Believers’ Search & Rescue Mission!

After arriving at a plane, Sullo immediately realized that something was wrong!

"Oh, did something happen? Why does it feel like a foreign invasion has taken place here?"

The plane in front of Sullo had clearly gone through a terrifying situation and was still undergoing drastic changes!

The originally brilliant galaxy was already on the verge of shattering right in front of Sullo's eyes.

The entire world seemed to be trembling incessantly, like it was crying out in pain. 

The entire Ember River had already shattered beyond recognition as terrifying divine power continuously caused the plane to tremble.

The entire domain was trembling incessantly.

Smoke and gunpowder rose everywhere.

It seemed like a terrifying war had recently occurred!

Meanwhile, Sullo released his divine sense and began to explore everything around him and outside the plane.