Chapter 50

Kassandra made her way to the areas that her brother had listed. She really had doubts that Amias went here just because. But seeing her brother being upset about it... She couldn't help but feel guilty a little.

Looking at the list, if Kassandra was being honest, she felt like this list was actually her brother's go-to area. Just looking around won't help her look for Amias. Time was valuable to them right now.

"Excuse me" Kassandra began to ask several stalls asking if they had seen Amias and to her dismay, they all said they haven't seen him.

This kept going up till she reached the last area on the list. It was a simple bookstore in the eastern part of the Capital.

Kassandra looked up and down the building before walking in.

"Welcome to the storeeee" a little boy carrying a few books came into Kassandra's view.

"oh uh..." Kassandra doesn't do well with children so she's rather lost on how to interact with him.