
Christopher staring at it as it breaks down into particles. The Void fades, he collapses to his knees, before getting up and healing the Damage.


"Argh." he sighs, his form reverting to a simple human one, as he forms more human." he lunge at thrown to the ground by Aria.


"hmph!" getting up and scratching his head, "it's dead." She nods. "it presence no longer remains. That means we are done here so far."


He nods. "With Hayden here, this world should remain disconnected." Recalling how a massive the plot pressure would be if it strings to Chara again.


In place of Frisk, his hand glitches, "Urgh." he gets up. Hayden appears at the edge of the giant Crater "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU WENT CRAZY!"


Christopher laughs. "That wasn't even close to crazy, Sans appears at the edge as does Gaster. "that thing is dead and we're entirely Disconnect?"


he says, folding his hand behind his back, Christopher replies, "Ah yes, basically the Timor Soul remains and beings will begin to appear frequently amongst other children.


"Timor itself is not the threat as versatile as fear can be. It's limited to the imagination of the caster and the Capacity and life said Soul has lived."


He groans. "I won't defend this one, but by definition, Timor is not the problem but the environment, so I'd be careful with them."


He nods. "What about the other soul's traits?" he responds. "Humans are limited to a set of now eight soul types. Monster are locked in neutrality, allowing use of all of them.


"The Last Souls traits such as Constancy, Dedication, heroism, honor, Mercy, empathy, and humility, are entirely Outside the range of human and monster. Range."


he sigh "hate is not, and neither is hope humans can go into the Section of Despair Apathy's deceit, recklessness, corruption, and wrath, but that normally only in cases of severe exposer to them."


He groans again. "That thing could only use the nine souls traits formed from hate the Seven souls and Timor." taking them home, he glances at Undyne.


And sighs. "I will leave shortly. I just have to bring something back," he holds his Hand out, his eyes glimmer in grey, a monster soul appears.


formulating reality itself's, He crushes it, a yellow Lizzard forms, "Ah!" hitting the ground, he closes his eyes, "you don't have the Cracks of myself, but it appears your soul does."


He nods, "I have methods to repair my own. It will take some time." he glances at them. "No humans Can not be brought back."


He looks at the ground. "Death is greedy in this world. Something must be given for another thing to Emerge, however, I should be able to bring back those children used in the barrier."


He glances at Asriel. "Your soul is not required to possess all to function now. Asriel," he states, a monster soul forming in his hands.


Gaster respond "But what's the point there families are dead?" Christopher closes his eyes. "I expected such a Cold response. First fix your sanity, then come back."


Faster eyes widen. "Whatever the hello Rome Did to you, he utterly destroyed your mind. Beside both of your children are Alive."


he glows "see." the soul link between them erratic by option, Asriel gazes "will it give them a chance?" Christopher closes his eyes "if you release them and actual reach your full Potential."


He shiver "that threat is worse than your Father or even the skeletons." Sans responding "What do you mean only Gaster is chromatic?"


He sighs. "You're what his kids correct. You aren't entirely formed by two skeletons like normal and with how I purposefully messed up this entire timeline, Most monster can to some extent use all Magic Traits."


Hayden responds "you can use all magic perfectly," Christopher replies "My Insanity soul huh." he pulls it out, the pure white human Soul something of impossibility.


Glitching and pulsing as slight influences of madness are invoked from its consistency of its Madness, he put it away, "just show me the rainbow soul Asriel."


It appears in his hand, taking it as the monster soul replaces it, fixing his body, which began to degrade the soul between Christopher's hand.


"I've done this quite a lot." the soul split into six others, a seventh forming, insanity binds in the air, soul traits splinter off it into seven.


"Frisk is a female name. Is that not right?" Aria respond "It's a neutral." he sighs "If I turn it from genderless won't I accidentally be giving assumed her a ton of buffs."


She shakes her head. "bah it not our issue." the bodies are crafted for all Seven Souls, they hit the ground, far older than before.


"Ah shit, that the Problematic effect of knowing all time." The clothing appears over them all. "WHAT THE HELL!" He shrugs "It Made them into teenagers Ah Damn…"


"How did you mess up specifically that part?" he shrugs. "It just calibrated them to the most likely age." Shaking his skull "So we have a bunch of teenaged Children."


He shrugs, Chara Coughing, "HUH!" Frisk the definition of a bombshell, he cough "ehem that is probably what she would look like And what I saw in many timelines"


He coughs again. "You just wanted to troll them. I mean, look at Chara. He's barely holding it together." Christopher responds "If I removed the Age gate, he'd also turn out to be literally eighteen akin to the other kids,"


Each of them stunned by their new body. "Good news. You got to completely avoid puberty bad news. You have to learn what an adolescent does and need special classes to get caught up.


He coughs. "You mean they have to figure out how not to be horny." he respond "Not quite, though, that is definitely a part of being a teenager."


She shakes her head. "This is such a pain in the ass these now teenager have little of a childhood." Christopher's mouth rest agape, "ah I forgot about that.."


Aria Hand Smashes against Christopher, hurling him as he skips across the land with a shattering thump, "Sigh he's So Idiotic Sometimes."