The Competition Between Believers Begins!

Once he was left alone and gave it more thought, Sullo wondered why he had not thought about having a competition between his believers before this as it would create a healthy avenue to boost morale and communication between them.

It would make them trust each other better!

Giving it more thought, Sullo decided to send down his own divine decree as he told all his believers to prepare for the start of a huge competition. 

For this, Sullo also created the platform for the competition itself out of crystals and numerous defense towers. When people saw this, it was obvious that a fierce competition was about to occur.

Furthermore, every race within Sullo's divine domain could participate. 

It was also at this time that Sullo used his terrifying divine power to create a gold scroll! 

The scroll contained the divine decree that he was prepared to announce to his followers within his divine domain!