Flood of Faith, Sullo’s Arrival!

Although the life planet that had been destroyed by the abyssal demons had already been dilapidated and lost a lot of life force.

However, there were still several life forms left on the life planet.

If all the life forms in the life planet chose to believe in Sullo, they would also be able to raise Sullo's strength to a considerable level after the thousand-fold amplification. 

Thus, after thinking for a while, Princess Jonah decided to accept them into Sullo's faith.

After telling the life planet how she believed in Sullo...

Princess Jonah displayed her incomparably terrifying divine power.

In just an instant, the powerful power of the Holy Human Spirits illuminated the entire life planet, covering the entire plane.

It was as if the entire void plane was trembling under this terrifying divine power!

This extremely powerful divine power far surpassed the demigod Alice and the demigod-level abyssal demon.