Intoxicating Fear.

Christopher grinning as he watches Hajime. "Too bad he does marry them all." Kaori highly protective of him as the rest of the group.

Show no interest, only a Red-haired Moron clearly distraining for him, apparent madness showing on this Red haired.

Figuring the traitor just from that alone, "it seems Ehit Particularly Like to Toy with this specific group of people, as he particularly Toys with these particulates of heroes.

Christopher only really having a clean interest in a few of the members of the Group, Kaori, and Hajime, just two of the petite girls, and the hero of Keen Interest to him as well.

eying the man, the Lord talks of blessing Hajime weak blessing by their standards something questionable, why does a hero have something of an artificer use?

Christopher observing but remaining silent to it, "a world run by one god truly a pity, there should always be at-least four if not six."

he mutters from his operation, "else cases like this come to be their should always be two gods completely, even in power, but still overwhelming compared to others."

Confused at why such a rapidly developing world lacks all but Ehit, even in reading the history of the planet itself.

Al but revealing many things before Ehit that would provide bases for a God by extension multiple, yet none appeared.

The magic beast Raining supreme, he sighs, "this world is more of a mystery than it's worth," seeing numerous religions that could birth a god twice if not triple the pathetic Old one Ehit power.

Even if the world itself refuses to allow one, it would be ignored. He shakes his head, "I need to stop thinking about such things."

fixing the bugs in certain creatures, body as he tries to pass the time until he can react, That time not even Two months away.

Sleeping as a more berserk monster, the pale forest invaded, as it partially corrupted, twisting the trees and animal life there.

Like Aliens, however, not spreading beyond the pales forest, as if held back, Christopher purposefully storing excess.

The bodies Stacking up as millions rest dead, from the constant Incursion, Like a labyrinth exploding in power and production.ย 

constant restoration of resources, supply the crippling power overwhelming, as fortress are reinforced immensely.

because of the onslaught, the queen Progress halted as mass murder of her kin erupt, Are magic toppling to the Queens Fodder.

Fire Found to be extremely effective, Ehit Shocked at the overdrive of these demons, Something he didn't expect for resistance, the heros still far too weak.

progressing barely into the deeper parts of the Labyrinth, Christopher reacting, a night before Hajime gets thrown to the lower levels of the Labrinth.

"AH!" he's silenced, the floating eye gazing at him as it moves around his body, talking to him telepathically. "They can not hear your screams. The Surrounding is engulfed by silence.

He stares. "WHa-what- What do you want!" the eye approaches him, "are you the one gifted with the Transformation of the surroundings?"

he tremble "ye- yes!" the eye forms hands, said hands moving towards Hajime, "Let me study." the hands slam against his chest.

Another pressing his back, as an aura of scanning passes through his body, his eyes widen, as he trembles, stunned by this development.

after judging enough from him, the hands splinter away from him, piercing his eye "ARRRRRGH!" it rips it out of his head,

the eye growing tendrils, as it insert itself into Hajime Screaming in pain, all the damage is repaired, In an instant, the pain disappears.

He opens his eyes, staring in horror at the eye on the ground, a circle appears around it, the eye displaying the stats.

The eye called average human eye, "huh," he feels the eye installed by Christopher, "come to the abyssal territory upon clearing Three Labrinths."

The Idea Shocking "WHAT!" the voice disappears "Do not concern yourself, with such thoughts you will know in due time Nagumo Hajime."

Hajime goes silent, the Ghastly Voice vanishing, Hajime getting up, feeling no different, until leaving the base every person outline.

as stats are displayed beside him Christopher in the best of terms, having turned his eye to that of a video game character standardly displaying status.

Though Excluding, Status and secret ones '๐’‰๐’–๐’‰ ๐’…๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’‚ ๐’”๐’•๐’‚๐’•๐’–๐’” ๐’‘๐’‚๐’•๐’† ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•.' he shakes it off, going through the process of clearing the Labyrinth.

The class looks at it, his eyes glowing but not capable of identifying it. "What is that crystal? It's so Shiny and Sparkly." the captain glances at the roof.

"oh that's a Grants crystal and a big one at that, it's rare." The Captain continuing "it doesn't have any special properties, but it shines beautifully, so it's pretty popular among nobles."

Hajime, gazing at it, '๐’Š๐’• ๐’”๐’„๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’•๐’“๐’‚๐’‘ ๐’•๐’‰๐’๐’–๐’ˆ๐’‰ ๐’˜๐’‰๐’š ๐’˜๐’๐’–๐’๐’… ๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’ƒ๐’๐’…๐’š ๐’•๐’๐’–๐’„๐’‰ ๐’Š๐’•?' "it's beautiful." Kaori Says "yup and that the last one so we're done here for today. Everyone, let's head back."

"I'll take it for you then" Kaori gaze a "Hiyama-kun?" she question curiously" the captain shot back "YOU FOOL DON'T ACT ON YOUR OWN GET DOWN THIS INSTANT."

Hajime's eyes widen, "So you want to kill us all, huh? Even your crush." Hajime says Hiyama flinch. "Calm down, it's not that high."

The captain howls out "I TOLD YOU BEFORE THAT THIS LABYRINTH COULD HAVE DANGEROUS TRAPS IN IT!" Hiyama mutter "Yeah, yeah it's just a stone."

"See Eazy Peezy." the captain's eyes widen, a magic circle of transportation erupting below him. "LET GO OF THAT STONE NOW IT'S A TRAP!"

Hajime freeze briefly "FUCKING MORON!" Hiyama shouts "BASTARD!" Hurling it at Hajime, The Circle glowing as they disappear.

Appearing in a wide hallway, another circle appearing on the opposition, a Goliath of a creature rising as morbid realization dawns on him.


the Captain draws his sword, as a circle appears Behind him,ย Skeletons form the bone heads metallic in color as random weapons are given to them.