The Queen.

The carnage unfounded when the Soldiers reach it, with the heaviest of arms, glancing around the ruined fortress a few days.

Later, they are greeted when one erupts from it howling in fury, the Ever engulfing power scaling far above the common fortress peasant.

the army managing to take down one with a consecutively exorbitant amount of firepower, the shot resounding, with magic hurling into the Creatures.

more and more Leaving as they are suppressed and fire upon'd, the queen Offloaded with enormously thick limbs thumping off the ground.

it's a sprawling system, already active getting out, it immediately gazes, addressing its surrounding before entirely climbing out of the ship.

The large body, an entire biological factory, as it begins to dig into the ground, submerging itself as the mountainous pulsing mass on its back.

Fleshy roots shifting throughout the whole of the ground, absorbing materials as it writhing, mass pulsate eggs rupturing within the Cavernous maw of the queen.

hundreds Of Terror Drone Erupt from its Maw, developing another lifeform, It spits out, Something akin to Rupture, as the larger Creature.

wriggles its way out, the warrior class, a brutish clarification of it, the front arms large and brutish, for the sole reason of bludgeoning,

bladed Carapace rest on its fists, to In fact a thrusting Puncture, of its body, the whole of a body oval covered in hard near ballistic plates of armour.

Its back legs, thin and pointed like the tip of a needle, only used for supporting it, the Creature Clatters across the grounds, even killing its own terror drone kin.

The forces an expanse of vast horror, as it rush across the mountain, lands shunning life itself, as it's covers the ground, another lifeform Created.

The Mortar, the large Creature, thumps out, a pulsing writhing mass akin to a volcano on its back bubbling with a corrosive acid.

As its scorpion-like body skitters across the ground, the sharp click-clack of its legs resonates, creating an eerie sound. Its exoskeleton gleams in a metallic hue.

the tail bubbling as these bug like things Move to the back, the Fortresses of the Astran mountain kingdom, a booming Material Economy that supplies a good chunk.

of the materials for weapons to the kingdom surrounding it, the horde crashing into the first of many weak outposts for surveying the area.

The mountain range rather inaccessible, as the corruption seeps into the very water, erosion, as the opposing, Penisula, slowly corrupted.

This corruption driving Ehit Mad An area he can not hope to see into, as the hordes, Engulfs the Outposts. "AAAAH!" the agonized screams like every person.

Perishing to liquid biomass occurring, Christopher watching the progression of the army that beat down creature one in horde. "Do we have the Tetrapod yet?"

She nods, "it not entirely stable." he takes the Tablet, scanning it. "Hmm." he reorganizes the nervous system, functionally changing the Organs.

And erasing the unnecessary part he completely reworks it internals, "This is the best option," he hands it to her. "launch a Tetrapod towards this region.

The corruption overwhelmingly as it spreads only increasing, as the swarms of creatures overwhelming the Outposts Along the way.

the queen burrows with the expansive sac, as another Creatures is awakened, The Tetrapod, ground up, as the replicator on the exterior ground.

the goliath of a tetrapod, forming, as its colossal foots slam down, akin to an enormous Stilt, armoured, as lesser Armoured Legs hang behind.

The creature's body at-least 15 metres off the ground, as the goliath howls out, "sir is it really a good idea to release a Tetrapod?

He nods, "We have many more Monstrosity to throw at these petty humans," the first Vanguard released from the Queen, as it charges forwards.

Having an enormous crest on its head of thick keratin, rushing at full pace, before slowing at the Cluttered area. The massive tetrapods.

Finally, coming into view of the military, of the expanding corruption having finally been Notice Ehit Screaming at the top of his lungs,

Feeling a surge of frustration coursing through him. His Mouth Furrows to a frown, as the typical sadistic smile is instantly scowling.

With a swift motion, he raises his hands to his metaphysical temples, massaging them vigorously to ease the mounting annoyance at this storm blocking his view.

Ehito Digging into his metaphysical body, as it tearing his hair out, he glares down at the massive Expanse of Storm. "WHAT THE HELL!"

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, he lets out an overwhelming, Roar, as he remains in his spectral plain, Shaking his head he Shout an order towards Alva

His eyes, once bright and filled with fury and irritation, Alva, staring "yes master." he points. "Invade that Plain and find out what it is. Torus is being destroyed by it by something other than me!"

The weight of the Discontent even detected by Alva. "I will see too it." Not mentioning how difficult it will be to get into that area from how deep it is into the human territory

With a final shake of his head, he breathes out, still annoyed but growing his control. Not snap, deciding to send an apostle unaware of how brutally it may parish.

Alva Sending out a platoon to sneak their way through the forest. A portion of the pale forest corrupted, minimally, the warping twisting overshadowed.

"Do you hear that?" The thumping unmistakable as a towering arm slams to the ground from the blitzing storm of the wastes. "IS THAT COMING FROM THE CORRUPTION!."

the giant finally overshadowing them, "AAAH!" the ARm hurls Up Crashing down, it bellow up an explosion, Dust storms engulffing it.

The camp is destroyed, or at least half of it. The guards staring in horror as they gaze up at the gigantic figure looming over them.

It lifts the Arm raising its fist. It hurls it down, Trembles resounding as an explosion of shock blows over the area, wiping out the

whole of the Camp, those left barely capable of mustering the courage to move, Ehit stare at the Kaijiu of the creature, he smiles