
"I saved your life. Is this how you thank me?"

Occam spread his hands.

"Thank you."

Jedi thought back to the crisis just then. If he did not kill the woman, he would really get his neck bitten.

Even though he felt that it was wrong for Occam to kill someone, it was to save him, so he really should not blame Occam. After a moment of hesitation, he thanked Occam.

"That's my dagger. When did you steal my dagger?"

Rayne stared at the dagger on the corpse.

This dagger was very familiar!

Wasn't this her dagger? Why was it in Occam's hand?

"You should worry about yourself. Those who are bitten by zombies will get infected by the virus and turn into zombies. You're already infected, so it won't be long before you become a zombie too. "

Occam pointed to the woman's body on the ground.

"Hehe! Do you think I was scared? This woman is just crazy. She's not a zombie."