No Matter How Dark Life Gets, You Have to Keep Going!

Reggie's sudden words stunned Lambert.

"Uncle, did you also live through all these years like this?"

Albert asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Reggie just smiled and continued.

"When I was young."

"My mother died the day she gave birth to me."

"When I was young, when my father took care of me, he drank heavily every day. It was common for him to beat me up every day after work at the supermarket."

"But even so, I didn't say anything. After all, I have a father. If he could give me some money for food every day, I would be satisfied."

At this point, Reggie smiled again.

"But the funny thing is, I didn't even last long in this life."

"When I was eight years old, my father had a huge gambling debt. Because he couldn't pay it back, he was beaten to death by the Hooligans on the streets."

"Just like that, I was adopted by another couple. In that family, I was also looked down upon."

"It wasn't until later that I found out that it wasn't that they didn't have a son. They adopted me home. It turned out that it was just to do the heavy and tiring chores in life."

"It can be said that I grew up like this when I was young. I had nothing. I was even blissful when I had a hot meal."

But as he spoke, Reggie suddenly looked at Albert and spoke deeply.

"But even so, I still had no hope."

"When I didn't go to school in that home, I took time out to work to earn pocket money. I saved up just like that until I was twelve years old. I used my own ability to leave that home and live in a bridge."

"I worked during the day and fought with beggars to sleep at night."

"That's how I grew up. I had a wife and a daughter."

"But just when I thought my life would always be perfect after working so hard, reality hit me hard."

Reggie turned to look at Albert and said seriously, "When the end came, my wife Doris was also drowned in a tide of corpses."

Reggie looked into the distance and shook his head. "Oh, now that I think about it, I was really desperate at that time."

"But what happened after that?" Reggie looked at Albert and said, "I stood up again."

"Kid, have you noticed? When I was young, I was beaten up and had no food to eat. When I grew up, my wife was killed by zombies, but none of that defeated me."

"All of that was because I learned a principle of life. Do you know what it is?"

At this point, Albert was completely stunned.

Seeing that Albert reply, Reggie smiled and continued, "This principle is..."

"No matter how much pain you suffer, you shouldn't be defeated by these setbacks. You must continue on the path ahead."

"Because no matter how dark life is, the hope that illuminates you will always be ahead."

Reggie looked into Albert's eyes and enunciated each word.

After hearing these words, Albert was completely stunned.

After a full few seconds.

His gaze gradually became gentle and he smiled slightly.

"No matter what, thank you, Uncle."

A sound rang out.

Albert stretched out his fist. Seeing this, Reggie understood and smiled as well.

The two fists collided in the air.

"Alright, in that case, I'll go out first."

Reggie smiled and stood up.

"Mm." Albert nodded.

Just as Reggie stood up and walked out of the door, in the living room, both Robert and Phyllis were stunned.


"So soon, you two are done talking?"

Robert's face was full of surprise.

"Alright, alright. It's not that difficult to resolve things between men." Reggie crossed his arms across his chest and smiled gently.

Then he said, "Alright, it's getting late. You two should go back to your rooms and sleep."

"Yes, thank you, Uncle Reggie!"

"Thank you, Uncle!"


A series of sounds rang out.

The lights in the living room were turned off.

Late at night, in the room, Robert seemed to be exhausted. He lay on the bed on the floor and soon fell into a deep sleep.


"Huff... Huff..."

A series of snoring sounds rang out. Robert was wearing earphones and lying on the floor. One of his legs was stretched out of the blanket. His sleeping posture was also very open.

Looking at this scene..

Albert and Phyllis looked at each other and could not help but feel a little helpless.

"Alright, alright, let's sleep too."

Albert waved his hand to show that he did not care, and then he lay down.

He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep lightly.

But in the next second, he seemed to have sensed that something was wrong. He opened his eyes and looked at Phyllis, who was sitting at the side, and asked, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Hearing this...

Phyllis was about to say something when her face suddenly turned red and she said coquettishly, "You carry her first."


Seeing Phyllis' shy look, Albert finally reacted and immediately revealed a helpless expression.

It was also at this moment that he realized that Phyllis was actually sleeping with them.

As a woman who had grown up with him, he knew a little about her.

Phyllis might be pretty, but she had been wooed by many boys since middle school, but she was still very reserved.

Her private life was not messy at all.

Now that she was suddenly living with a man, she would naturally feel a little awkward.

"Okay, okay, I get it."

"I didn't expect you to still be so shy at nineteen."

Albert smiled and turned his head away.

"What do you know? I still have my virginity. Do you know what it means to be a girl?"

Phyllis' slight dissatisfaction came from behind.

Then, there was the sound of clothes being taken off.

Phyllis reached out to take off her outer clothes, revealing her pink underwear.

Then, she reached out to her back and undid the buttons of her underwear.

As she took off her bra, her plump and smooth breasts were revealed. She even flicked her breasts twice.

It wasn't a big movement, but in such a quiet environment, it was extremely clear.

As the sound rang out, the atmosphere in the room immediately became awkward.