Judgement Decree

Christopher Returning after the effect of bring Naiz back and sending him and the girls to the Orcus, Laybrinth, he teleports to his throne.

"Nagumo's beaten three Labyrinth. I'm curious if he'll come here first or go to the Sea One. But first, let's deal with Ehito's little servants."

Referring to the Apostle Squadron, he's sent into the Ether to get some insight into what it is, only to be horrified by the fact it's a systematic mutation of the planet to an abomination.

Christopher finally deciding to Show Ehito the ending he so pathetically fears, He appears away from the Apostle, stepping towards them.

the sand Creasing beneath his feet, as he slowly unravels his form, the Great wings erupting from his back, as he comes into the one guard apostle view.

"you dare pass on my territory!" the force of his power erupts outwards "You a lifeless Husk Servant to a god whose mind ceases to be!" 

One of the Apostle is killed in an instant, a tentacle making the centre of her chest vanish, as it instantly pulls back. "You will regret every setting foot on this world."

The powerful madness breaking apart the seams of reality, as the Zeraphim's Wrath makes itself know, "I will strip away ever Sanction of comprehension."

He grabs another by the neck. "erase every confrontation, you will know what true fear is EHITO!" the Apostle is blown away by overwhelming existence.

The other attack him, their weapons hit against his skin, cracking against it as they attempt to evade his skin and pierce him before shattering.

He grabs both heads, smashing them together. The Apostle dies just like that, the last one backing away as Christopher appears behind her.

Grabbing her shoulder "And you a succulent Servant." she screams out, "AAAAAAH!" Her silver wings corrupted as they twist to a raven black.

the Armour lack luster as a Demoness tail protrude from her back, EHITO thrown out of her body as she turned against him.

Collapsing to her knees, Red Overtakes the Pale blue of her eyes, leaving only her white hair a reminder of what this apostle used to be converted into Christopher Servant in moments.

She stands up, "Master, please adorn me with a name." He glances at her, comprehending her "Oriasia" he says bluntly, already perceiving the state of the kingdom of Helligh. "At-least she slows her pace because of the Explosion of the Abbess of the covent and disappearance of several victims.

He Connect to Thurlein "Prepare to Introduce yourself. I have to revive the last known member of the Liberators. The rest are too voided."

The Aether Starts to spread again, tearing against the wall as an onslaught of power reveals itself to them all, the king smirking.

Realizing Meld had been killed, "we may stop hiding them now." His eyes glow, "KILL EVERY WALKING CORPSE!"

Suddenly the ground itself is toppled as the sleeper reacts, their eyes glow, adorned in solidified armour, forms over them.

marching out armour of thousands Move, "FIGHT THE DEMONS OFF!" they draw weapons completely unfounded by the law of the world.

Fighting hard against all things as other squadron break off to secure the king and queen as well as eliminate the Church.

Ehito, having finally seen what's he's facing, something that cares not for any life and lacks all Morality, having such power that even he can not fully comprehend it.

"he can't be much stronger than me if it still took time for him to kill the Apostle, but what did he do to the last pawn? It just vanished."

Christopher watching event Drastically move forwards, Noint capturing the fertility Goddess, by the Local Hajjime clearing the 4th Labyrinth.

"he's heading for the Capital of Helligh. I guess he going to provide some help." the King and queen, gaze outwards, having such magic.

Presence they require no god, other than the one to grant it to them. The Etheric Mist Erupting with fervent power, toppling the great wall.

Suffocating People as it continues to spread across the land, awakening the section of Aether place about by Christopher.

the Zeraphim, Patient "Oriasia, prepare to move on Helligh, Christopher vanishes, appearing in the air as horrifyingly powerful holy energy engulfs the Skies.

"Thurlein, prepare drop sequence, Reveal to Ehito exactly what it means to mess with a universal construct Erase Igdol and every living demon spawn out there strips him down of half his following.

Duplication of him moving on each labyrinth to bring out the Liberatiors Miledi Oscar and Naiz convince and appearing around him.

"I would decree judgement day." a massive gateway appears, as Behamut forms out of it, Thurlein manifesting in the atmosphere.

a beam strikes true erasing Garland, with nuclear Armageddon, the force of the forest moving "THE LORD HAS AWAKENNED!"

The six massive wings spreading meters away, as the true potential is revealed. He lifts his hand "Sin to Virtue." an enormous scale appearing behind him.

the Cataclysmic Judgement coming bold "Awaken Will of Torus." the Trembling power authority enough to Limit Ehito interference.

Judgement Declared, as it balance just barely on the side of Sin. as he glances at Oriasia, "Go handle Noint, I will deal with the rest.

The despair finally sinks into Ehito, as he falls back "hahaha I thought He was just a little more powerful…" Christopher's voice resounding.

"I herby declare the Judgement of a corrupt god at hand." the moment he says it, even more power flushes out as the Torus Soul.

Forms beside him, Oriasia Slams her blade into Noint's, flicking her back as a chant-less incineration of hellfire erupts forth.

The Liberators, Preaching the Falsehood of Ehito, unable to deny it with the Cast decree of Judgement, Behamut Shot across the sky.

hundreds of dropped plummeting into atmosphere as Armys Are formed in mere seconds, Hajime himself noticing it.

A voice thunders out, "You know how I said you'd find out? Later Nagumo Hajime I've had a change of plans," he appears in front of him.

"I'm not here to get in your way or do anything less." He glances back as Oriasia and Noint rest equally match Clashing Readily.

More gate appear as true Dragon flies out under the Leadership of Behamut an entirely new apocalypse comes to be over the world.

Christopher glance ahead Dragons Marines, Knight, and soldiers rushing to eliminate the last of the Demons, as the Garland rest in Nuclear ruins.

Alva Left helpless, As is Ehito blocked from interfering in the world after the awakening of the Torus Will, Said will work on the stabilization of the ruins.

The Etheric Mist, having spread over the whole of the planet and awakened the Aether before Dispersing, "The true power of this world rest in aether, not Mana. I'll explain after I annihilate that pathetic remnant, Ehito."