Spreading Storm of Space-Time Turbulence!

Within the vast dimension, countless powerful gods were exuding their own incomparable radiance.

The vice deans of each seminary were all powerful sovereign experts and preparing to directly teleport their students back to their respective seminaries.

After Sullo led the students of the War Theological Seminary to defeat the students of Taya Academy and obtain first place, the reputation of the entire War Theological Seminary and its control over all sorts of resources were even more terrifying.

Furthermore, Sullo's outstanding contributions had awarded him another reward that was waiting for him at the War Theological Seminary upon his return. 

This was on top of the fact that Sullo had already been given the plane origin they had gathered during the Academy War.

After receiving all the rewards, many of the students were doubtful that this was the end of the competition as things had ended earlier than usual.