Aika's eyes widen realizing Christopher "What did you do to little ruby." Christopher sighs "she's tuckered out from all the crying"
Aika realizes him clearly pissed off. "You best explain why you allowed such a thing to happen this time." She Turns away.
Aika leaving the unflinching Christopher, who is steadfast on his belief of this being a necessity. Christopher leaves the area.
Disappearing out the door, as they leave ruby to it, Aika stares daggers towards. His Christopher shudders before getting into the vehicle.
"Why?" Christopher leans back "Because it will help-" Aika cut him off "will help her how!" Christopher re[;oes "I was getting to that."
Aika again speaks out, "Well, you getting to that clearly isn't fast enough. What did you make her see?" Christopher responds, "The body of your doctor."
Her eyes widen. "What Gorou died?" Christopher nods. "Gorou is suspected of being involved in a murder case," he says coldly.
Aika replies, "you let her see a decayed body of a doctor. How did that do this?" Christopher responds, "our kids aren't normal in-fact both were soulless."
Christopher lays back "two souls occupied those bodies, two of them that weren't her children." Christopher avoid saying names.
"and that girl inside Ruby had something with Doctor Gorou. Is that what you expect me to believe?" Christopher replies.
"it's not a lie," Christopher says with genuine concern. Aika nods. "Ye like reincarnation is a thing and all, considering you're literally god. I already expect it to be a real thing."
She sighs. "judging from that much, I never gave birth to living children, both were stillborn." Aika's face retains sorrow.
"ha." she smiles. "I couldn't even have kids to begin with. Christopher stare at her. "I don't think that was the case." he smiles. "I'd the reason was because of the Stress of it during your idol days"
He pulls her into an embrace. "That sort of stress would screw over anybody. It's very physically demanding dancing for hours on end. I nearly feint half the time you did that."
He smiles "And it's mentally exhaustion hiding Children on top of that." her eyes widen. "God didn't want you to snap, so he gave you a fair hand," he says lightly.
His embrace warm "so why would you doubt yourself like that?" she smiles lightly. To herself closing her eyes "Don't worry, ruby won't turn down that path. She isn't Aqua who hunting the man behind the attempt at your life and neither you or me are dead."
Aika eventually gives in. "fine I'll let you do it your way." he smiles. "I already did that," he says, turning to the car windshield
"I had to near kill a crow bitch to get my point across, but I did it." Aika sighs. "Why are you always like this?" Christopher stares into the sky.
"because I just am." no referencing the billions of Outcome he sees each time he goes to make a choice. he exit the car.
"Just don't bother with it. Aqua needs your attention more than ruby does right now. He at a sensitive point between killing the man that tried your life or abandoning that goal."
She nods, Watching Christopher back as the man disappears. Aika Drives off towards the relative location given for Aqua.
Christopher focusing on gate world as he comes up with the idea of Mega monsters creature that require teams to hunt. And are immensely powerful.
The idea that you can't chip it down with a normal weapon and require larger traps and Intricate system to hunt them the larger weapons something able to be got from a forge smith with proper materials.
deciding to place it into the idea bucket for a separate game, though using the tactic for boss planning Making it, so using Weapons to whittle down at it isn't done.
He put the laptop away after observing the gate world. The player base extremely high as he gets side tracked fixing out bug in the gate browser.
Well, he adds new features to the browser having a world map of every location as well as a fantasy map location that acts to display the world of gates or other worlds based on the user choice.
The action well received since it allowed for an easy time developing worlds that can be used to play in gate. That being the second feature.
The ability to purchase the rights to a specific server nad load up the map and creature of your choice and mods, though titling the server, modded that about it.
Another well received thing as a development kit is purchasable within Gate. this kit basically a lifetime for the newest versions costing roughly 50 bucks, the server only 20 to 43 depending on the detail and scale of the map.
Christopher smirks the Crow girl, appearing behind him on the cliff. He glances back, "are you done playing hide and seek?"
She narrows her eyes. "Why are you here in this world?" he clicks away on the keyboard. "Not a very childish sentence, huh?"
She snaps back, "Just answer the question." Christopher stops typing "I came here and decided to change it. However, to my annoyance, my wife ended up imprisoned in Ai hoshino resulting in a characteristic merge of personality"
Clicking away again "The result is Aika Opaline cultellus." The crow stays silent. "Why did such a thing happen in my world and territory?"
she mumbles Christopher responding "There are individual beyond our comprehension or at-least yours that control everything in this."
He grin "The title of this entire world is Oshi no Ko." the crow stands stunned. "What did you think your omniscience showed everything? no it shows the bare minimum."
He start to laugh at 'T haha Hahaha HAHAHAHA!" he stands up. Relieved, "I refused to believe something is so stupid as to believe it's absolute."
He turns towards the Crow. "So Just do me a favour." he place a hand on her head, his face that of insanity. "Just stop it, Hikaru will die."
The terror overcoming her yet again as her eye widen seeing the truth of the being in front of her; she stumbles back, falling to the ground. She shifts back away from him.
"ma-MONSTER!" Christopher grins at her, his toothless smile that of an abyss. "Just don't test me." she Shudders Scrambling To her feet she disappears.
Christopher Smiling "Good to know she's smart."