Divine Domain Transformation, Academy Selection

With a low shout from Sullo, the aura on his body was no longer the same as before.

A faint divine aura circulated from the halo behind him. Even his own divine body would occasionally emit divine light.

When he was a demigod, his body had never had such a feeling. After becoming a four-star god, he only felt that the divine power pouring into his entire body was countless times stronger than when he had the faith power.

He sent his divine sense into the Divine Domain. At this moment, the Divine Domain had undergone an earth-shaking transformation.

Sullo, who had entered the Divine Domain, was startled. He discovered that Princess Jonah was still in her original position, waiting for his orders.

His divine voice was soft, causing ripples to appear in this space.

"Return to your domain. Now that you are at the divine level, your law cultivation must not fall behind."

"I will obey your will, my great god."