One in Ten Thousand, Another Storm Was Coming

After a series of attacks, Sullo uses the Thunder Law Upanishad to catch the other God off guard!

After all, the offensive power that came from the laws of lightning was something to be reckoned with. 

Not even a peak six-star God could defend fully against it!

Naturally, Sullo was taking advantage of the situation to secure his victory. After unleashing this attack, he continued to launch as many as he could, not allowing his enemy a chance to catch his breath!

Under the terrifying pressure, Li Hai had ended up taking quite a beating. His face was also filled with disbelief!

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Facing his shock, Sullo only revealed a faint smile. "This is exactly why I said it was best to fight first before saying anything."

After saying that, Sullo exploded out with his most powerful strength as he severely injured Li Hai in front of him!

"Damn it! I surrender, I surrender!"