Return to the Shelter, Dead Eyes!

"Albert, what happened to you guys?"

The guard asked subconsciously.

However, as these words rang out.

Albert and the other two still didn't say a word.

This appearance.

Once again, the two guards were stunned.

"No, what's going on?"

One of the guards asked in puzzlement. He was about to ask something else.

Phyllis, who was standing at the side, spoke up.

"Shh, stop talking."

"Lord Elke has... sacrificed."

The two guards who were about to ask further were instantly stunned.

"What? Lord Elke!"

The guard widened his eyes and was about to say something.

However, he noticed Lambert's expression and did not continue.

"No matter what, follow us back to the shelter first."

The guard said lightly and led the three of them back to the sanctuary.

They walked towards the residential area.

Phyllis seemed to have suddenly noticed something. She raised her head and looked around.

At this moment, she realized that the environment of the shelter around them had changed quite a lot in just a day's time since they left.

The guard saw Phyllis' expression.

"Hehe." The guard smiled helplessly and said, "It seems that you have also noticed the changes in the shelter."

"Perhaps the new shelter is still a little unfamiliar to you."

"Then let me give you a brief introduction of the current situation."

The guard smiled and explained to the three of them.

It turned out that on the day when Elke encountered the zombie tide and Albert and the other two went to rescue him.

The Deputy Commander, Gretel, had first held a memorial service for the heroes.

At the memorial service, Gretel cried miserably.

But as soon as the memorial service ended.

He immediately mobilized his men and took control of the entire shelter from all aspects.

As for those who were originally subordinates of Elke, some were willing to submit . Those who were not willing to submit were directly removed from their positions and become ordinary people in the shelter.

Just like that.

Fallout Shelter 043 welcomed a reform.

Due to Elke's death and the fact that he couldn't bring back any food, the food supply in the fallout shelter was still tight.

For this reason, Gretel distributed the last resources in the base to the strongest warriors.

They were instructed to go out and search for food.

"In short, this is the situation now."

"Alright, we've arrived at the gate of the Commander's home. You guys can meet Lord Gretel."

As the guard spoke, he knocked on the door and turned to leave.


The door opened.

Gretel opened the door and was about to say something, but when he saw the three people in front of him, he was stunned.

"You guys... actually came back?"

His tone was also full of surprise.

"As you can see, Lord Gretel, we're back."

Phyllis replied to Gretel.

Although she disliked Gretel in her heart.

But after all, he was now the Commander.

Some face-saving work still needed to be done.

As for what they would face next.


They left the base without orders, so now they would most probably face a serious punishment.

As expected.

Just as Phyllis thought of this, Gretel spoke coldly.

"The three of you have been fooling around just because you're still young, haven't you?"

"Now that Lord Elke has been sacrificed, if any more accidents happen to you, how will I explain it to him after I die?"

"From now on, I'll send each of you into solitary confinement for three days. During this period, you're not allowed to leave your rooms except for some necessary activities."


Gretel said coldly.

Facing these words.

Albert and the other two didn't want to say anything and just nodded in agreement.


However, just as the three of them turned around and left.

Gretel's gaze landed at Lambert's back, and a calculative light flashed in his eyes . Then, he slowly said.

"Albert, you are different. This time, you are the mastermind who brought the two of them out. You should be punished by a higher punishment. You are to be locked up for five days. Do you understand?"

Hearing this.

Albert's footsteps suddenly stopped. Then, he slowly turned around.

Under this action.

Gretel noticed that Albert's eyes were as dull as a dead man's.

He was stunned. He was so scared that he didn't know what to say.

However, it was also at this moment.

Albert looked at him and said indifferently, "Yes."

After saying that emotionlessly, Albert turned around again indifferently and left.

It was not until the three figures completely left his sight that Gretel finally recovered from those dead eyes. He wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and said,.

"Phew, this guy is really scary."

"Forget it, forget it. I have to hurry up and think of a way to solve the food problem of the base."

"If not... someone will really die."

"At that time, my hard-earned position as the Commander will be lost again!"

Gretel sighed heavily. He seemed to be under a lot of pressure and also turned around to return to his room.