Disguise Was About to Be Seen Through


The guards' actions were also seen by everyone around them.

Countless people's eyes quickly widened.

They were extremely excited.

That's right, these two were definitely Albert and his friends.

It was just that... with just this one action, it was impossible to judge anything.

Finally, while observing the two of them, Gretel looked at the two of them and asked casually.

"Hey, both of your faces look quite unfamiliar. What are your names?"

Hearing this, the two guards immediately trembled and said in succession.

"Deputy commander, I am Grover!"

"Deputy commander, my name is Miles. We have indeed just arrived at the shelter two months ago!"

The voices of the two men rang out. It was not the voices of Albert and Robert at all.

Everyone could not help but feel a little surprised.

They did not expect the voices of the two men to be so well disguised. If they did not listen carefully, it would be almost impossible to distinguish them.

However, since they had already seen through the plans of the two men, all these disguises were useless.

Listening to the report, Gretel raised his eyebrows. He did not say much.

Because at least, the two guards' voices were not problematic, and even their emotions were not abnormal.

And now forcefully taking off their hats was also very impolite behavior.

He could only continue to probe.

But even so, Gretel believed that as long as it was a disguise, in front of so many people, it would definitely give itself away!

He smiled in his heart.

Gretel then began to observe the two of them.

Even under such a scrutinizing gaze, the two guards did not have any abnormal reactions.

"These two brats..."

This once again made everyone mutter in a low voice.

They did not expect Albert and the other guard to be so good at acting!

Gretel then continued to observe in front of the guard pavilion.

However, it was also at this moment that his line of sight suddenly moved.

He saw a cabinet that was half the size of a person in the pavilion. The cabinet door was actually trembling bit by bit.

When he noticed this abnormality, Gretel's gaze instantly froze.


As expected! No wonder there were only two people in the guard pavilion. Phyllis was actually hiding inside the cabinet!

Since things had already come to this, Gretel was no longer prepared to continue acting. He directly looked at the two of them and calmly asked, "Hey, what's in that cabinet behind you?"

When the guards heard this sentence.

A bean-sized bead of sweat rolled down the face of one of the guards. He became nervous and his speech became abnormal.

"Sir... sir deputy commander, this... this is a pet that I raised!"

With this, everything was instantly understood!

"Oh? A pet? Humans can't even raise animals for food now. I've really never heard of anyone raising a pet!"

Gretel smiled and turned to look at the person beside him. "You, go and open that cabinet."


The subordinate lowered his head in response and walked towards the guard pavilion.

Seeing this, the guard panicked on the spot and hurriedly said,

"No... It's not what you think Commander Gretel. It's really my pet in there!"

However, the subordinate did not listen to the guard's explanation. He directly barged into the guard pavilion and, without waiting for an explanation, violently pulled open the cabinet door.


A girl's scream sounded.

However, the next moment...

Everyone froze on the spot, their eyes wide open.

They saw a strange woman with big breasts suddenly fall out of the cabinet, her face full of fear.

At this moment, looking at everyone, the woman was disheveled. Her breasts were still holding onto her bra which seemed ready to fall off. A pair of slender legs appeared in front of everyone, and above it was a pair of pink bear underwear.

Everyone was dumbfounded..

"What. The. F*ck! Who Is this woman?"

"What? Phyllis isn't inside?"

"What's going on? I'm completely dumbfounded now!"


Countless exclamations of extreme astonishment were heard.

Even Gretel, who was standing at the side, was stunned. He was completely stunned on the spot.

What was going on?

The scene in front of them was completely out of their expectations!

The next second, the nervous guard hurriedly took off his clothes and covered the woman, then stood up.

A similarly unfamiliar young face appeared in front of everyone.

Grover quickly lowered his head to Gretel and apologized, "I'm sorry, Deputy Commander. I was the one who brought my girlfriend here. I shouldn't have been so careless!"

"I'm terribly sorry!"

Grover deeply lowered his head to Gretel.

He glanced at the beautiful woman who was covered in clothes.

Gretel and everyone behind him twitched their eyelids. The scene instantly became extremely awkward.

This... This was such a big misunderstanding. They didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the end, Gretel could only helplessly let out a sigh. He patted Grover's shoulder and said, "You've only been here for two months and you've already found a girlfriend. Young man, you have my spirit from back then."

At the same time, the moment he finished speaking, another young man, Miles, also walked out of the room in silence.

Gretel's eyes immediately twitched. "Oh... I have to say, your tastes are really unique."

Then, he reached out and patted Grover's shoulder. He said seriously, "Hurry up and bring your girlfriend back home. Don't let her catch a cold."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Grover nodded repeatedly.

Just after Grover left with the woman, Gretel and his men were all dumbfounded.

Since the guard in the pavilion was not Albert and there was nothing unusual at the East Gate, where did the three of them go?

This question suddenly arose in everyone's mind.

However, it was also at this time that a commotion could be heard.

Gretel turned his head to look.

In the distance, he saw a team of armored soldiers inexplicably running towards them.

But when they arrived in front of everyone, the leader of the team was also stunned.

The two teams stared at each other.

In the end, the leader couldn't hold it in anymore.

The leader tried to ask Gretel, "Sir Gretel, didn't you say that the east gate has been breached by the wave of zombies? where is the wave of zombies?"

"Zombies? Where did the zombies come from?" Gretel frowned immediately.

The captain was stunned and said again, "That's not right. It's Young Master Albert who brought us the news with a nervous look."

"He said that there's a huge wave of zombies coming from the west gate. All the soldiers have to go to support the gate, including the electricity department!"

"What?" Gretel was stunned. Then, as if he had reacted, his expression changed. "Not good!"

As soon as he said that, ka-chow!

All he heard was the sound of a switch being pulled.

"Bzzz bzzz bzzz..."

The surrounding power grid was suddenly cut off and all the lights dimmed.

"Damn it, those kids were after the switch in the first place!"

"Everybody, come with me!"

With a roar, Gretel and his men ran to the switch.