Terrifying Tide Of Zombies, D-Class Zombie!

Walking in the streets of Toefl District, Albert and the other two were always careful.

It was also at this time that the three of them looked at the street.

Zombies in dancing dresses, zombies in rock'n'roll style, and zombies holding on to the street lamps.

Countless types of zombies were wandering on the street.

Only now did they realize that they had underestimated the zombie tide at the intersection.

The number of zombies was more than three times what they had expected.

It was also because of this terrifying zombie tide.

The last bit of hope that the three of them had for Elke disappeared.

There were so many zombies that even Commander Elke wouldn't be able to survive!

Without a sound, even if no one spoke, the morale of the three fell.

However, facing such a situation...

Albert still snorted coldly in his heart.

For a father like Elke, he couldn't care less even if he died.

Anyway, the reason he came here was to find his father's body, cremate it, and place it next to his mother's ashes.

Gradually, the three of them got closer and closer to Sam's supermarket.

The scene around the supermarket became clearer.

At this moment, Albert and the other two realized that they were right.

The zombies in this area were indeed the densest in the whole block. There should be one zombie in a square meter.

"Wait, what's that?"

A low voice sounded. Phyllis suddenly pointed at a direction in the zombie tide.

Hearing that, Albert and Robert looked in the direction of her finger. Then, their expressions froze on the spot.

In the zombie tide ahead, there was a figure that was particularly eye-catching.

This figure was also a zombie, but it was more than a meter taller than an ordinary zombie. Its muscles were bulging, and its wandering footsteps were quite heavy.


Albert and the other two were shocked.

This giant zombie seemed to have evolved to D-class!

According to the records, a D-class zombie was much stronger than an E-class zombie with a weapon in its hand. It could even kill a group of adults.

Without a doubt, this kind of zombie was not something they could touch at the moment!


Thinking of this, Albert and the other two gulped at the same time.

However, the more they didn't want something to happen, the more it would happen.

It was because of the gulping sound.


The D-class zombie in front of them seemed to have sensed something and was suddenly stunned.

Then, a pair of scarlet eyes slowly turned around...

With just one glance, the three of them froze on the spot.


They were discovered just like that?

"Oh no! Let's run!!"

Albert shouted loudly and brought the two of them to run behind him.

At this moment.

"Roar! ! !"

With a furious roar, the surrounding zombie tide instantly sensed the abnormal movements and calmed down, and in an instant, all of them rushed toward the three of them.

"F*ck, a bunch of stupid zombies. Do they really think that we don't have any weapons to deal with them?"

Robert, who was panicking, roared in anger. He raised his flamethrower and pulled the trigger on the zombie tide in front of him.


Raging flames instantly gushed out.


Although the E-class zombies didn't feel pain, they still had the nerves of living humans.

As soon as they came into contact with the flames, a group of zombies wailed in pain, bringing with them the smell of burnt flesh.

"Seize this chance, let's run!"

Glancing at the approaching D-class zombies, Robert roared.

The three of them rushed forward again.

Countless zombies were chasing behind them.

Along the way, countless bloody claws were clawing at them.

Almost no one could remain calm under such circumstances.



Robert tore off a zombie's arm and continued to move forward in fear.

"Turn! Turn!"

Albert led the two into an alley again.

However, they saw that there were still a large number of zombies in the alley.

After running all the way, the number of zombies chasing behind them increased.

Obviously, this method was completely ineffective under such circumstances.

What should they do?

"Phyllis, be careful!" Albert shouted.


Phyllis screamed and was almost grabbed by a zombie.

Out of the alley, Albert looked around.

It could be said that no matter how they ran, they had no way to escape from the zombie tide.

As long as they stopped, they would definitely be swallowed by the zombie tide.

"This way!"

Albert clenched his teeth, grabbed Phyllis' hand, and once again led them to run in the direction where there were fewer zombies.


After more than ten minutes passed, with such a high level of energy consumption, Albert still had some energy left, but Robert and Phyllis were gradually approaching their limits.

They came to the front of a shop.

Albert panted heavily and looked behind him.

They had lost more than half of the zombies, but the red-eyed zombie was still following them step by step.



With every step, its huge body would make a heavy sound.

There was no way out now.

They saw the huge zombie walking within ten meters of them.

Robert fell to the ground, clutching his panting chest. A hint of despair appeared in his eyes as he looked at Albert and smiled.

"Albert, it seems that we're really going to die here..."

"But then again, even though the ending is like this, I don't regret having a brother like you."


Albert's face darkened.

Although he was already maintaining his composure, his heart was still thumping wildly.

He had no choice!

He had never thought that a d-class zombie would appear in the Toefl District. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here to die!

More importantly, Fallout Shelter 043 had never received any news about the existence of a d-class zombie near the Toefl district.

Where did this D-class zombie come from?

However, the situation was urgent, so he couldn't think too much about it.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two heavy footsteps were heard.

The giant zombie was already walking in front of the three people. It didn't even let out a roar. It slowly raised the wooden club in its hand and swung it at Peter.


Albert shouted in his heart. His pupils shrank, but his body couldn't react in time. He could only watch as the wooden club smashed down.

Just as the two of them were frightened, Robert closed his eyes and prepared to die.

However, in the next second...


The sound of a knife cutting into flesh was heard, followed by the sound of blood flowing on the ground.

They looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Albert and the other two were stunned on the spot.