Domain Divine Art, About To Set Off

That mysterious and ancient voice faded away the moment it uttered those words.

In Sullo's eyes, several hundred runic stones that were emitting a faint divine light suddenly appeared. On top of these runic stones, there were mysterious inscriptions engraved on them. All sorts of strange auras were faintly emitted from these runic stones.

It seemed that these runic stones that were engraved with divine inscriptions were items that had inherited divine arts.

The runic stones slowly rotated in his eyes, like they were dazzled by the sight of Sullo.

Looking at the various divine arts on the runic stones, Sullo suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He bowed toward the empty place and a faint divine voice rang out.

"Senior, this brat wants to ask if there are any domain-type divine arts recorded here."