
The count laughs. "I figured she reacts since Electris is gone she the only one Saazbaum can rely on since he no longer has a landing castle but to destroy a battlecruiser."

Christopher responds "it's easy. I don't make many of my craft entirely invulnerable since Thurlein is pivotally against such actions."

He forms a cup, filling it. "Would you like some well fermented wine? I think this is 50 years old or something. I pay little mind to it since I can't get drunk." they stare at him.

"yes it sucks, especially when your wife is tipsy or two of them. Never three though, thank god." Keteratesse just stare at him. "How can you even handle three one enough?"

He shrugs. "Well, to be entirely fair, it just kind of happened." he sips on the wine. "original I had one started with and planned to end with just one."

Keteratesse nods. "We clear an entire kingdom, me and Akame, then things just went up. I made a construct the size of a universe where we sit now."

He smiles. "It was fun less complex than now." they both nod. "Then I went to a world with humanity under the thumb of an alien species. A hivemind seeking to consume and sterilize a race."

"I killed them sent fleet after their race and eradicated them during this event. I meet Aria, a technological bio form. This was before Aria become well Aria."

They get drunken at-least most but Christopher "So what other Craft does this all mighty have?" Christopher acts "well plenty battlecruisers are just that cruiser and not actual battleship's. Those are twice the size and far more equipped.

"The battlecruiser is a relatively small craft to the ships and destroyers." the chat continuing shifting between personal and technical as both count get utterly smashed with alcohol.

"Damn good?" they pass out, he glances. "active more cruisers and a few battleships and destroyers We destroy the orbital knight until we can capture Saazbaum alive or dead."

Thurlein Activates more ships of the fleet, in response to Christopher's request "Where is the total Remaining Landing Castle With Saazbaum control? It is very clear he is the ringleader to isolate the main refugee of humanity."

He sighs "And get these two out of here." he disperses appearing on the bridge Aria Snickering on his throne "oh move it."

He grabs her and sits on it, setting her down. "Prepare for engagement. I suppose they may have counters to our battlecruisers by now."

The lead commands it, "They still have yet to counter the emergency recall and retrieve our technology. However, they have enough power to knock them from the sky."

She reports "I'd like to request deployment of more ACU to the grounds below." He nods. "Request granted." battlecruiser warping above outskirts.

"The orbital knight within our side has requested to be Added to the army roaster than are equivalents to commanders." He nods. "Their expertise will be useful with the ACU calculation."

The orders granted as the remaining Landing castle in Orbit Plunge to the ground discussing with the Emperor of Vers. On what to do with the Traitors when they are caught alive or dead.

Get confirmation to capture who they can and warp them towards Mars. Thurlein sinks into the atmosphere. Splintering the Ozone,

As it touches down, resting metres from the ground. Over the top of Eurasia, the damage to the Ozone Repaired to the best of his abilities

as the landing castle touch down gently within the sparsely populated area, ACU warping in as unit construct re built up reports coming in on the Traitors behalf.

"Earth has become a three-way war," countess Rafia says after nursing Saazbaum to health "your castle is also entirely Destroyed and. The wreckage of your Dioscuria was barely retrieved after the battlecruiser disappears."

Saazbaum Groans "Can it be made back in Working Order?" She nods. "we are barely hidden, however, more forces have been deployed beyond anything else and the Few orbital knights have landed on the side of the Avalonians."

Saazbaum contemplates his vengeance near destroyed. "Who is on the side of Avalon?" She responds "Count Keteratesse, count Cruhteo, and count Mazuurek."

He stare "Oh." She replies again, "And interestingly enough, Slaine Troyard has been taken out of Cruhteo Care after much deliberation by the little intel we have."

She smirks. "He is growing Close to Akane, the pilot of that monstrosity tearing through the Knight castles." Saazbaum asks another question, "so why has he not torn apart your castle and captured me?"

She responds "I increase the Aldnoah drive to replicate my Kataphrakt's Optical camouflage." she trembles. "I had little of a chance against those Cruiser even with my Optical Camouflage it could see me somehow but."

Saazbaum nods. "So it's best to get Dioscuria online." He Groans to his feet. "Be careful that Kaladeer didn't leave you without Injury."

He slaps her away. "I'm aware, but less they find us, we're both dead. You said its forces were increasing, right?" she nods

"that means it probably has far more battlecruiser than we've Seen and More weapons. We need an immediate countermeasure to them first."

She nods. "Count Zebrin Landing castle it deactivates but should have records of how the Electris was built." Saazbaum responds "you wish to defile our Kin."

Again he shut up. "We don't have a choice. We are now Fugitives in the Vers. empire. Our own kin and Terran's are hunting us down!"

He Sigh "I can reactive it as my landing castle is destroyed, but what of the forces that are to tear it apart?" She confirms, "A few battlecruisers just warp out from above it."

she sigh "moving the castle in camouflage slowly, we should reach it soon because of our relatively near distance to it."

She enters the bridge, the Landing Castle Rings closing. as it lifts and slowly moves, making itself as small of a distortion as a towering Landing castle can be. They approach the destroyed city and the area around Zebrin Castle.

"What of the ruins of my own Castle." he says, using a cane. Rafia responding, "to be destroyed for Repairs and with Zebrin Dead, we should only have Two Active."