Christopher finishes working on the basic Frame work of it, the unit's ability specialist etc working out the kinks in the campaign the ending goal.
And the unit designs the tiers and upgrades, he also finishes work on a few other things within the gate game.
Adding the decent event, a pertaining Campaign for cults formed within the game to call upon the gods they created in an avatar form.
He codes it in the Package, sending it to the Ai It added into the game Code. Aika yawns. "When will you go to bed?"
Christopher narrows his eyes. "Hmm, that's a good question." He glances at the clock. "it's only 10Pm." he glances back at a pouting Aika.
"Sigh" He stands up, putting the Computer in sleep. "Fine," he said as he closed his eyes and hugged Aika, surprising her. Gunfire resounded over the barren field.
"DAMNIT WHERE ARE BACKUP!" The soldier Say "I don't know. IT's been WEEKS!" he aim over the trench wall, firing another barrage only for ten fold to be returned to him.
"SHIT THEY HAVE REINFORCEMENTS,' He freezes, a terror slowly overtaking him. "You hear that?" he utters, as the ear-splitting sound of whizzing echoed through the air. His eyes widen.
"ARTILLERY!" Seeing Nothing as a deafening Explosion Slams down beside him. Dirt and Mud Flung up all around him. "MY LEGS, MY LEGS I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!"
"Ah, Jim!" He Shouts Blood Pool around his prior Limbs "ah, ah AAAAAAH!" The soldier harden himself, "KILL ME PLEASE JUST END IT GODAMN IT HURTS FUCK, KILL ME PLEASE ARGH!"
The Other aims his gun. Trembling in his hands, a single deafening shot resounds as rain begins to pour Massive machines slowly moving towards the trench.
Union forces decimated. No command for Surrender, Nothing reinforcement request eons ago. The soldier stumbles back.
He covers his ears and shuts his eyes. "Damnit." The Striding walkers move over the trench soldier jumping into it.
They arrive at the spot, feeling for a pulse of the soldier without legs. "He died recently. Get A Shaman and a medic here."
*click* "SHIT" The soldier Slam to the ground, bullets fly over him "aaah" *Click, Click, Click," "Ah AAAH! NO!" He Runs the other way, looking for a gun, anything out of ammo.
Soldier close, slamming him into the mud. A muffled Scream escapes his mouth as he squirms and trembles under the lieutenant.
"CALM DOWN SON!" He continues to struggle "ARGH LET ME GO!" *SMACK* he's knocked out "Get him to psychometrics."
The Soldier just recently passed brought back his legs intact. "It be in your best interest to surrender, soldier," the medic says, a simple pistol face towards him.
He stare at his legs and the surrounding confused before lifting his hands. "That good we'll be taking you for simple interrogation."
Joining with the major Unit "their tactics are disorganized." the medic pulls up a checklist. "Malnourished lacking ammunition and soldier, of course they'd be disorganized," The Medic says
He stares at it, checking off a few more. "There command was already taken from the picture. No Surrender Order has been given by the remaining."
He sigh "they know their nukes are worthless against the insanity that was Avalonian forces." The Patrium forces Secure the rest of the Trenchs Moving towards the next. region
Artillery Flying over them into the chunk of land The Mass movement Noticed "SHIT INCOMING FIRE, FIRE!" Their guns click no ammunition in sight.
The thundering Explosions Send tremors through the ground, the end of this complete the reports in casualties in the millions.
Three central traffic cities Obliterated by the Colossus eating the tole to millions Christopher wakes up watching the Speech.
Well sipping on water The USA confirming the casualties close to a billion Belarus unable to respond to any negotiations.
Pavlo declaring The Union part of Patrium. Being question on that ritual only for it to be confirmed as a onetime thing.
Nuclear arms transferring Ownerships proving Patrium World Superpower Even Surpassing the current Top three The instant beginning of military Production.
scares the forces outside of it until it was also confirmed by Patrium that its force are far too tired for another conflict over pointless expansion.
The Government body has more than enough land and is negotiating to return pieces back to the original owners,
Aika groans, "mmm." Christopher glance back at her before getting up. He heads to The Kitchen To prepare breakfast, the clock striking 6.
Preparations to leave, beginning everything he wished to do in this world. Complete his preparations to push at-least one version of humanity into the star completely.
excluding the Stellaris version of them and the imperium and those within space, all of those races creating their own Demise with most scenarios.
Watching Warhammer closely, "hmm The Tyrannid still begun, huh. Time seems even more twisted now that Alucard and Len exist.
Noticing the weird advanced In imperium technology to break past Alucards invulnerable blood barrier. He Yawns "isn't that Tech heresy."
He shrugs the races created by his children Wreck even more havoc Within 40k. he closes the holographic display, checking on his next Locations.
Recalling undertale and his promise To Gaster. "Ah, I'll have to make time for that." Having decided already on which world to intervene with next.
Another race of human that should be Pushed to the Start to be more specific. 2 race variants of human an odd world even to him with its weird technology.
his specific for this world very determined the course of action being eradication, specifically eradication of the technological disparity between the two human races.
He yawns Well cooking Breakfast he finishes it all, upsetting up the plates yet again, Aika Getting the plate brought to her.
The viral problem having kicked up again. "Man, this thing sucks." Christopher snickers "be lucky it isn't a Zerg or flood infection. Those would require me to intervene."
He finishes his water. Aika snicker "you erase the entire thing. If it was Zerg, you'd just wipe it from existence and as for the flood."
"The only thing that would stop you would be the Universe and that thing would be petrified when you strip the flood of everything that makes it then. Suddenly the key mind unable to create new flood lifeform it cell erased slowly."
She drinks the water "not including what would happen if you involved the Nasgale. You've told me they are the absolute Apex of devouring species."