Chapter 25

Gideon woke up to 'lively' chatter outside his room. It looked like it was morning already and he checked his phone for any new notifications. Flicking away the useless ones, he checked his conversation with Kaiden and saw that he was left on seen. He didn't have any hard feelings about it but that's pretty rich coming from a guy who was so clingy.

He got out of bed and changed out of his Pajamas before heading out. The chatter suddenly died down the moment he opened the door and thus he knew something was up. Upon taking a peek into the living room, he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders. Theodora checked Gideon from head to toe and even spun him around that got him dizzy.


Gideon was close to feeling sick, everything was still spinning. Since he wasn't physically hurt, he can't necessarily heal himself so he just felt really bad. Theodora stopped checking him and suddenly hugged him and patted the back of his head.

"I missed you so much, Gideon! When I heard about what happened last week, I wanted to rush back here and punch that bastard" Theodora gritted her teeth in anger, and Stephen in the background was nodding his head in agreement to punching Kaiden.

"N-no!" Gideon collected himself and slowly things were no longer spinning.

"I'm fine! You don't have to go to such lengths! But I thought you won't be home for a few months?"

"Why are you asking me that? Don't you want me around?" Theodora frowned and Stephen in the background squinted his eyes at Gideon.

'Is he trying to communicate something telepathically?' Gideon thought to himself.

Since Gideon was a Demon, most of Stephen's and Theodora's abilities don't work on him and that includes Stephen's telepathic abilities that only work on humans. Regardless of that, he can guess it's due to his question.

"I didn't mean that… I was only wondering"

"I know, I know" she sighed before continuing "Well the others are still in the front lines but I had to go back here briefly with Lady Kassandra. I'll be leaving the next night once again."

Gideon blinked, maybe it's because he's been here for years now that he would sometimes forget that this world was a novel that he had read and that it wasn't a dream. He tried to recall the book but all he could remember is that Kassandra died in the front lines. He couldn't remember what the details were exactly, maybe it's this scenario. He felt a little scared, if Kassandra dies then it means Theodora would also-


Gideon snapped out of his thoughts and realized he had been squeezing Theodora's hand tightly that it looked like he broke some of her fingers. He panicked and let go immediately to heal her up.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"No no! It's ok it didn't hurt that much, but why did you suddenly freeze up like that? Is it because I was going to leave again?"

Gideon finished healing her hands and he nodded slightly at her question. The response made Theodora's heart tremble and she pulled Gideon into a hug.

"It pains me to leave the both of you here" she motioned for Stephen to join in their group hug to which he did.

"Can we at least see you off tomorrow? Not just here but in the Castle?" Gideon suggests.

Perhaps he may be able to visit Azazel or Amiad and try to persuade them to change their course of action. The world no longer followed the original plot since he did not end up being hated by the protagonist but it still did not guarantee the safety of the other cannon fodders such as Stephen and Theodora. Theodora hesitated but eventually agrees after seeing how worried Gideon was.

"But you have to promise me you won't go anywhere else while we're there. Just stick to Stephen the entire time"

"About that..."

Stephen butts into their conversation and explains that he can't come along since he has his fair share of work as well. Ever since they moved, they had a backlog of orders as well as those that were already paid for so he needs to rush those. He apologizes since he rarely sees his wife as well. Theodora frowned realizing that she would have to leave Gideon alone in the castle if that was the case and she did not like that one bit.

"I suppose we can ask Alexander to tag along with you," she says to Gideon before finally letting him go.

Theodora went on to give a brief talk about her experience in the front lines. She left out confidential information and mostly focused on the things that she saw. Rumors were spreading in the towns nearby the area that there were demons who could control the monsters. Gideon was surprised by the news and asked for more information but Theodora said that they had no other information about it.

This made Gideon think about the novel again, was this ever mentioned?

He ended up leaving the two alone because they needed privacy and since it's now deemed to be safe for him to wander about, he left the house. Gideon went to the local shops and he saw a familiar Brunet in one of the stalls. This was his chance and he walked in that direction.

"Fancy seeing you here Amias"

"I should say the same, though it would have been nicer if you had waited for me to finish talking to this young gorgeous lady"

The lady behind the counter blushed which got the male employee becoming overprotective that he told her to go to the back.

"Oh another eye candy" Amias winked at the Man and he got flustered.

Who knew Amias swung both ways. Gideon just had his mouth agape and Amias used his cigarette holder to close his mouth.

"Careful, a fly might enter. But are you shocked because I flirted with a man?"

Gideon nodded and Amias grinned.

"Relationships shouldn't be limited to one's gender. Who is there to say that a man cannot lie with another man and vice versa?"

Although what he was saying is the truth, Gideon still felt embarrassed over the fact that they're having this conversation, to begin with. He needed to change the topic asap!

"What are you doing here?" Gideon asks to which he got a reply;

"I'm working"

"I never knew that flirting is a part of your work"

"Haha well, how will I be able to use my powers if I don't commit debauchery? This reminds me, you're part succubus and yet I don't sense you have any sexual desires.. how are you able to control yourself?"

It was indeed very odd, and of course, a lot of people would start to question Gideon about this. It was scary as if Amias was trying to pry something out of him. Something he didn't even know to begin with.

"Ahahah I don't know, maybe it's because my Human side is more superior? I can barely make illusions remember?"

No one can know he's half-angel. That's the reason why he got discriminated against in the first place.

"Hmm you do have a point, but still, are you sure you're not broken anywhere?" Amias technically asked him if he had Erectile Dysfunction. He felt insulted and wanted to smack him but before he could, Amias moved away as if he sensed danger.

"Easy easy, Anyways it was nice chatting with you. I'll be off to work again!" He walked away waving his hand.

"Work my ass..." Gideon muttered to himself before continuing with his stroll. He plans on staying out for an hour more because no one knows what the couple back in his place were doing.