The Demon Hunters Encountered a Tide of Corpses

The moment he saw Danny, Albert was stunned.

What was going on?

He immediately felt that something was wrong and quickly followed.

Danny ran all the way to the room of Deputy Commander Gretel.

The door was pushed open with a bang.

"Help, Deputy Commander Gretel!" Danny looked very panicked.

"What's going on?" Gretel also sensed that something was wrong.

Everyone in the room was listening to him.

At this time, Danny was running out of breath. Even though he was panting heavily, he still held the door frame and spoke to everyone.

"Commander, Commander Elke and the others are in danger!"

"What?" Gretel's eyes widened, and his words stunned everyone in the room.

"Tell us what's going on!"

Gretel became serious, turned his head, and immediately shouted to the crowd, "Get him some water!"

When a bowl of water was brought over, Danny hurriedly drank a few mouthfuls, only then did he catch his breath and quickly said to the crowd.

"We encountered a tide of zombies in Toefl District!"


After saying this, Gretel's expression became shocked again.

"What tide of zombies? Tell me in detail!"

"It's... It's like this." Danny panted and started to explain slowly.

"After we left the base, we went straight to the Toefl District."

"Originally, we had already found the small supermarket that had resources. We took our things and prepared to leave."

"But we never expected that someone on the street suddenly detonated the explosives. All the zombies within three kilometers were attracted here!"

"Elke, Bruno, and the others are trapped in the zombie tide. Deputy Commander Gretel, quickly send some men to support them!"


Following Danny's explanation, everyone had basically understood the general sequence of events.

At this moment, Gretel's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Danny and said seriously, "What about you? They were surrounded. How did you escape?"

Hearing that, Danny immediately replied, "I was mainly responsible for guarding the supermarket."

"At that time, almost all the zombies were rushing towards the supermarket. That was how I got the chance to fight my way out."

"Deputy commander, let's not talk so much. Let's hurry up and save them!"

He spoke.

Danny's eyes trembled as he looked at Gretel.

It was as if he was waiting for him at all times.

As soon as he gave the order, he could bring at least fifty soldiers from the shelter to assist Elke.

However, Gretel stood rooted to the ground, one hand on his chin as he pondered slightly.

Then, he heard a sentence that everyone did not expect and spoke.

"No, the soldiers from the shelter cannot assist."

"What?" Danny was stunned.

Not only Danny, even Albert, who was standing outside the door, was stunned.

His father had encountered a zombie tide, so why didn't the deputy commander send people to rescue him?

He could see Danny's confusion.

Gretel took a deep breath and said slowly, "Danny, think about it. Elke and the others are three kilometers away from the sanctuary."

"How long has it been since you killed your way out of the zombie tide and returned to the shelter? At least an hour."

"An hour. Plus the time I took my people there, Elke and the others probably couldn't hold on anymore."

"Also, the most important thing is..."

Saying that, Gretel looked at Danny and said seriously. "Don't forget, someone set off the explosives to attract the zombies."

"At first, only the zombies near the supermarket swarmed toward Elke's group."

"After that, there will be thousands of zombies swarming toward them from three kilometers away!"

"Are you going to bear the risk for the soldiers of the shelter?!" At the end of his sentence, Gretel let out a deep shout, which scared Danny and made him sit on the ground with a thud.

"So you mean... Elke and the others are not our concern?" Danny's eyes trembled as he asked.

"It seems that this is the only way." Gretel let out a sigh of relief and spoke slowly. Then, he ordered his men beside him.

"Louis, Malcolm, take your men now and inform everyone in the sanctuary about this as soon as possible."

"Also, with Elke's sacrifice, I think it's time for us to expand our rights."


The two burly men behind Gretel responded and left.

As they left, they happened to see Albert, who had heard everything at the door.

However, they did not say anything. They did not even stop and left directly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Albert was completely dumbfounded. He could not control his emotions and immediately rushed into the room, shouting at Gretel.

"Deputy commander, what are you doing?"

"Have you given up on saving my dad and his group?"

Gretel glanced at Albert with a serious expression and was a little surprised. "Albert, I didn't expect you to be here."

"No, I'm asking what you mean. My father and the others are very likely still alive. Why didn't you go and save them!" Albert rushed forward and grabbed Gretel's collar.

But then he was pushed away by a huge force.

"Albert, show some respect to the deputy commander!" A strong man said to Albert seriously.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Gretel adjusted his collar again. Then he looked at Albert and said coldly in a thick voice, "No, your dad and the others are already dead."

As he said that, Albert's eyes trembled.

Looking at Albert's appearance, Gretel immediately ordered, "Barker, Hearst, bring him back to his room."

"Also, inform everyone in the shelter that no one is allowed to provide assistance to Commander Elke!"

"Especially this guy. Send someone to keep an eye on him."

Gretel said coldly to Albert.

As soon as he finished speaking, two burly men walked forward and directly lifted Albert up.

"Let go of me, let go!"

Albert struggled with all his might, but how could his strength compare to the two of them? He was directly driven away.

He watched Albert slowly leave.

After a long time, Gretel slowly let out a breath.

In fact, no matter how noisy Albert was, his previous plan was correct.

Elke and the others who were surrounded by the tide of corpses were no longer able to survive.


No one would have thought that after Elke had sacrificed himself, Gretel would immediately bring the entire shelter under his control.

After all, all of this looked too unimaginable.

It was as if he had planned all of this and was waiting for an opportunity to take action.

"I'm sorry, Elke, I... also have a reason to want to control the shelter!"

Muttering, Gretel's eyes turned cold again, and he slowly returned to his room.