Doomsday, a Maturity Ceremony at 20 Years Old!

In a parallel world, the year was AD 2290.

America was in a mess.

Her cities were in ruins, with large numbers of zombies and mutant bugs roaming around.

Apart from these monsters, there were also many shelters built by the survivors.

In the morning, the sun's rays shone into fallout shelter 043.

Feeling the sunlight, Albert's eyebrows twitched in the room. Then, he opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

His gaze swept across the room.

As it was doomsday, there was no light, so the room was dark.


Albert exhaled slightly and swept his slightly messy hair.

Then, he got off the bed and came to a shabby calendar in the room.

He tore off a page.

The year 2290, September 12th.

"Doomsday has been going on for more than three years..."

Albert murmured as if he had thought of something that he did not want to remember.

Three years ago, as a strange beam of light descended, about 20% of the creatures mutated into zombies.

The appearance of zombies quickly caused the world to fall into chaos.

Humans were constantly being killed and eaten.

Within a short week, the crazy zombies had almost engulfed the entire city.

After that, the surviving humans gathered in a block and used cement bags and sandbags to build a line of defense, isolating all the zombies outside.

Ultimately, as the streets continued to be transformed, and weapons, food, and other resources were replenished, they were turned into sanctuaries for the humans during the apocalypse.

Shaking his head and interrupting his memories, Albert looked out of the window.

It was early in the morning, and the feeling of an empty stomach from time to time urged him to eat breakfast.

Thinking of this, Albert no longer dawdled. He pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

Walking out of the room, he was greeted by the sight of the sanctuary.

It was early in the morning.

As he walked in a familiar direction, Albert also noticed the bustling scene of the people around him.

Because it was doomsday, the living conditions of the people today were not as good as before.

Most of the people around him did not wear shoes, and their clothes were tattered.

They were all focused on their own matters.

But when Albert walked past them, these people would always turn their eyes to look at Albert and greet him with a smile.

"Hey, Albert, good morning!"

"Good morning, Young Master Albert, are you going to have breakfast?"


"Good morning, everyone," Albert also smiled and replied to everyone.

It was as if he was already used to this scene.

There was a reason for all of this. As can be inferred from the passers-by who had called him "Young master," the person who built fallout shelter 043 was his father, Elke.

As the young master of the fallout shelter, everyone was very friendly to him. There were even some people who would go up to him to curry favor with him.

However, what was different from other people's respect for Elke was when others mentioned his father, Albert's own emotions were a little complicated.


Albert murmured.

If he heard this sentence normally, Albert's eyes would definitely be a little desolate.

Because his father, Elke, had been busy taking care of all kinds of matters in the sanctuary since doomsday began, going out to hunt zombies and so on, although the fallout shelter was growing stronger and stronger, Albert was left like an orphan and didn't have his father's company.

Even when he felt afraid because of doomsday, his father didn't give him any advice.

It was as if the status of the fallout shelter was what Elke valued the most.

However, all of this was before.

When mentioning his father again today, Albert's mood was inexplicably better.

Because today was his 20th birthday.

When the end of the year came, the sanctuary had just been built, and Elke was busy with his work, so there was no coming-of-age ceremony for his 18th birthday at that time.

After another year and on his 19th birthday, it was the same..

However, he was 20 years old today!

Thinking of this, Albert couldn't help but smile.

In fact, he had started to talk about this matter with his father a month ago. Elke had finally agreed to give him a proper maturity ceremony this year.

And this maturity ceremony would definitely be decent. At the very least, it would require a big cake.

After all, a cake could be considered the most precious food right now.

With the lack of resources, without tools and food, it was almost impossible for ordinary people to eat it!

Therefore, when he thought of this...

Albert couldn't help but smile, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

'If the maturity ceremony for this year's birthday is not bad, then I'll let bygones be bygones.'

Thinking to himself, Albert passed through the sanctuary and arrived at a three-storey residential building.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard a burst of laughter coming from inside the building.

"Haha, The zombies in Toefl district are indeed ferocious!"

"But no matter what, we have to go there today!"

The hearty laughter came from a middle-aged man wearing a leather jacket and a shirt.

Although the middle-aged man had a stubble beard, it was not difficult to see the bulging muscles under his shirt.

No one doubted that if he made a move, he would definitely be able to strangle a bear to death!

In the room, apart from Elke, there were four other burly men.

However, compared to Elke, these burly men did not have a refined temperament.

In the room, Elke, who had also heard the noise, also looked towards the door. When he noticed that it was Albert, he casually greeted him.

"Come in and eat."


After answering, Albert didn't say anything and went straight into the room to sit beside Elke.

At this time, the table between the five of them was filled with canned food and beer.

He picked up a spoon and casually picked up a canned beef brisket with tomatoes that had been heated. He opened it, and the fragrance of the beef immediately wafted out.

Albert simply ate two mouthfuls, and the taste of the beef brisket filled his taste buds.

It had to be said that although the food in front of him looked shabby, it was considered a rare delicacy in the apocalypse.

After all, humans had to take a huge risk to go out and find a supermarket to eat basic food like bread.

Therefore, canned food that could be preserved became the favorite food of the survivors.

Looking at the leftover canned meat, Albert couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

There was no other way. This was the doomsday situation. With the lack of resources, humans struggled to survive. It was extremely difficult for them to even take a bite of food.

It was also at this time in the room that Elke drank a mouthful of wine and spoke to the other four seriously.

"We can't delay any longer. Let's rest and get ready to leave."

Hearing this, Albert was suddenly stunned. He looked at Elke and asked, "Dad, are you going out to gather resources again?"

Hearing this, Elke looked over and said seriously, "Yes. Recently, the base has been short of food, and there was a rumor from the shelter next door that a small supermarket was found three kilometers away that hasn't been emptied yet."

"So, I need to take someone out!"

"Father, how many days will you go out this time?" Albert continued to ask.

Elke looked at the wine glass and said casually, "I don't know, two to three days!"

"What about my birthday?"

Hearing this, Elke's eyes turned over again and slowly revealed a hint of seriousness.

"My son, obviously I can't accompany you today."

"Now, only with sufficient resources will those people in the base be obedient."

"And only in this way will I be able to continue sitting firmly as the leader of the base."

As his voice fell, Elke withdrew his gaze and finished the wine in one gulp, then looked at the four people in the room and said.

"Bring your equipment, let's head off!"


With an order, Elke led the three people and left, not turning his head back.

Albert was the only one left standing.

Where was my maturity ceremony?