during his descent, then he went to clean up other problems." She pats Hare's head. "Don't worry, he will let you leave after things go in the direction they were meant to."

[March 1, The Kings second coming.]

all the forces arrive as Segai shot the void genome out of Haruka's hand it roles down the stairs, bullets fire at Segai forcing the Endlave to protect him.

Well, bullets reign on him, Just barely missing it Ayase Narrows her eyes. Wheeling to the railing she jumps down, "You damn Tomboy." shot fire out, shattering the glass until Segai drops Landing.

"I Won't let you. " he throws a dagger at it, knocking the genome the other way. It rolls across the ground and clank against Shu's shoe.

Shu feeling different, his eyes a gleaming red, his mother stare "just like his father's eyes when he was infuriated." Haruka whispers Shu reaches down, picking up the Void genome. he clenches it in his grasp.

It resonates with him just slightly, his mother screaming "SHU!" Yahiro follows "SHU!" Ayase roars "GIVE IT ABACK SHU!" still mourning the loss of her best-friend. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS!"

Shu responds without concern, "Of course, Ayase. Everything Started here, a sin I should bear." he stare at it "YOUR WRONG THAT'S OUR SIN!" Haruka screams back "YOU CAN'T USE IT A SECOND TIME THE VOID'S POWER WILL KILL YOU!"

He smiles. "Thanks mom even if we weren't a real mother and son. I'm glad I could be together with you." He closes his eyes. "I really think so now." he looks down at the void genome but this."

Shu steels his will "is the one thing that I can do." Haruka screams again "SHU NO!" the point ejects, Ayase Screams "YOU CAN'T"

He thrust it into his heart. A green glow shifts to a golden 1 as a mix of black and light form within his chest. Trembling, He closes his eyes, His brain focuses all power as a golden gleam overtakes his eyes.

He grips his Heart Screaming, as Golden lines erupt from his heart." *WHOOSH* a massive beam interchanges between black and yellow. Piercing the clouds, a swirl forms as the golden-green hue Trembles Flying down at Shu. It engulfs him.

Christopher appears. "You are what is considered the truth of a king." Segai left stunned at the Rupturing Golden blooms, Inori stares enthralled. Gai Trembles in shock. "What is this?"

Christopher Appears Above "Avatar of the True king." Shu Groans "I always ran away from everything." The trembling increases, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH RUNNING AWAY!"

The beam of light erupts as the cog shifts, Shu emotions almost null, as the monster within merges with the personality voiding all. Christopher grants it "very well Shu Ouma, STEEL YOUR WILL!."

His golden eyes gleams with intensity, seeing all void around him the beam stops as the stars align for him. "I salute the Birth of a king with Guns-" his head is cleaved off.

The eerie silence of the moment unbearable, the weapon in Shu's hand not that of a void but merely the conception of a blade itself.

Shu closes his eyes, the blade dissipates all weapons destroy in an instant. "A king who carries people's guilt. A king who had nothing, nor anything . The king who wears a crown of thorns. One who touches people's heart and carries their sins, the one who dawns the guilty crown." Christopher states. his voice Resounding across the world

"I hope you can handle her awakening, Shu Ouma," Christopher whispers before he disappears.